For those who wear sweats/basketball shorts to the club...
What do you do about your boner? Do you just walk around with it not caring what other customers think? I recently wore sweats to a club in which dances were more out in the open. I had to stay seated at the dance couches for a bit after we finished up because I thought it would be awkward to walk back to the bar just casually pitching a tent. (Other than this, I would highly recommend wearing sweats to the club if your club allows it. Not only was the sensation better, but dancers seemed to appreciate them too.)
Seriously, how often does anyone really look at a man's boner?
Just make sure your sweatpants are black. Add a dark, untucked button-down shirt, and the combination of loose material will reasonably obscure your swinging tumescence.
A week maybe?
Definitely agree about sweats though if the club allows it. That or thin shorts.