
Anyone for billiards?

Avatar for ATACdawg
ATACdawgUnfortunately, the bastard is rehired😪

Smash, or pass?



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Avatar for Studme53

Meh. And I play pool about once in a blue moon when I’m drunk at the bar and even I can make that shot. It’s not even really a shot. No cue ball involved - wtf are people watching on social media?
How about posting a video of a shabby dressed Asian woman standing in front of a goal kicking a soccer ball - same skill level.

Avatar for groundball

this is the best one I've seen in an while! smash

Avatar for shadowcat

I had a pool table in my house in California. Had some very interesting games of strip pool. She would have been welcomed.

Avatar for Dolfan

I'd let her show me how to make a bank shot. If you know what I mean.

She's cute. I wouldn't be clammoring to get my mits on her in the club, but I'd almost certainly engage with her if she approached me.

Avatar for datinman

A petite Asian, with a cute face, and big tits. Absolutely, smash! Studme53 complained about her billiards skills and I'm like, there was a pool table?

Avatar for gammanu95

balls in holes, for sure

Avatar for clubdude

Her's are the skills I would gladly play against. SMASH!

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