Easy voting this am on the way to work. Hosting a watch party tonight with four bottles of Dom (favorable outcome) or four bottles of Macsllan (unfavorable outcome). Hopefully there will be a decisive victory and no weeks-long wait for recounts and court battles.
Gammanu95, every time they say the race is "too close to call" you take a drink of beer. Every time they say this is "the most important election" you have to take a shot of tequila. Odds are you won't make it until they declare a winner.
Alternatively, every time they call a state for the candidate you don't want to win you have to take a shot. Again, the odds are not in your favor for making it until a winner is declared.
Whodey, you do know that I (and apparently RonJax2) voted for Trump? The first paragraph may give my liver a run for it's money, but I'll have plenty of time sober up when the exit polls come in and the Big Map turns red.
Raise your hand if you’re skeptical that the goofball hairless ape that can’t spell Macallan actually has four bottles of Macallan (in case of unfavorable outcome) and four bottles of Dom (in case of favorable outcome).
You know what this rick is gonna do if Trump wins? Well, this rick loves his adopted home of the good ol’ U. S. of A., so he’s gonna raise a glass of Jack and hope for the best. And if Harris wins? Same frickin’ thing. ROAR!!!
I voted for the candidate who doesn't want to trample the Bill of Rights, hasn't engineered prosecutions of opponents, wants to actually control the borders, wants to keep us out of rather than get us into wars, and didn't generate a fuckload of inflation for more green giveaways...Donald Trump.
> I voted for the candidate who doesn't want to trample the Bill of Rights, hasn't engineered prosecutions of opponents, wants to actually control the borders, wants to keep us out of rather than get us into wars, and didn't generate a fuckload of inflation
@Puddy The funny thing here is that you actually have to state who you mean by this. Because all of these things are, in reality, true about his opponent but not the man you voted for.
^ Because I know someone would get snide if I didn't clarify it, though the "green giveaways" should have made it clear, people like you need things spelled out, preferably in crayon.
You're just saying "you're wrong" without any grounding.
ATACdawg wins a gold star for disagreeing without being disagreeable. Seriously, I've got some guests coming who will want some champagne if Kamala wins, but I hope they get to pour themselves a triple of whiskey. I am only inviting adults who can disagree on politics while respecting each other as friends, neighbors, and colleagues.
^ No matter who wins, I'm going to wish the new government well, get to work, hit the gym, enjoy the company of beautiful women, and live my best life.
All I hear is liberals saying it's the end of the world, they'll move to Canada, they'll swear revenge, all that nonsense. If Trump wins, I expect some react videos of them screaming and crying in public.
^ The left burns and looks entire cities for weeks on end, and face no consequences. Jan 6 yahoos got carried away, broke a few windows and trespassed. Many are still in jail.
Florida, Trump is up 13 with 86% of votes counted, Senate called for GOP, and amendments enshrining abortion and recreational weed have failed. If this was going to be a Democratic rout, I think this would have been closer.
Narrower than I thought in Ohio (51-48) but less than half counted.
Virginia is razor thin (49.3-48.9) with 41% counted. If Trump even comes close when it's all counted (which I doubt), it's probably a rout in other states.
Democracy restored. Americans gave a clear mandate in this election. The last four years have been a disaster. The Dow Futures are up 900 points right now.
The greatest thing about Trump's victory is that very soon, I'll never have to see Kamala's big stupid face ever again. History will remember Biden as a wrecking ball that, despite his best efforts, couldn't bring America down. And Kamala will be mostly forgotten about, nothing more than a footnote in the history books. Fuckin piece of shit.
Boom. President-elect Donald Trump. GOP control of the Senate. Forecast GOP control of the house. Complete and total rebuke of the leftist failures of the past four years. A political resurrection unprecedented in American history. Thank you to all of the American patriots who voted to make America great again in the most literal sense possible. I am more happy and relieved than can be put into words.
Looks like there's a real possibility Trump will win the "popular vote", a meaningless statistic, yet the commie progressives' favorite false measure of success. I hope that happens so the left can fucking choke on it.
It's more than another badly ran campaign. She was one of the worst candidates in history, even worse than Hillary. This is a wake-up call to the democrat party to dump the leftist radicals and divorce themselves from the coastal and chardonnay hour elites. They need to move to the center and reconnect with the every day Americans that make up this nation. Stop supporting illegal aliens, terrorists, slave states, and foreign dictators, and start supporting low taxes, American jobs, law & order, and the Constitution.
Despite this victory, our nation is still imperiled. America's recovery will not begin until Donald J Trump and JD Vance are sworn in in January. Until then, expect the liberals to double down twice more on the rhetoric and threats. There will be more attempts on Trump's life. The fraudulent and illegal persecutions of him by the state will be accelerated in GA, NY, and Biden's corrupt DOJ.
I also need a moment to just rub the libs' noses in the failure of their abortion amendment. Amendment 4 failed. So did the recreational marijuana amendment, No. 3. Also, school board candidates must now list their political affiliation. Such an awesome night!
Can't believe some of you clowns said Trump wouldn't even hit 200 electoral votes because of abortion. Or that Harris would win because of the yard signs you saw.
^^ me too. I’m no Trump fan. But it was better than the alternative. The Republicans have some qualified candidates. Several spoke at the convention. And the Democrats ran a far left liberal (despite her trying to desperately cover up her past) with an equally far left running mate.
The Dems need to quit pandering to the far left extremists in the party who promote all the woke crap.
It’s just amazing this country couldn’t find better candidates
I had to do the math to figure out that Trump was leading the idiotic "national popular vote", and kudos to the dishonest thugs who lie 24/7 called mainstream media because true to form none of you fuckheads were mentioning it at all because it wasn't Camel-A
Watch the corporate media shift from shield and protect at all costs mode right into to kill and cause chaos mode. The whole thing is so God damn obvious.
"It’s just amazing this country couldn’t find better candidates"
I would've picked a different adjective, but this is an idea worth contemplating deeply. I'm going to be in deep contemplation later with a stripper friend, but not about politics. See what I did there lol?
"These two were the best they could find." That's a pretty stupid statement.
Trump was elected in the primaries by Republican primary voters. He was chosen as the best option by the voting public.
Harris was forced upon the democrat voters by their own woke DEI idiocy. She failed by every metric and cost them their most coveted prize. That is a beautiful piece of irony.
Hamas Kamala could not even deliver a 10-minute concession speech without throwing in several sentences of word salad. That will be awarded a footnote as one of the worst concession performances ever.
And I checked your numbers. 5 = fifth, not third. Man, you are just a fucking idiot. Can't you even count to five? You are a waste of oxygen.
For the not-demented members reading this thread: I noticed that Muddy, Puddy Tat, and I round out the six most ignored. This is quite a jump for the three of us in the past 24 hours. This can only mean that the liberals are afraid of being triggered by us, and are creating safe spaces where they won't be driven to tears as we pick apart their pathetic failure of candidate and campaign. Don't worry, even if you ignore me I can still taste your liberal tears.
BTW you’re tied with someone else you’re still in fourth place which must be recent, last week two were ahead of you, proves one thing, you’re not very well liked.
It's a great day for Trump supporters, the wealthy and Vladimir Putin.
It is also a sad day in American history that the country has voted to return someone to power who lied to Americans about the last election and attempted to overturn the result with a fake electors plot.
^ It's a great day for freedom of speech, American strength, entrepreneurship, and sanity, the enumerated right to bear arms, and the common man whom Democratic bigwigs hold in disregard.
It's a horrible day for censorship, selective prosecution, mutilation of children, inflation, capital flight out of America, racial grievances, college grads looking for free shit, and lawfare.
@wld4tatas, I'm guessing that the voters were more concerned about returning someone who would continue with the same failing and, frankly, absurd policies than they were about Trump's character flaws.
Newsmax reporting that Trump has won the "popular vote". Lol. Means nothing to intelligent people, but Democrats should kill themselves, because that's their only measure of success.
@misterorange: Yup. The only states she was able to win were those that would have gone blue no matter who was running. She wasn't able to win a single swing state and Trump even flipped Michigan back to himself. What a shit show.
I saw a segment about three weeks ago where a pollster was talking to undecided voters. He said what stood out to him most was how young men felt like there was no place for them in the Harris campaign messaging.
When being forced to watch one of Kamala's cringe commercials, it was incredible how almost every single person in those commercials was a woman (mostly women of color).
Kamala would bend over to hug a little black girl...then the ad would cut to Kamala walking through a factory which for some reason has two women foremen (or I guess "forepersons") and like a 80%+ female staff...then Kamala is talking to a Somalian-looking female doctor, then maybe throw in Kamala shaking hands with a token black guy in a bakery...then it's her speaking on a stage and it's like 96 women and 4 men behind her.
I mean, what the actual fuck? I get the strategy was to obviously drive female turnout but this isn't gonna work. To make matters worse, you then had nasty, sanctimonious Michelle Obama lecturing men in the final weeks of the campaign with a dour look on her face to "step up for women" and vote for Kamala, implying they were jerks if they didn't, completely ignoring what their concerns and needs may have been.
Just stupid and cringe. I think it was James Carville (noted Dem strategist who got Clinton elected in '92) who said a while back that the Dems had been taken over by "preachy females." I would say preachy females of color.
An exit poll from PA showed 51% of Hispanic males backed Trump. That says it all.
After Biden dropped out, there really was some genuine question if there would be a mini-primary. But what happened is 500 black women got on a Zoom conference call within hours of the news breaking to get Kamala coronated and block that possibility.
This feels like 1980 when Americans sharply repudiated Carter's horrible economy and presidency. It would be twelve more years and two more election losses before the Dems would win back the White House. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't win the presidency again until 2036. It honestly feels like they won't be able to wash away the woke in just four years. The one difference working in their favor now versus then is rapidly shifting demographics...but Trump is now in a position to maybe do something about that.
@LapHunt: Don't forget Barack Obama actually standing at a podium accusing black men of being sexist if they did not support Kamala.
The messaging was equal parts atrocious and utterly tone deaf. Over and over in poll after poll, people were expressing deep concerns about Biden's economic and other policies. But instead of addressing these concerns head-on, she ducked policy questions and continued running a campaign of identity politics mixed with attacks about Trump's character. Because to all too many Dem politicos, the game is not really about issues, but rather all about messaging and feel good narratives.
^Yes. The Dems keep trying to run the 2008 playbook, hoping that people will turn out in droves to elect "the first this" or "the first that." I mean, I get the allure of it because Obama's coalition was like hitting a straight flush: 90-96% of the black vote, 65% of all other minorities, huge youth support, and a majority of women. Theoretically (key word), hitting that is a near guaranteed win in modern America.
The issue for them is that was a one-time thing (though replicated somewhat in 2012 since it was Obama again). It didn't work in 2016 and now it failed again in '24. The economy sucks no matter how much they try to tell people with their bogus job numbers that it's good. And people have had enough of mass immigration.
As LapHunt pointed, Kamala ran on identity and division. It is the only thing she was honest about. Obama attacked black men for thinking about who they wanted to vote for and not following the democrat mandate of voting your perceived identity. American has rejected that hateful paradigm on a massive scale.
Kamala was the first candidate to drop out in 2020. She was dead last in those primaries. She had the reputation of being a terrible candidate... a tyrannical boss... uniquely unintelligent... insecure... unable to accept criticism or fault... and having no leadership or managerial skills. Why Brandon chose her for VP is still mystifying. That he was an old... white... east coast "moderate" and she checked the boxes as a middle-aged... female... multi-racial blackish... west coast progressive is the only explanation. Look at this: Trump has nearly swept the swing states... won the popular vote... and improved downballot Republican results. That is partially a Kamala loss but it is also a rejection of the Democrats.
The top 40 lists show gamma as only No.5. TwentyFive is still deaf dumb and blind. Renting free headspace to conservatives he hates for the principles. try being right and you might not be wrong all the time.
^this is one demented old fool. Impotent and powerless, the only thing he has is an internet chat board full of degenerates as his sole social outlet. Disgusting.
Oh, shit, wld4testes guessed it. There is only one GOP poster on this board. redmeatrick, muddy, misterorange, motorhead, puddy - they are all me. If not for my multiple aliases I would be the only conservative.
last commentBacon!
Alternatively, every time they call a state for the candidate you don't want to win you have to take a shot. Again, the odds are not in your favor for making it until a winner is declared.
You know what this rick is gonna do if Trump wins? Well, this rick loves his adopted home of the good ol’ U. S. of A., so he’s gonna raise a glass of Jack and hope for the best. And if Harris wins? Same frickin’ thing. ROAR!!!
I will play along and comment on your discussion.
“I cannot vote for anyone who will keep us going down this same road.”
~ SanchoRG
~ TUSCL Profile, August 2017 - August 2020
~ STD negative, because HSV-1 isn't technically an STD
~ Austin, TX
“America sucks and needs to be dismantled.”
~ Papi_Chulo, TUSCL, August 14, 2020
~ White (Cuban) guy residing in Miami, FL
^ Sad but so true Papi.
~ Warrior15, TUSCL, August 14, 2020
~ Just a Monger looking for some Action.
If the American system is wrong, why not change it?
Since you won't need those bottles of Dom, I'll be happy to take them off your hands.....😜
@Puddy The funny thing here is that you actually have to state who you mean by this. Because all of these things are, in reality, true about his opponent but not the man you voted for.
You're just saying "you're wrong" without any grounding.
All I hear is liberals saying it's the end of the world, they'll move to Canada, they'll swear revenge, all that nonsense. If Trump wins, I expect some react videos of them screaming and crying in public.
Florida, Trump is up 13 with 86% of votes counted, Senate called for GOP, and amendments enshrining abortion and recreational weed have failed. If this was going to be a Democratic rout, I think this would have been closer.
Narrower than I thought in Ohio (51-48) but less than half counted.
Virginia is razor thin (49.3-48.9) with 41% counted. If Trump even comes close when it's all counted (which I doubt), it's probably a rout in other states.
The Blue Wall is still a long ways off.
Only an uninformed, low information voter would believe crap like this. Just one example below.
Man Gets 8 Years in Prison for Burning, Looting Minneapolis Businesses During 2020 Riot
You may resume sucking my dick at your leisure.
me too. I’m no Trump fan. But it was better than the alternative. The Republicans have some qualified candidates. Several spoke at the convention. And the Democrats ran a far left liberal (despite her trying to desperately cover up her past) with an equally far left running mate.
The Dems need to quit pandering to the far left extremists in the party who promote all the woke crap.
It’s just amazing this country couldn’t find better candidates
I would've picked a different adjective, but this is an idea worth contemplating deeply. I'm going to be in deep contemplation later with a stripper friend, but not about politics. See what I did there lol?
“It’s just amazing this country couldn’t find better candidates"
Hard to believe isn’t it
These two were the best they could find
Hungryhomeypot? Someone else?
These two were the best they could find
I can't believe it either. Yet here we are. But that's a reflection of America. It's what we are. They are us.
Is this the most bizarro election in my lifetime? You have a Kennedy endorsing and campaigning for a “facist” Republican
And you have the Cheney’s endorsing Harris.
You can’t make this stuff up
Trump was elected in the primaries by Republican primary voters. He was chosen as the best option by the voting public.
Harris was forced upon the democrat voters by their own woke DEI idiocy. She failed by every metric and cost them their most coveted prize. That is a beautiful piece of irony.
Lord knows most folks pay him no nevermind.
For the not-demented members reading this thread: I noticed that Muddy, Puddy Tat, and I round out the six most ignored. This is quite a jump for the three of us in the past 24 hours. This can only mean that the liberals are afraid of being triggered by us, and are creating safe spaces where they won't be driven to tears as we pick apart their pathetic failure of candidate and campaign. Don't worry, even if you ignore me I can still taste your liberal tears.
It is also a sad day in American history that the country has voted to return someone to power who lied to Americans about the last election and attempted to overturn the result with a fake electors plot.
It's a horrible day for censorship, selective prosecution, mutilation of children, inflation, capital flight out of America, racial grievances, college grads looking for free shit, and lawfare.
Like Ice Cube said, "Today Was a Good Day."
I'm guessing that the voters were more concerned about returning someone who would continue with the same failing and, frankly, absurd policies than they were about Trump's character flaws.
When being forced to watch one of Kamala's cringe commercials, it was incredible how almost every single person in those commercials was a woman (mostly women of color).
Kamala would bend over to hug a little black girl...then the ad would cut to Kamala walking through a factory which for some reason has two women foremen (or I guess "forepersons") and like a 80%+ female staff...then Kamala is talking to a Somalian-looking female doctor, then maybe throw in Kamala shaking hands with a token black guy in a bakery...then it's her speaking on a stage and it's like 96 women and 4 men behind her.
I mean, what the actual fuck? I get the strategy was to obviously drive female turnout but this isn't gonna work. To make matters worse, you then had nasty, sanctimonious Michelle Obama lecturing men in the final weeks of the campaign with a dour look on her face to "step up for women" and vote for Kamala, implying they were jerks if they didn't, completely ignoring what their concerns and needs may have been.
Just stupid and cringe. I think it was James Carville (noted Dem strategist who got Clinton elected in '92) who said a while back that the Dems had been taken over by "preachy females." I would say preachy females of color.
An exit poll from PA showed 51% of Hispanic males backed Trump. That says it all.
After Biden dropped out, there really was some genuine question if there would be a mini-primary. But what happened is 500 black women got on a Zoom conference call within hours of the news breaking to get Kamala coronated and block that possibility.
This feels like 1980 when Americans sharply repudiated Carter's horrible economy and presidency. It would be twelve more years and two more election losses before the Dems would win back the White House. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't win the presidency again until 2036. It honestly feels like they won't be able to wash away the woke in just four years. The one difference working in their favor now versus then is rapidly shifting demographics...but Trump is now in a position to maybe do something about that.
The messaging was equal parts atrocious and utterly tone deaf. Over and over in poll after poll, people were expressing deep concerns about Biden's economic and other policies. But instead of addressing these concerns head-on, she ducked policy questions and continued running a campaign of identity politics mixed with attacks about Trump's character. Because to all too many Dem politicos, the game is not really about issues, but rather all about messaging and feel good narratives.
The issue for them is that was a one-time thing (though replicated somewhat in 2012 since it was Obama again). It didn't work in 2016 and now it failed again in '24. The economy sucks no matter how much they try to tell people with their bogus job numbers that it's good. And people have had enough of mass immigration.
look out gamma... I am gunning for that top 5.
LOL, dumbass.