The stripper No List

avatar for Willy215
I have been around clubs since Monica was on her knees in the White House, and there are certain things that piss me off . At the top of the list is chewing gum while on stage. Stop looking like a cow chewing cud. #2. Don't promise me more than your will to do. I can appreciate your boundaries, but don't say yes when your body seats no.


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avatar for GivenToFly
7 months ago
Openly complaining that guys are being cheap and not tipping. Guess what’s not going to get you more tips or dances.
avatar for booty_lover92
7 months ago
Talking to another customer while I am paying for your time pisses me off with dancers.
avatar for WiseToo
7 months ago
Asking me to buy you a drink. If I want to buy you a drink I'll ask you; you don't ask me.
avatar for funonthaside
7 months ago
Don't sit next to me if you don't have basic conversation skills. Firing standard questions like what's your name, where you from, been here before, without listening to responses or asking follow-up questions is awkward.

Don't stare blankly as you approach me and immediately ask "wanna dance" or "buy me a drink"? Engage with me first, to get my attention.

Don't refuse to get nude at a nude club, yet expect tips.
avatar for Context21
7 months ago
BO, smelling like cigarettes or weed, too much perfume, smelly pussy or hairy legs to name a few.
avatar for Context21
7 months ago
Oh and of course no fatties! God damn Lizzo and her body positivity message, most guys don’t want to see that shit.
avatar for TCabot
7 months ago
If I tip you $1 on your tip walk then that’s what I chose to give you. Don’t ask “can you tip more” after I gave you the dollar. It makes you look bratty and entitled.
avatar for TCabot
7 months ago
If I pay for a fully nude dance then you should be fully nude for the full duration of said dance.
avatar for TheeOSU
7 months ago
Almost everything mentioned above, I've experienced too much of most of it, sigh
avatar for ilbbaicnl
7 months ago
Imagine if:
1. Grocery stores were illegal.
2. People tended to think anyone who worked at a restaurant was trash.
3. The government made it hard or impossible to open a new restaurant.
How do you think service would be in restaurants? That thought experiment tells you a lot about why strip clubs are the way they are. For dancers as well as PLs.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
7 months ago
Do people who think BBW strippers should be banned also think all us fat people should be banned from going to the beach?
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
7 months ago
I did @ilbbaicnl's thought experiment but didn't come up with the proper results. If groceries were illegal and everyone who worked there was thought of as trash, then there would be a very wide range in grocery-store levels of service because the unfettered utterly unregulated free-market would mean every single customer was constantly giving a performance review with his money. As grocery stores would become less and less illegal, they would tend more and more toward the middle in terms of prices and services.

On the subject of bigger vs littler women, I personally prefer one type and I know other guys prefer other types. I experienced strip clubs for a LONG time (roughly 1985 to roughly 2020) when large women were simply prevented from stripping. Ever. At all. Only at the sketchiest most desperate places would someone with more-than-average body-fat be allowed to disrobe and dance. Now that is changing. I dislike it, personally, but I have not found it to be a major detriment to my clubbing lifestyle.

Some men like the new larger women. So it is possible (though not guaranteed) that the change means, on the one hand, fewer women whom I wish to engage with, percentage-wise; but also means, on the other hand, fewer competitor males engaging with my preferred women. So it would come out about the same. If that's true. It might not be.

What I have also noticed, is an increase in UNAPPEALING women. They are unappealing to me for a wide range of reasons, not simply due to larger size. I would like to interview the new customers, who evidently prefer larger women, to find out whether those larger women are also less appealing than most larger women. I cannot judge, since larger is inherently less appealing to me.
avatar for stripperlover777
7 months ago
👽 Agreed, Chewing Gum Is Not A Good Influence & It Can B Accidentally Swallowed. Mouthwash, Certs, Breath Strips, Life Savers, Candy That Will Dissolve If Swallowed Or Cough Drops Are The Way To Go!
I Don't Like Lies Either, So If A Stripper Don't Hold Up, I Will Promptly Go On To The Next.
But I Haven't Had Anything Happen Like This Before. If You See Things Don't Look Right, Just Keep Goin' To The Next Club Till You Find The Right One. Don't Feel Obligated To Anything!
Remember, $$$Money Has To B In Good Business Practice Or Customers Would B Cheating Them Self 🤠
avatar for datinman
7 months ago
Don't act bored on stage. If you're bored, your boring.
avatar for mjx01
7 months ago
@ilbbaicnl: In my mind it should be a self solving problem. The less attractive dancers (for whatever reason) should make less and the more attractive should make more. I want to spend my finite disposable income on quality (which is admittedly subjective). However, that shouldn't make me the villain.
@OP: I have to agree with Fly: Openly complaining that guys are being cheap and not tipping
avatar for jaybud999
7 months ago

"I don't like lies either...."

What man? This is the strip club, the land of fantasy. The whole thing is a "lie" based on financial transactions.
avatar for Context21
7 months ago
Strippers are as bad as used car salesmen when it comes to the bullshitting customer. I mean come on who hasn’t heard “I only do this with you” before.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
7 months ago
Garlic breath.
avatar for TCabot
7 months ago
@ilbbaicnl - we aren’t paying or being hustled by overweight people on the beach. I think you’re creating a false equivalency here. Heck, in most cases you’re not even paying to be on the beach.
The dancers are expecting money whereas folks on the beach just want to be allowed to exist/enjoy too.
avatar for gammanu95
7 months ago
Yes, actually, I think fat people should be banned from the beach. I made a promise to myself to spend more time enjoying my local beaches. Less than 5% of the people I see in minimal clothing should be wearing anything less than a mumu (male or female). Have some self-respect and understand than I don't want to see your turking wings, gut rolls, and weird-ass wings by your underarms.

America's obesity epidemic impacts everything from military readiness to private health insurance costs. It is a public health crisis and nearly a national security threat. I may be a small government conservative, but this could be one area where more regulation and oversight to reign food manufacturers and retailers who put profit before the public good. "Oh yeah, we will pass over qualified white, male, heterosexual applicants, but promote that non-binary, multi-racial, freak over there to regional management to improve our DEI scores. What? Spend $0.005 more per ton of ketchup to use natural ingredients? No, continue using the artificially-sweetened trans-fat laden recipe we always use."

And don't ask me for tips or drinks. You'll get it if I want to.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
7 months ago
Listing simple dislikes is boring. It’s been done. We read about them all the time on this forum. IMO the better question would have been what if a 9 approached you, spent your personally appropriate amount of time with you and then asked for dances or VIP. What would be your reasons for saying no?

Bad breath is problematic but I carry mints and am assertive enough to give one to any girl whose breath isn’t fresh. The most common reason is I’m in the club to see someone else. Other than that, sometimes you just get a vibe that the dance isn’t going to deliver. I can overlook pretty much anything else.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
7 months ago
Should I firebomb the grocery store for selling asparagus, since I don't like it?
avatar for TCabot
7 months ago
No, but you also shouldn’t try to silence people that complain when asparagus makes up half the produce aisle, and that’s not what we want to eat.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
7 months ago
Disagreeing is not silencing. I am not arrogant enough to assume my opinion represents everyone. If I can't tolerate the presence of what other people like, that's because I'm intolerant. It doesn't mean I'm being victimized.
avatar for shadowcat
7 months ago
Don't tell me "NO"!
avatar for blahblahblahs
7 months ago
Trying to start a dance mid-song.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
7 months ago
"Why are you so sad / angry / bored / anything-else disapprovable?"
"Oh so you don't like it when people are nice to you?"
"Well what did you come here for if you aren't going to get dances?"
"You really need to party more. You aren't whooping it up enough."
"This isn't a funeral it's supposed to be FUN!"

Don't correct me. I'm not having fun BECAUSE you are all up in my face. Get out of it so I can start having fun again.
avatar for booty_lover92
7 months ago
"Why are you sitting by yourself" Because I don't want to have fake meaningless small talk.
avatar for funonthaside
6 months ago
^ This!!!
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