Clubbing without credit and debit cards on your person

avatar for 59
Hotgirlzplz has a thread regarding how we organize our cash heading into a Club.

Several have said they only bring cash and ID. No credit cards or debit card.

Curious as to why? Spending discipline? Concern of loss or theft?


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avatar for ww
8 months ago
Dancers don’t accept credit cards and that’s what I go for.

You also open yourself up to unwanted charges using a card at a club.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
8 months ago
I have a credit card on me because I always do. I’ve only used it in the club once in 30 years because I thought I had an opportunity I couldn’t say no to. Nothing stolen, but the club (CH3 in Vegas) added ridiculous fees and I’ll never do it again. Until I need to.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
I rarely take things out of my wallet just to club, but I know I have the self discipline not to hit the club ATM.

If I do take anything out it's so I won't lose it. Several times at Desire I've given them my health insurance card which stuck to the back of my drink card. Thankfully they've always returned it.
avatar for funonthaside
8 months ago
I remove items for the following reasons:

1 - Reduce risk of loss (I won't lose important items if they fall out of my wallet/pocket, or if my wallet is lost/stolen). I was recently at a club, and sat down on a sofa. I noticed an object on the sofa (it was dark). It was a wallet, which I took to the bar area. Later that night, a PL came in panicked. He had lost his wallet....the one that I had given to staff. He was able to retrieve it, but if neither me nor staff had been honest, it would have been gone.

2 - Privacy. I don't want to have someone get a glimpse of my name/address in the event a card becomes visible.

Yes...a bit overzealous, and my wallet could be stolen from car while parked at club, but that's the stance I take.

I wouldn't use an ATM card or credit card at a club, even if in my possession, due to privacy/tracking risk and risk of padding the bill.
avatar for rattdog
8 months ago
naah you have to bring the card with you. want to suck tits? take the card out to pay for that luxury and swipe between the titties. and don't you need that card readily available to split up the lines of coke before you sniff right off a girl's ass?
avatar for captainfun
8 months ago
I only enter a club with cash. ID only if it’s a club that checks for them. Never a credit card or atm.
avatar for Heellover
8 months ago
Have never used a card in clubbing years (off and on but first club was 30 years ago).

I can go to my bank ATM the day of a club visit for free. I don't club (or haven't really traveled lately anyway) in other states so always know I could go back later. I know the prices since I usually hit up the same club. If visiting a new club, I do my research (mostly here) as much as I can-at least to know the prices of dances. Cover and drinks aren't really going to break me, although drink charges (minimums) are a pain for sure a especially since I don't drink alcohol. Happy and safe 4th to all!
avatar for caseyx
8 months ago
I used to leave my wallet in my car whenever I'd enter a club. Cash only. Then I realized that the area I was usually clubbing in was sketchy so I started bringing the wallet with me. Occasionally I'll think enough in advance to leave it at home or in my hotel room but that's rare. Either way, I'd never consider using a card in a club. There's the risk of fake charges by sketchy employees (even at a non-alcohol nude club). Outrageous fees for ATMs in a club. Plus the general discipline of only bringing as much cash as you're willing to spend. The big head needs to put some constraints on the little head.
avatar for whodey
8 months ago
Combination of factors for different people.

As you mentioned spending discipline is an issue for a lot of people. I have heard from several people who lost track of how much they had charged, usually while intoxicated, at the club until they check the next day.

Some people are also concerned about being ripped off by the club employees over charging them. This seemed to be a bigger issue 10+ years ago but I still hear of it happening occasionally.

If a PL is married and their spouse either doesn't know or doesn't approve of their clubbing it leaves a clear and obvious paper trail for their spouse to find.

Some PLs are also focused on ensuring anonymity when clubbing because of wanting to protect their reputation. These PLs never use their real name in a club and avoid clubs that scan IDs and won't use a credit/debit card because that links their real name to the club.

For me personally, it started after an incident where I either lost my wallet or it was stolen during a night of bouncing around between clubs. When I got back to the hotel I reached for my wallet because that's where I had put my hotel key and my wallet was gone. I immediately called and canceled all of my debit and credit cards and luckily none of them had been used, but it was a pain in the ass being stuck out of town on business for the rest of the week without an ID, credit cards or my debit card. Luckily I had enough cash left over from the club to get by but it was a real inconvenience. Since that trip I have only taken what is absolutely necessary into a club just in case.
avatar for rickdugan
8 months ago
When I started going cash only, it was because I caught one of the NYC clubs that I used to frequent padding my tab with drinks I never ordered. More than once actually. Who knows how many times it happened before the first time I caught it? Sadly it was just part of the culture in the NYC clubs back then.

After that I just never looked back. For about 20 years now I've been cash and carry only. It also provides the added benefits of better spending tracking and, since I don't run a tab, the freedom to walk out the door at any time without having to wait for the bartender to cash me out.
avatar for wallanon
8 months ago
I carry whatever I usually have into the club, but I don't use cards there unless it's absolutely necessary.
avatar for 59
8 months ago
I just bring my fully loaded (so to speak) wallet. I use cash in the club. As has been mentioned I'll swing by an ATM. Tend to go to the same places so know what to budget. If I strike lightning twice but don't have enough money for the 2nd opportunity, it wasn't meant to be.

Some girls I have an arrangement where I PayPal or Venmo the gratuity after the encounter.

Never lost my wallet in a club. Misplaced my cellphone a couple of times but found it pretty quickly.

Never used my debit card in a club. Used a credit card to run a bar tab several times when I knew I'd be hanging with a girl who likes to get her drink on. These were with bartenders I've known for years, no issues. As mentioned though I've sometimes had more of a delay than I like to close out the tab.

Everyone rolls a little differently.
avatar for Rob1115
8 months ago
I always bring my usual wallet with cards but I almost never use a credit card mainly because I don't want the charges to appear even though My wife and I have separate cards. I always bring cash and I know how much I have when I enter so I can be sure what I spent. I only had on bad experience with a card in Houston. But it was my own fault I was shitfaced and the girls kept climbing on my lap. The charges were about $250 but it was a lot of money then.
avatar for Jascoi
8 months ago
rare that i bring a card into a club. but i did last night and didn't touch it. stick with cash only is better. most club fees are HIGH. a dozen years ago i was stupid. now i'm not as stupid. (still a slow learner.)
avatar for 5footguy
8 months ago
I don't even bring ID at the places where they don't check it. No benefit to bringing a card. Come with cash, more than you might need. Bringing the card has zero upside and a lot of downside risk.
avatar for Lurker-X
8 months ago
I just bring in cash and ID and I should probably skip the ID at places that I know don’t check it. It’s primarily because I don’t want a bulky wallet in my pocket during LDs.
avatar for Muddy
8 months ago
lol are they really doing that? Have some self control you mangy fucks!
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
8 months ago
I don’t even like bringing my phone, much less a card that can me cracked or pick pocketed or whatever else
avatar for uniquename
8 months ago
Cash and minimal ID only in the club. Wallet stays elsewhere. I want to minimize any paper trail and potential for loss of important documents. Singles go in one pocket, larger bills in another, and whatever the cover charge is going to be stays in my hand on the way to the door.
avatar for Nixur68
8 months ago
I bring my normal wallet. I don't know about everyone else but I've got nothing to hide. Who cares if people know I enjoy booze and boobs after work or the weekend?

I've always used a card and even when I'm drunk it still has a limit. I've never had a problem but it depends on the club too.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
8 months ago
I initially stopped bringing my wallet into the club a long time ago when I was younger and had less money *and* less control. I've just kept doing that out of habit. Generally speaking, I prefer to be all cash in the club, so I see no reason to change that benefits me.
avatar for skibum609
8 months ago
I use cash only at the club and the casino.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
8 months ago
I've never lost my phone but now that Microsoft requires the Authenticator App I'm really paranoid about that possibility. Pisses me off, the MS people don't seem to think clearly when they impose these restrictions on all their customers. Why on earth would my data be MORE safe by tying its security up to a thing I habitually stick in my pocket and drag to the gas station or grocery store? That's not MORE, that's LESS secure.

I have lost my eyeglasses, more than once. As I have cut back on drinking I have become less liable to depart without them.
avatar for 5footguy
8 months ago
"Why on earth would my data be MORE safe by tying its security up to a thing I habitually stick in my pocket and drag to the gas station or grocery store? That's not MORE, that's LESS secure."

Having an additional requirement (a rotating code on your phone) that is mutually exclusive from and additive to the first (your password) can in no way make anything less secure. That's like saying that requiring two keys to open a door makes the door less secure. What it does is make it more difficult for the owner to get in, but that's not less secure, it's more secure. It ensures that if your password is stolen or sniffed out in some way, that the attacker must physically have your phone in order to log in. This is much more secure in every way.
avatar for BGSD3100
8 months ago
I always have mine with me because they are in my wallet. But, if I were at concerned that I might not be disciplined enough not to use them, then I would leave my cards at home.

Cash is different. I don't trust myself not to spend every single dollar, so I only take the amount of cash that I'm willing to spend. Any cash I have over that amount, I leave at home in my piggy bank.
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