See You Guys Next Year?

On a Saturday morning the entire top page of the "Front Room" discussion board has a post on George Carlin (which I'm giving the benefit of the doubt wasn't political) and everything else all the way down is overtly political. Some of it's labeled for the political forum, but too much of it isn't.
I've got a few reviews to post (that are actually almost finished) and maybe a few articles but I might sit the rest of the year out on the TUSCL boards. It's not about the quality of your thought processes. Many of you are clearly intelligent. But I don't come here for political commentary and existential angst not related to strippers or strip clubs. I haven't been posting much anyway since I'm about to step away from the hobby.
Don't forget to get your sexy time in while waiting for the presidential election to blow up in all of our faces...and to have fun.
last commentOddly enough I hit submit and then I see a board not filled with political baiting and arguing...oh well, maybe I'll bump this thread in a month or two so I don't have to retype it lol.
I try to scroll right past the political stuff
Pat Paulsen for President.
We’ve suggested before, but founder needs to add a way to mute forums. It would be great to be able to mute the political forum. No, it wouldn’t solve the problem of political stuff being posted in the front room, but I think part of the problem is that because the main feed that most of us use to view the board shows all forums, people aren’t disciplined about putting threads where they belong. Said differently, if you could mute the political forum I think people would be better about putting political threads in the right place. Founder should also add an off topic forum. E.g., where else could I put my Olympics thread but in the front room? Last, founder hasn’t been active in moving misplaced threads into the correct forum. Again, I think that’d change if we could mute forums we didn’t want to view on the main collective feed.
It would be nice if there was a way to filter the discussions page to not include political discourse, and additionally if Founder were to start removing political posts from the front room.
Finally, it would be nice if people who threatened violence here would get banned. That shit is going to get Founder in trouble one day.
Oh, and the Carlin thread was posted in the political forum. Again, it’s a symptom of the problem of not being able to mute the political forum from the main feed.
Waaah. Waaah.
Half of your comments are on political threads. Just scroll past if you're not interested or select one of.the other two options from the Forums tab.
I'm in favor of being able to mute the Political forum. I have many strong political beliefs, but I don't come here for that for several reasons.
Agree with the "mute forum" suggestion. The way it is (and has always been, I think) is ass backwards. You can only choose a specific forum to view, cutting yourself off from all others. (There used to be more of them, and I assume some might be coming back, like other features that continue to trickle in.) Regardless, if someone wants to exclude the Political forum, they have to choose either Front Room or TJ Mongers, they can't have both. There should be a checklist where you choose the rooms you want to see, and uncheck those you don't. And make it attached to your profile, so when you log in it goes to what was chosen last time, until you change it.
^ agreed
It’s somewhat unavoidable almost anywhere you go in like craziest election year in years a long time, already. So people are gonna be all hyped up.
I see it from both sides. Some on here feel like we should only stay on topic, which is fair. I’m more of the belief that we’re all strip club fans, what we talk about if we were all on a strip club, it’d be all kinds of stuff. I think if we just talked strip club stuff the board would get real slow. I try to think about both sides though, if I start a political or way off topic thread then the next thread needs come back on topic to the mongering world somewhat.
photos. we need the photos back.
Using a strip club forum as your personal political soap box is a fool's errand.
Keep that bullshit on Facebook and Twitter.
The ability to select what you want here would be a good thing.
This is a strip club site, so I can understand wanting to stay on topic.
On the other hand, this is the ONLY online space that I shoot my mouth off about politics because of the "anonymous" nature of tuscl.
I agree with what others said. It doesn’t seem like it would be too difficult to check off which forums you want to see in the discussions.
Having said that - the political forum comments generate far more activity than another thread about what pants to wear to the club.
And though this is primarily a strip club site - we don’t live on an island. We watch TV, we earn money, we buy groceries, we try to go out without being mugged or murdered. All which contribute, either in a big way or small way, to our collective experience which does influence how and where we choose to club.
I'm interested in how the politics might influence strip clubbing. With more Rs or Ds in charge, will prices go up or down, will there be fewer or more Cubans, which States are better or worse for strip-clubbing.
The strip club theme is what we all have in common. It's what brings us here. And that should be the primary reason this site exists. That said, it's interesting to share views on other things (politics, food, marriage advice, hotel fees, condo HOAs, lol).
I suppose it's true that politics and religion shouldn't be discussed. It's pulling apart our common brotherhood focused on the love of pussy.
Muting the political forum would be Ok, but I’d prefer dancer pics. So easy to spot and scroll past the political posts.
BTW, there are zillions of sites pertaining to political topics where you can post under an sssumed name
I remember when skidumb said he was finished with clubbing and was quitting about a year or so ago, and sure enough he reneged on his word and starting posting about club visits within 2-3 weeks. SMH, no self control…… you’re not gonna pull a SkiDumb on us are you OP? At least yiu won’t be pulling on your own Johnson while rage typing on tuscl like that dumb skiing lawyer!
you could click on 'forums' on the left menu and avoid the political forum.
'But I don't come here for political commentary and existential angst not related to strippers or strip clubs.'
So what makes you think it might be different next year?
Yeah a divisive election will be over but whoever gets in will lead to posts and arguments from the opposition. You've been around here long enough to know that there's always been non strip club related discussions here and that won't change either.
Things evolve. Does MTV even show music videos anymore?
AMC originally meant “American Movie Classics”. It’s developed great shows - Mad Men, Bresking Bad, and the Walking Dead. But not the original intent of the network.
Long before most of us were around, there was a magazine called the “Police Gazette”. It became a tabloid like magazine that discussed sports, celebrity gossip, Wild West outlaws, sensational news stories and conspiracy theories - and prominently featured girlie pictures and pin-ups - even to point of being charged with anti-obscenity laws. Odd for an ostensibly law and order police magazine.
Point being - names don’t always mean much.
I haven't started a political discussion in years. I have responded to some demented political statements, but I think I'll try to avoid doing that from now on. It's not like anything said on TUSCL is going to sway the election.
As Skibum said, Pat Paulson for president.