Strip club hopping.

avatar for docsavage
Last night I hopped around to three different strip clubs in Indianapolis. What I saw was a lot of young guys, particularly blacks and Hispanics, not spending much money and a lot of unattractive strippers. There is a strong correlation between guys not spending money and pretty girls not bothering to work in the club.

I have spent tens of thousands of dollars over 15 years of club going but the old white guy types spending money like me are dwindling in numbers at strip clubs. The number of strip clubs in Indianapolis have dropped by a third in the last 15 years. I once saw someone here say he has been keeping track of the number of clubs listed here since 2008 and it has dropped by a third nationally.

Strip clubs seem to have entered a doom loop. Customers do not spend money. Fewer pretty girls then show up to work. Fewer customers then come in because many guys do not really want to sit and look at a bunch of unattractive females up on stage. Is this reversible and how can it be done if it is?


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avatar for GoVikings
3 months ago
the timing of this thread amazes me because this is the issue i've faced in my last two club visits. i've hit two different clubs within the last 2-3 weeks and i left each time without spending hardly anything because the strippers didn't excite me

the main reason i like having a favorite dancer is because when i go to the club I KNOW i'm going to have a good time. if i make a random visit to a club and i don't know any of the dancers, sure, i can meet someone new and have a fun time. however, random visits can also be boring and a big waste of time too. my point is... random visits are much more of a crapshoot as far as whether i'm going to enjoy myself.

the problem is my current favorite isn't one of the girls who dances consistently. in other words, she'll dance but then take multiple months off at a time and then start dancing again when she feels like it. and as awesome as she is in the club, getting her schedule and getting her to respond to texts in a timely manner can be a big headache haha. but maybe that's the reason she doesn't dance much because the money isn't good enough?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 months ago
Strip clubs are an American/Western phenomenon that are being undercut by the easy availability of porn and OnlyFans, and general antisociality of the younger generations.

@OP, what I'm seeing isn't just what you mentioned but prices going up to milk the paying customers

Prostitution, however, is universal. Will only extras clubs survive?
Some areas of the country are just shitty for clubbing. Indiana doesn't even allow full nude clubs and is strict on touch.

Makes me thankful to be in the FL/GA area. Full nudity, extras, and enough customers making it rain to keep the doors open.
When was the last time a club opened? Anywhere? That's the doom loop. Clubs close for all sorts of reasons. But none seem to be opening to replace the ones that go.
Post COVID - the first things that come to mind as in prices still being too out of wack are 1. Groceries 2. Upscale restaurants 3. Strip clubs. Of those 3 you only NEED one of them and the other 2 are simply discretionary. If clubs have nothing to entice their customers then it’s going to be hard to bring them in. We’ll all still go to strip clubs, but how frequently we go is the issue. I know I go a fraction compared to preCOVID and it’s for a variety of reasons, probably 2nd biggest (behind less work travel) is lack of talent these days.
avatar for wallanon
3 months ago
Hey GoVikings. Your fav might see guys OTC so doesn't need to have a regular schedule at the club. Have you talked with her about a meetup?
avatar for GoVikings
3 months ago

the last time i messaged her was 6 weeks ago. she told me she'll be joining a club SOON and let me know what days she'll be working. i haven't heard from her since. It's no biggie

this is why i think it's a good idea to have a couple other girls on the radar as potential new favorites just in case your current favorite takes months off at a time (like mine does) or moves to another location or whatever the case may be. i just haven't found those potential new favorites yet.

but i know what docsavage is saying. strip club visits, at least in my area, can be hit or miss.
avatar for ClubFan81077
3 months ago
Compared to even five years ago, here’s what I typically experience in clubs now:

1. A much lower percentage of dancers who are my ideal type. I’m not saying that there aren’t attractive dancers, just that I meet fewer who really grab my attention.

2. A considerably lower percentage of dancers who I can easily build a connection with. It’s more challenging to find great conversations these days compared to a few years back.

3. A considerable increase in the percentage of dancers I encounter who have poor attitudes. In fairness, with the way civility has decreased in society overall, maybe customer attitudes in general have declined as well?

So…clubs have gotten more expensive, and by just about any measure, I don’t enjoy them nearly as much as I used to. It’s getting harder and harder for me to find the kind of dancer who really makes it worthwhile for me to go to the trouble…
avatar for Muddy
3 months ago
One counterpoint, how many great clubs usually go down, it seems to be the ones usually struggling and there's a reason for it. Some of these other hand clubs on the other hand still have hot women, are packed to the gills and are in no danger whatsoever of going out of business anytime soon.
Looking more into it, Indianapolis's median income is $50,000 lower than the national average. So... broke dudes and no nude clubs? This is a no brainer. Just try a different state. You've reviewed the same 5 clubs for 15 years.
Around here its very seasonal. So it's hard to really assess the situation. I went on a little bit of a club hopping trip last weekend. I felt like quality was substantially down and clubs were noticeably slower. But, our clubs always slow down in the summer as the snowbirds return north. Things usually pick back up as the weather cools with Thanksgiving kinda being the major milestone to signal that they have returned. I can't tell if our clubs are still suffering from the summer slowdowns or if there as really been a lasting downturn.

As far as clubs opening and closing, around here I think it's quite rare for either to happen. Sure, clubs fail all the time. And sure, truly new clubs are rarely open. But, the licensing seems to be what's really controlling the population. I'd say the number of clubs in Broward county where Pompano Beach is and Palm Beach hasn't really changed in about 20 years. Broward lost two, the old Solid Gold/Pure Platinum locations, but that's all I can think of. In Palm Beach the old Mermaid closed but they added what's now ORA about 5 miles away to keep the count the same. Most of the other changes were just one club failing and someone else coming in to the same location with a new one, in a few cases the license may have moved to a new neighborhood in the same county but a new municipality with more accommodating regulations. Dade county where Miami is is probably a pretty similar story, there's just too many damn clubs down there to keep track of so I'm not really confident as confident in saying it.

We'll see what things look like the weekend after Thanksgiving and the following first weekend in December. Between the ones coming to visit family here for that, and the ones who wait till after celebrating with their families up north to come down, we should see a big uptick in demand. Since it corresponds with rent being due, we should have an uptick in supply. Then between the word getting out that there's money in the clubs and the need for money for Christmas presents and New Years celebrations, the next few weeks tend to boom a bit.

I'm no expert, but I presume there are areas that are basically the exact opposite of here. When all those people come down here, the clubs somewhere have to be emptying. And I'd guess they might empty out a little earlier, as guys in lower mileage areas start saving up a little to take advantage of what's on offer down in liberal south Florida. Perhaps you guys up north are seeing the start of that now & having a little "the sky is falling" moment when it's just seasonal ebb? I know I've had a few of those this summer and had to remind myself what time of year it was.
I am also amazed at the timing of this thread, because that is the exact same thought I was having this morning. I had thought about starting a thread that strip clubs have become so low-qualoty, that there was no point in going anymore. At least not locally. Vixen's -formerly scarlet's and the best club in town- now has ugly women. Even their Insta advertising for Halloween parties and whatnot are just too ugly to even consider going.
avatar for FLAP3000
3 months ago
It’s social media - it’s given these younger generation dancers a platform to promote their narcissistic personalities. Social media also has these young guys feeling like simps for spending one dollar on a woman.

One hand washes the other.
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