The irony and absurdity of out of shape middle aged guys judging super fit women on their abs isn’t lost on me, but I’ll still chime in… I like a flat, toned stomach, but too chiseled and too defined isn’t attractive to me. I think Ishmael had it right, find her between competitions, when she has softened back up a bit to a normal, healthy BMI.
I'll take some curves and softness over extreme abs. There is a girl at a club in my rotation that is a gym rat, and often has tight and toned arms and legs. I was pleased to see her return to dancing for summer break, having lost much of her muscular tone. She looked so much better with some softness.
I'm a huge fan of the classic cheerleader body type. Flat solid tummy and athletic but not buff per say. Hayden Panettiere in this clip from one of the worst movies of all time is pretty much my dream
last commentwould
Other women with abs.
She has abs but she has nice hips so it works.
Some women with abs, I expect a dick to pop out.
Yes, please
It's possible I'd like her better when she's off competition training and has more than 4% body fat.
But, you know, to each their own.
Abs are cool. Big plastic breasts, not so much
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Flat, toned, abs, like on 20 yo college students, yes please.
Abs with definition, (6-pack), gross.
The irony and absurdity of out of shape middle aged guys judging super fit women on their abs isn’t lost on me, but I’ll still chime in… I like a flat, toned stomach, but too chiseled and too defined isn’t attractive to me. I think Ishmael had it right, find her between competitions, when she has softened back up a bit to a normal, healthy BMI.
She looks great. That takes a lot of work to accomplish.
I dont find it sexually attractive though
Thats more like 8%+ bodyfat, not 4%. Theres debate over whether even the male competitors are ever under 5% bodyfat.
I'll take some curves and softness over extreme abs. There is a girl at a club in my rotation that is a gym rat, and often has tight and toned arms and legs. I was pleased to see her return to dancing for summer break, having lost much of her muscular tone. She looked so much better with some softness.
I'm a huge fan of the classic cheerleader body type. Flat solid tummy and athletic but not buff per say. Hayden Panettiere in this clip from one of the worst movies of all time is pretty much my dream
The first 3 seconds of the clip are entertaining anyway after that it goes downhill fast
There are some seriously gnarly looking girls on the rest of that site. Inadvisable.
the original posting... I like what I see but I would like to see her face...