You go into the club and see your ATF holding the hand of a PL and walking towards the VIP. You sit and sip on a drink, waiting to see if there is other girls that catch your eye. After declining multiple girls for your ATF, you see her get taken to the VIP right away without even talking to you. You wait patiently near the VIP entrance until its almost last call for dances then you see her come out with a massive brute with a smile on his face as he smacks her ass and kisses her in front of you. You ask her for a dance and she says ok I can do one last dance for the nights. You go to the back and then she starts to grind and you see handprints on her ass and a condom wrapper on the floor. She starts grinding and you start to suck her titties and they taste a bit salty. She then asks if you want a blowjob with cum on titties. What do you do in this situation?
If you can't deal with another man kissing her, handprints on her ass, and a condom wrapper on the floor, find a different hobby. But if you're sucking on salty titties, you're already a Stage 4 degenerate.
For Christ's sake this deep shit made the exact same post only 5 months ago I read it again this morning and thought it sounded "somewhat familiar" Have I got that freaking old that I can't remember back 5 months?
last commentIt seems we have a PL cuck.
Thanks doctorevil