Rollcall on club sites

avatar for sfrsox
I love boobies
I kind of like this. A bit creepy for dancers I imagine, but maybe a good idea. Your thoughts?

But what's the deal with the Rhino in WPB only showing 1 dancer there, and they've been open over 3 hours. 6-6:30 on a long weekend holiday too.


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avatar for caseyx
5 months ago
Roll calls are great. When I used to live close to a decent club (or at least I thought it was decent at the time) I wouldn't go unless the roll call showed that there were girls dancing that I wanted to see. Roll calls with pictures are even better.

Not too surprised that the lineup wouldn't be all that extensive on a holiday weekend. Especially in the early evening.
avatar for stripperlover777
5 months ago
🤠 I Like Chances Of Being "Lucky @ Walk In" Unless I Already Know A Dancer & Look For Her On The Schedule. Risky Blind Chances Are Cool & Nothing To Loose Coz It's Less $Money To Spend If A Good Lineup Isn't There. Still Can Chow Down, Hear Music Etc....👽
avatar for elmer
5 months ago
I Still Don't Believe You've Ever Been Insde A Strip Club
avatar for ilbbaicnl
5 months ago
Many or most dancers don't want their pictures associated with stripping.

Besides laziness, clubs don't post who's scheduled since it's rare they'll all show up. With the changes made during the Trump Administration, it might add to the already-high risk of running an adult business to post the pseudonyms of individual dancers online.
avatar for sfrsox
5 months ago
Up to four listed as in, as of 11:30PM.
avatar for sfrsox
5 months ago
@Elmer, who are you talking about?
avatar for Dolfan
5 months ago
The roll call at the WPB Rhino is horribly inaccurate. I was there about 2 weeks ago and roll call said like 3 girls, I walked in and there were about 6. 1 of the girls from the roll call was there, 2 were not. And there was 5 girls who weren't on the roll call that were there. 2 of those girls were much hotter than any of the girls on the roll call.

It was reasonably accurate when it was just a list of names, but its not doing anyone any favors now. I'm not sure if its too hard to setup, if the girls turn over too fast, or maybe they don't want to be on there, or some other reason. But I know it's not accurate.
avatar for funonthaside
5 months ago
Schedule posting works only when (a) girls are employees, rather than independent contractors (which is rare), and (b) girls are held accountable for no-shows. Even then, I wouldn't recommend making a sizeable time investment driving to a club based on interest in seeing a specific girl, as there is always risk of no-show.

If using roll-call to see how many girls are there, the value becomes a bit higher, but even then, it's not reliable, due to no-show and drop-in risks.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 months ago
I think it's fine so long as dancers can opt out.
avatar for Dolfan
5 months ago
As far as the no show stuff, I don't know what's typical, but the one at SR isn't about who is scheduled work. My understanding, which may be wrong, is that the DJ or Hostess updates it when the girl checks in or out. It's not like on Monday some manager is posting the schedule for the week and Sparkles said she was gonna work Friday at 8, then decided at 7:45 that she wants to go out instead and doesn't show.

But, for a girl to be on there they have to upload one or more pictures and populate a few data fields for her online bio. They don't seem to be doing that part at all anymore. They don't appear to be removing girls from the roster either.

This is just based on my observations, and a quick chat with a girl works at another club but still has her picture featured on the roster at Rhino about the subject.
avatar for Icey
5 months ago
From the clubs I'm familiar with. Online roll calls are voluntary. So they post the girls who want to be posted. Nothing creepy about it.
avatar for sfrsox
5 months ago
Thanks @ Dofan, for your comments, very helpful. Yeah I am totally coming from viewpoint that DJ/Hostess updates is in as close to realtime as they can, it's not a future schedule like at a grocery store.
avatar for rickmacrodong
5 months ago
The problem with it is posting girls who arent there, or not updating the schedule properly. It can definitely be false advertising to claim theres 15+ girls there, have people pay entrance fees only to then fine out there’s 5 girls there, or completely different girls from the list.
avatar for 59
5 months ago
One time I mentioned to a girl that I came by because her name was on the role call. She was incredulous. She had an agreement with management to NOT be on the list, due to an asshole ex.

I didn't have the heart to tell her I'd heard her name pretty regularly.
avatar for WiseToo
5 months ago
I found roll calls to be of little value because of the reasons already mentioned.

I also found calling a club is of little value because they often either outright lie, speak in half truths or just don't want to be bothered giving an answer.

Is Lavender working today? "Yes" can mean she is scheduled to work and not that she is working right now. When asked if she is working right now the response can be "she's on her way, she just called in." The reality is Lavender never sets foot in the club and expectations for a great dance / VIP turns the club visit into frustration and a big disappointment.

I found the best is when you have no expectations and the club showcases the dancers at the beginning of a shift by introducing them as they walk around on the stage. What you see is what you get.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
5 months ago
We have three clubs locally that post their schedule for the week on Monday. One is an employee club, the other two are IC clubs. The employee club schedule is the most accurate but still probably 66-75% accurate on average. The other two clubs vary but are probably more right than not. I check the schedules to see if there’s a girl I want to go meet. Other times I’ll go without planning ahead. Depends on how I’m feeling or what I’m looking for.

Also, I have heard a couple of times that girls changed their dancer names so that a creep couldn’t use the schedule to track them down.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
5 months ago
I remember newb me calling the club to ask if so-and-so was going to work that night. A quick lesson that, even if the club interior looks vaguely like a Ruby Tuesdays, and the bouncers wear suits, you will not be pissed on if on fire.

There are occasional exceptions. The Hideout in Tuscola, Illinois. The decor is Post-Economic-Collapse, but the bare-bones staff are great with PLs. They were pleasantly patient with my infatuation with a dancer who almost suffocated me with her boob.
avatar for Icey
5 months ago
Roll calls are a positive thing for dancers. They let their customers know they'll be there and can attract more business for her.

avatar for rickmacrodong
5 months ago
The info is useful but mostly for club regulars. To a first timer the names are meaningless. For a regular they’ll know which girls they haven’t seen as well as if they want to see someone again.

Yes there are potential concerns as far as asshole exs and stalkers although they may already be banned or already know her schedule. But sure if it’s important the dancer should be able to opt out.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
5 months ago
Oh, probably should add, I heard she's married and retired now. Hope nobody had already grabbed their go bag and hit the road.
avatar for sfrsox
5 months ago
@ Hank Moody, what are employee clubs and IC clubs?
avatar for rickmacrodong
5 months ago
Independent contractor clubs and employee clubs. But i dont get why they make such a difference for the dancer lists posted online?
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
5 months ago
I was distinguishing between clubs where the dancers are employees and where they are independent contractors.
avatar for JamesSD
5 months ago
We used to have it and I kind of miss it.
avatar for Icey
5 months ago
Maybe rollcall msans something else to me. Im talking about girls signing in with their profile on ig.
avatar for Muddy
5 months ago
Not always accurate. They are not going to want to put out hardly anybody in the lineup. But on the whole it’s a great thing to see the roll call.
avatar for funonthaside
5 months ago
If a dancer is classified as an employee, the club has more control over her, and there could be greater consequences for no-shows.

For independent contractor girls, depending on the club, they may not even need to be placed on a schedule. They just show up randomly when they want to dance. For clubs that require scheduling, an independent contractor will likely suffer less negative consequences for call-offs. If anything, they just get a few days on the street.

It's either Millstream or Gold Club in Baltimore that has a poster in restroom stating the dancers are employees.

Nevertheless, I believe a distinction was made earlier about roll-call (girls added to schedule as they arrive for a shift) vs a future schedule. I doubt enough PLs would check the roll call in real-time to make it worth the effort for club staff. And, by the time a PL gets to the club, girl(s) may already be gone.
avatar for rickmacrodong
5 months ago
why would people with reputable jobs care about clubs scanning ID
avatar for blahblahblahs
5 months ago
Roll calls are especially useful for clubs that are in rotation, but not your primary club. There's one near me that actually has an entire thing on their webpage about why they think roll calls are evil, but I end up going there about half as often as I otherwise would b/c I never know if the extra drive will be worth it.
avatar for rickmacrodong
5 months ago
What was their reasoning for roll calls being evil? That makes no sense…
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