Trump Administration and Strip Clubs

avatar for Myoman
Should we be worried that the new administration will decrease the supply of strippers from foreign countries: Latin America, Russia, Ukraine etc.. Some of the hottest and most willing girls in the business are immigrants from these countries. Do many come in illegally? if not, will the new immigration "crack-down" make it harder for them to come. I hope not. What do you guys think?


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avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 months ago
Aren't a lot of them like Cubans and Ukrainians considered refugees anyways?

The new administration will cut down on the amount of trafficked women. Migrant caravans and coyotes are already trying to get their work in under Open Borders Biden before Trump comes in and puts them out of business.

There's just no way to deport 11 million illegals. Trump will go after the criminals (technically they're all criminals, since illegal entry is a crime) and those who have failed to appear for hearings first. He's going after Tren de Aragua and MS-13, not Marcela the cleaning lady or Mercedes the hot Cubana stripper.
avatar for dustyj
3 months ago
Project 2025 aims to cut a lot of our freedoms. People on here were defending Trump saying he had nothing to do with it and now Trump is appointing numerous people involved with Project 2025. Doesn't it bother you that Trump lies right to your face. Project 2025 will make all of our lives worse.
If illegal Aliens don't commit crimes aside from entering illegally, they won't get deported. We'll have plenty of strippers, I just want them to speak decent English.

Our immigration system needs to be badly updated, like tweaking the 14thA that requires at least one biological parent to be an American Citizen; birthright citizenship needs to be fixed. When a visa has expired, out you go. if you are here on a student visa and not in school, out you go or get a temp visa.

The Senate "Immigration" Bill is just an amnesty bill that is DOA. The May 2023 HR 2 that Schumer ignored needs to be brought up.

Project 2025: This worries you compared to the Democrat Marxists that own Education pre-K->College, MSM, Healthcare, Energy, ect that have been indoctrinating generations since 1978?

So what if some people support Project 2025. Welcome to the 1stA. I'm way more worried about Marxism growing in the USA. And there is a lot in Project 2025 I don't support. I 100% don't support Karl Marx's bullshit.

The Marxist Agenda has deep roots to the 1923 Frankfurt School that has a foundation in CRT as their agenda fails over and over as they continue to find new ways to promote it. Never heard of it? Just do a ChatGBT on "what is the marxist frankfurt school". Here is a clip:

The Frankfurt School, also known as the Institute for Social Research, was a group of Marxist intellectuals and scholars associated with the University of Frankfurt in Germany. It became influential in the 20th century, particularly for its development of Critical Theory, which sought to analyze and critique society, culture, and economics with a focus on the role of power, domination, and inequality.

Here are the key aspects of the Frankfurt School:

Historical Background:
Founded in 1923, the Institute for Social Research was initially established to study Marxism and social theory, with the aim of creating a more scientifically rigorous approach to understanding societal structures.
It grew in prominence during the interwar period, especially after many members of the school fled Nazi Germany in the early 1930s due to the rise of fascism.
The group was heavily influenced by Karl Marx and other critical theorists, but they blended Marxist analysis with insights from other disciplines, including psychology, philosophy, sociology, and cultural criticism.

Soros, Davos (I love how all these attendees scream about Climate Change as they all fly in on their private jets and creating a HUGE pile of trash), The UN, The EU, Frankfurt School, ect promote the Global Progressive Agenda, and this is OK with you?
What bothers me WAY MORE is how the MSM and Democrats and WH lied to us about The Big Guy aka Crypt Keeper aka President Biden. Trump isn't perfect, however, the alternative is a shithole hot mess even flies wouldn't touch.
Mogul, & PT +1
Project 2025 is hated by Muslims, Progressives, Trans, and Democrats. That makes me in favor of it 100%. If the enemies of America hate it, it must be the right thing.
avatar for blahblahblahs
3 months ago
An area that will change under Trump is FBI, BATF, and DEA funding, priorities, and public communications. It is a bit hard to speculate how this will impact clubs (if at all).

The new appointed prosecutors will all bring their own priorities.

The other area of change that we'll see is more emboldened local police departments. We already have cases were police operate somewhat independently of the wishes of the city's elected officials & population. Police will be in a situation where they enjoy more legal protection. Given how large America is, it is probably safe to say that some departments will take it upon themselves to crack down on strip clubs and some will lessen the pressure. Of course, this is probably an on-going process of change anyway, but I suspect that it will be accelerated during Trump's term.
If strip clubs are investigated for human trafficking, that'd be a different story and one I'd support.
avatar for Mrsuntan
3 months ago
Project 2025 calls for an outright ban on all pornography. I can't imagine that strip clubs would be far behind if they got their way.
Theyre going to try to push project 25 piece by piece and covertly attached to other legislation.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 months ago
Trump doesn't have any problem personally with the sex industry. We have to keep an eye on Mike Johnson. He is the point man for the people who want to ruin our fun. The more Trump sees Johnson as being among the most loyal to him, the more he will lend support to Johnson's crowd in ruining our fun.
avatar for WiseToo
New York
3 months ago
"Make Strip Clubs Great Again" with American born and raised strippers. No more imports. Clubs that hire imports get hit with a 25% tax surcharge.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 months ago
Oh brother. All this whining here. Porn has been protected under the first amendment.

I'm laughing at how, when looking at the safety of women and children trafficked into this country, and gang members invading, your first concern is how it'll affect "our fun."

The fuck is wrong with you? Does safety and law and order not matter to anyone? Your only concern is whether or not you can still pay for pussy? I know we're a bunch of degenerate poon-hounds here but get some fucking perspective.

Deport every last illegal immigrant stripper if it means America is safer and more prosperous.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 months ago
I for one welcome our new stripping asylum-seeking overlords.
avatar for Nixur68
3 months ago
If they do the Project 2025 stuff, strip clubs are in trouble. I don't think it will happen I am little worried with all the crazy religious wackos Trump hangs around with sometimes.

Wish he'd dump them.
@Wisetoo, The problem isn't Latina Invasion, the problem is Expectations vs Reality.

The rise of Latina Strippers is more of an indictment of American stripper culture. The dancers simply want more for way less. It's always been that way to some degree. The difference is that the economy has inflated the prices to where mediocre dances aren't cutting it anymore.

The US manufacturing problem is similar in logic, why pay Americans more when we can pay less anywhere else for similar jobs and products.
@ PuddyTat, the issue isn't law and order. The problem is that police and politicians want easy answers that they can sell to their base. I have no problem going after traffickers. That requires spending on police personnel and equipment.

It's easier and more marketable to go after easy targets. Strip clubs and escorts are relatively easier to destroy than a human trafficking operations.
@ PuddyTat, I agree that we can't logistically get rid of 11 million illegals. The only option he has is selective dismissal (what you proposed), creating internment camps , and busing or flying out waves of people (least likely due to expense).
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 months ago
@owlyoung - Closing the borders cuts down on crime AND human trafficking. We have already seen migrant caravans forming and coyotes rushing to get their cargo in before Trump returns to office. That says it all--they know the party's over.

Strip clubs are more of a local issue. But my point was we have idiot incels here whose first worry about restricting illegal immigration is "who are we going to pay to fuck?" It's completely selfish. Like human trafficking, rape, and gangs are secondary considerations.

I don't want internment camps, that costs money. Go after criminals, go after employers. Cut it off at the source.
@ PuddyTat, I agree on the border being closed down until better security is established. My concern is that it needs the reinforcement of an improved immigration process.

I will admit that access to sex workers is a major concern of mine. I am willing to give up on some freedom if people are truly in danger. I think the problem boils down to the "boy who cried wolf" effect. (that's a free one for RickytheLion)

How many times has the public been informed of doing things to "stop human trafficking" for the actual reason in many, but not all, cases being just stopping regular soliciting. Soliciting is still a crime, but I'm sure you get my point.

Going after employers has been my plead as a Democrat for 8 years. Thank you.
I believe the problem is that too many politicians are bought off (both sides) by lobby groups to allow corporations to use cheap labor.

Internment camps do cost money, and they have too high of a risk to become unsanitary and abusive, even with good intentions.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 months ago
@Owlyoung - The immigration process needs to be reworked, but as based on merit, American needs (whether that's removing brain tumors or picking strawberries), and good behavior. Any org that coaches people to lie about asylum needs to be indicted. No "just show up in a few years." No acceptable number of gotaways. The only acceptable number of illegal immigrants is zero. Sanctuary cities either obey federal law or lose funding.

The left, before it sold out to radical activists, used to be all for border enforcement. Bernie called open borders a Koch Brothers proposal, and it is. It does depress American wages. Yes, paying Americans more would cause inflation, but it would also give them more money to buy our stuff. Going after employers is easier than going after individual illegals. I saw someone propose it elsewhere, fine of $5,000 per illegal per day, half of it to the informant. That would dry it up like the Sahara.

Human trafficking is real. I'm not sure how many strippers crossed the RIo Grande but we see it in things like AMPs. I don't see ordinary strip clubs busted for it often (except for divey extras places where the girls don't speak English), usually it's ordinary prostitution or drugs.
Hopefull a 75% cut to Federal welfare benefits will encourage more people to wrk and we won't need any immigrants at all, unless they are financially self-supporting. The Egyptians could not have afforded building what they built without slaves amd the workers who built the secret chambers didn;t collect retirement as they were all killed after construction. When the people who pick lettuce for lily white left wing liberal women retire, they will cost more in 2 years than they paid in lifetime.
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