Hypothetical DJG Teacher

avatar for ilbbaicnl
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
You show a good, long-time friend your elementary school kid's class picture. He is sure he's seen her dancing the night shift recently at a strip club. Do you rat her out at the school?

I don't think I would, but having a kid is also hypothetical for me.


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avatar for Package
a month ago
Keep it under my hat
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a month ago
Why rat her out, except to be a prick?
Unless she's shooting up or doing something that says she could be a danger to children.
avatar for mogul1985
a month ago
Sweet! References.
avatar for jaybud999
a month ago
What?! Agreeing with Puddy again.
avatar for georgmicrodong
a month ago
Why the fuck would you be such a giant prick?
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
a month ago
Not sure why ratting her out is your first thought as a decision to make. Thats shitty. Turning it around, say you’re a stripper who has blown a guy in the back. You’ve stuck your finger in his ass and he’s told you he’s married but he likes doing guys. You go to your kid’s school and find out he’s the gym teacher. Do you rat him out? Fucktard.
avatar for nicespice
a month ago
I’m sure the word of somebody who was drinking alcohol in a dark room is the gold standard of evidence that police departments and courtrooms yearn for and wish they always had.
avatar for rickthelion
a month ago
This rick has a follow up question: is the teach really hot?

If she is hot I would go to the club and see what’s up. Maybe schedule a rickbang. But I wouldn’t snitch unless the wellbeing of cubs and apelings was on the line in some ways, which is doubtful based on the information given. ROAR!!!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
I learn so many new things on TUSCL. Like that asking a question is making a statement. And answers to questions generally have little to no relationship to the question. Seems we're all politicians now.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
I'm puzzled. We've got a bazillion "only a cuck loser would be a stripper's SO" post on TUSCL. But apparently those posters are fine with a stripper watching over their kid for 6 hours a day?
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
===> "We've got a bazillion "only a cuck loser would be a stripper's SO" post on TUSCL. But apparently those posters are fine with a stripper watching over their kid for 6 hours a day?"

You're comparing apples and bananas.

Unless of course the cuck loser stripper SO is also being allowed in the classroom with my children, which would be very disturbing given that he likely has esteem issues, other mental health challenges and may even be a sexual deviant. But of course nowadays most schools would never allow unauthorized adults into the building during school hours.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
In other words, the problem is with him, not with her.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
@rd if a woman is OK enough to be trusted with your kids, doesn't that mean she's OK enough for someone other than a cuck loser to want to be her SO? If yes, doesn't that mean not all stripper have cuck loser SOs? Do you need a Venn Diagram or anything here?
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
===> "if a woman is OK enough to be trusted with your kids, doesn't that mean she's OK enough for someone other than a cuck loser to want to be her SO?"

No. Those are two entirely different issues. For example, there are plenty of good mothers out there with shitty SOs. Good judgment regarding childcare does not equate to good romantic choices.

I once had an OTC favorite who once told me that, once she got a serious BF, our arrangement would need to end. She justified this by saying: "I would never to be with someone who would be OK with me doing this." This was a hard nosed and very intelligent 22 year old Russian girl with a very clear view of the world.

Now obviously that was OTC, but the same concept applies to a girl doing LDs/VIPs in a club. Who other than a detestable POS would ever be OK with the notion that any random dude with $20-30 burning a hole in his pocket gets to grope and rub up on his woman?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
@rd does that mean you have a shitty SO, because you are groping with other women?
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
The difference is that she didn't know about it. She also never would have married me if she did.

But your feeble attempt at an analogy also breaks down by trying to treat: (1) commercial sex work the same as a dude with a wandering penis; and (2) men and women in general as the same.

If I was working as a male stripper and allowing random women to grope and rub up on me for money, I can GUARANTEE that I wouldn't have even made it to a second date with my ex.

Then there is the simple issue of male pride. I know this is a foreign concept to you Ibb, but what self-respecting man could ever live with this? Not only for jealousy reasons, but also because of the crap and mistreatment, at the hands of other men, that these girls must often endure? How can they possibly look themselves in the mirror and respect themselves for benefitting off of that?

That Russian girl I mentioned above was rather smart when she said: "I would never want to be with someone who would be OK with me doing this." She wanted a man for a future husband, one who could step up and take care of shit when needed. No guy who can live with his woman get molested by other men for money can ever be that type of guy - he just doesn't have the character and grit for it.
avatar for georgmicrodong
a month ago
@ilbbaicnl: " Like that asking a question is making a statement."

My bad. My question wasn't directed at you specifically. I should have phrased it differently to make that clear.

And it's weird to me that "cuck loser" is somehow worse than "serial cheater with the cuck loser's SO."
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
@rd it'ś simply self indulgence, to claim that looser standards of character apply to you because of your gender.

Dudes in Saudi Arabia think you're a cuck because you let other guys see your wife's hair. Think about how much better the world would be without that sort of male "pride". I'd say, whatever sort of open relationship a couple agrees to, that's a private matter entirely between them. They should only laugh at the judgments of someone having a open relationship on the sly.

It just makes no sense to say that something is bad only when you do it for money.

Pity someone, Russian or otherwise, who thinks that jealousy and possessiveness are keys signs of true love or good character.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
===> "Pity someone, Russian or otherwise, who thinks that jealousy and possessiveness are keys signs of true love or good character."

Actually, simple common sense. Only a POS man would be OK with his SO being molested for money. Or worse, actually be able to live with benefitting from it.

Gender differences still matter. Last i checked, dudes can't carry babies, give birth or breastfeed. Also, due to size and strength differences, women are also much more vulnerable to men with bad intentions than vice versa.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
@rd it's just babble to say pregnancy and lactation somehow justify your self indulgence.

Many people are not OK with the indignities that their SO has to tolerate at work. But, that's adulting, often your only options are things you are not OK with.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
There's a world of difference between dealing with a shitty boss and having a guy try to stick two fingers up your ass in the LD room or lick your tit after you've already told him no 3 times, lmao.

And if a guy isn't man enough to be bothered by that and can't earn enough so that she doesn't have to do that to make ends meet, what is he going to do if she ever gets pregnant and can't work?

Loser cuck indeed.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
And a bitch ass to boot. Just thought I'd add that. ;)
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
@rd so I guess you also think a guy's whose SO is a nurse is a bitch ass loser. A nurse has to deal with other people piss/shit/blood, and can't take a pass on a patient who is more disgusting than they want to deal with.

You and I have both been unfaithful SOs. The difference is, I remember my glass house before I throw stones. A guy who prefers an easier, lower paid job is doing something far less bad than what I did. He might have outweighing desirable qualities, that a good woman would value, over the ability to help her pay for her needs and wants.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
You're grasping at straws now ilb. Plenty of women work dirty jobs. Unless those jobs are sexualized by nature and provide guys with ample opportunities to molest their naked body in countless ways, they don't compare.

Bitch ass cuck losers indeed. How a grown man can live with himself knowing that his groceries and housing are paid for by other men doing that shit to his woman I will never understand.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
@rd I think we've clarified our different points of view. You think a strong man is someone who's afraid of women who decide for themselves the pluses and minuses of different occupations. Or a man's strength is measured in his exclusive sexual access to women.

When I think back on my favs that lived with SOs, the household could have survived if she had not work or worked a lower paying job. But, those favs preferred to do more than just survive.
avatar for nicespice
a month ago
Maybe this thread would have been more productive by having a more open ended “how would you feel/react if you found out your child’s teacher dances on the side” vs going straight for “would you call and complain?” 🤔

avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
@nicespice I guess you mean others would have made it more productive, since you don't answer either question. I can only declare the thread closed, I can't control weather anyone responds to my exact question.

I would pay significantly more to live in a neighborhood where 1 out of 1,000 residents was anitsocial, versus one where 10 out of 1,000 residents was antisocial. For similar reasons, it would make me somewhat nervous for a stripper (I didn't know) to be a teacher. Most strippers are not antisocial, but an antisocial person can more easily find work (and tolerate it) as a stripper than other occupations. I think I'd go with the morally correct choice (not ratting). But it's hard to be sure how nervous I'd be if I actually had a kid. And, the DJG in question got hired as a teacher, so much less likely to be antisocial than strippers in general. I'd have similar worries about a teacher who moonlighted as a construction worker.
avatar for nicespice
a month ago
I’m sorry you believe my answer isn’t a real answer. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Fwiw, my vanilla job is in education.

On one hand, schools nowadays are definitely “the customer is always right” in how they are managed and I have to hope I don’t get too much complaints about my room.

On the other, I am in a metro area that is large enough for there to be waaaay too much plausible deniability and I doubt any parent would be taken seriously if the parent phone call complaint was “my bro says she’s a strippa”…so that’s not the type of thing that would worry me at all. Hence, my comment earlier in this thread.

If one wanted to retaliate, I would recommend they find something else to complain about. If the teacher moonlighting as a dancer is really so blatantly “antisocial”, then it probably won’t be too difficult to find something to complain to the principal about that is actually relevant to the job.

And if I was a parent, then I’d probably just homeschool. That is not just because of an individual teacher, but because the schools in my particular area are a shitshow.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
@nice yes, there are reasons I don't have a kid, you are experiencing some of the big ones.

Good to hear, that where you're at, they would not act on such a complaint. Maybe it varies between school systems: https://6abc.com/pole-dancing-teacher-ho… .

So, if you had a elementary school age kid, and you found out your kid's teacher was moonlighting as a stripper, but you knew nothing else about her life outside her day job, you wouldn't worry at all? From what I remember about grade school, and what I've heard about how they are now, I guess that would probably be the least of a parent's worries, in any case.

Some of my relatives were grade school teachers. You're safest if you can get in a school were most of the parents come to parent teacher conference. More likely your back will be had, when the mom of the demon seed kid gets on your case.
avatar for nicespice
a month ago
Yeah, last conference had like 2/3 parents attend. I have no clue if that’s good or bad.

I wouldn’t care about a teacher moonlighting as a dancer, unless they were super blatant with advertising on social media. But I consider unwise social media posting an issue with some that goes beyond just dancers. The only thing I’d wonder is whether that teacher would not be long for teaching because of being micromanaged and disrespected at school vs what they can get at the club if she conducts herself correctly.

But then again, teachers bailing is enough of an issue in my area that districts charge expensive fines for breaking contract. And I know darn well the qualifications are pretty low if they accepted my spotty resume and degree mill alt-cert with “allowable deficiencies” From what I’ve gathered, that wouldn’t fly in a state like Illinois. It sounds like hiring standards are a thing out there, lol
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
With disengaged parents like that, the kids are probably bad emotionally needy. Stripping is probably one of the best ways to train for that.
avatar for rickdugan
a month ago
===> "When I think back on my favs that lived with SOs, the household could have survived if she had not work or worked a lower paying job."

That's not what I've encountered. In almost every instance I've known, and I've know a lot of them, she was dancing because she needed the money. Otherwise I never would have enticed so many of them OTC when times were slow.

Now maybe in the earlier days of these relationships it was indeed more about pursuing a life about more than survival. But as is so often the case, soon they were living up to their means, with higher rent, higher car payments, etc., etc. Then these girls became trapped in their lifestyles - hardly an empowerment story, lol. They could not afford to stop without their lives blowing up and the useless dudes they were with could not help bridge the gap.

And the whole time, these bitch ass cuck losers went along for the ride, first not putting their feet down about other guys molesting their women for money and then actually becoming dependent on that money. Then, rather than being grateful for their SOs "support", the dancers start to resent these dudes for making them feel trapped. I rarely encounter a LTR that survives a girl dancing for any extended period of time.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
@rd it's good that you can see that women in a situation like that can still be essentially good people, able to be responsible for children. But I'll just stay --1 on the manosphere analysis that a stripper can't possibly have a good SO.

It was content like this that made me think a lot of PLs would rat: https://tuscl.net/discussion/15581 . But, it's a very old thread, maybe TUSCL is now woke about strippers?

avatar for georgmicrodong
a month ago
Damn, I miss Stiletto25.
avatar for rickmacrodong
a month ago
@rickdugan i dont think it is about ends meet in a lot of cases. These dancers and their SOs are into luxury items. High end cars, perfumes, clothes, jewelry, etc. a lot of younger people are into these items nowadays too. Especially if theyre working and able to live with parents they can afford these items working even low wage jobs.

I think the dancer could downgrade to being a server at a regular restaurant, not a club, and they could make ends meet. But they want the luxury apartment, luxury goods.

Now in my case, if i got to sleep all day, have all my food paid for, have 100% free time during the time i am awake to go to the gym or go out do anything, and got a nice car to drive on top of all that, all for free and paid for, id gladly take that deal in exchange for my girl being a dancer or hoe. If we got to work out some sort of open relationship deal where I could see other women, id be even more inclined to take that deal.
avatar for rickmacrodong
a month ago
What exactly does DJG mean? Also some of these dancers in clubs are scamming people for precisely this reason. Having a SO who is a “real man” who doesnt allow her being touched, results in these dancers working clubs doing air dances, offering extras but not delivering after money is paid, etc.

Possessiveness is a feminine trait. If a guy cares about where a girl is sleeping, who she is sleeping with, etc, he is deeply in love and attached to her. His emotional well being is dependent on the actions of another person, that dont directly harm him in any way.

The idea that its manly to be possessive is a fake tough guy act. These are the guys that cry like little bitches when their girl leaves them or cheats on them, or they throw temper tantrums or stalk the girl, which are basically the same thing.

Men were built to have multiple women, and historically speaking had not just wives but entire harems, slave women, prostitutes. “Cheating” was an issue only if there was a risk of the man potentially being mislead into raising some other guys kid, otherwise why care about what the woman is doing?
avatar for rickmacrodong
a month ago
Some of these guys even kill themselves if their wife or girl cheats or leaves them. So much for being possessive and tough, lol
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a month ago
DJG stands for Day Job Girl, a dancer who is moonlighting as a stripper.

There are probably a lot of firefighters who would run into a burning building to save somebody, but would fall into a deep depression if their spouse cheated. My philosophy is, it's all good as long as no lying is involved. But some level of delusion does seem to make many people happy. Lying makes relationships more fragile. But a house of cards is better than being out in the rain.
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