Gen Z woman floored by 35-year-old man’s text after first date

Excerpts from the article for a TL;DR:
27 goes no a date with an older man. .. “Hey, had fun last night. Have a good day,” the man texted. 'Then, in true Generation Z fashion, Castaldi took that private message, screenshotted it and posted it online, where it has amassed more than 500,000 views.' “Is he a bad texter, or is he over 35?”
Gen Z ladies, do you agree? What would a better reply have been? I'm all about learning, even if it sounds like the stupidest thing I've seen all year.
last commentFor some reason, many younger women expect emojis in your texts to them, or they think you're angry. /shrug
But if hadn't texted, he's an AH. Or, some would say his mistake was texting the next day, rather than waiting a few days.
...and people wonder why we prefer to hang with strippers over our SOs.
All the "rules" about the "right" and "wrong" way to interact. I never understood them and always saw right through them, at the same time. The "right" way to act, is whatever way the girl personally wants, and whether or not you DID act "right," is whether or not the girl wants to give her random capricious approval. She withholds approval to feel powerful. She randomizes it to demonstrate her femininity. If you hold the door and you're a hot rich guy, then it's gentlemanly to hold a door. If you hold the door and you're a nebbish creeper, then it's presumptuous and anti-feminist to hold a door and you're only doing it to try to get laid.
I'm glad I'm not in the dating pool any more and I feel like I dodged a bullet by never getting married. I felt sorry for myself when I was of more traditional dating age, and really did want to master some of those "rules" so that I could get laid more often by hotter women. I didn't marry, largely because I didn't like the hotness level of the women I did date. I was always thinking, "Well, if only she'd fucking BOTHER to please a man a little bit, I'd actually be pleased with her." Joke's on them now.
If this is the level of pettiness that is important to Gen Z, I think it should be renamed to Gen ZZZZZZZZ! Aren't there more important problems to which you might apply your talent and time?
Men can’t do anything right. Women of all generations agree on this.
I hate articles that take replies on social media to create an article.
I'm in my late 40s and I just feel like I cannot understand these younger generations. Then when I read something like this I realize it's not just a feeling.
This rick has no problems with the texting. Just load it up with some emojis and it is all good. My go to text is this:
🦁 🥃 🍆 🍑 LUV U!!!
Works every time. ROAR!!!
Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. Women. Can't live with em. Can't live without em. Flounder, 1978.
I'm with the baffled "what's wrong with it?" crowd. I don't understand emoji (had to search online to figure out what all those ears of corn meant). For many I'd need a magnifying glass to figure out what it even is - eyeglasses aren't enough - and even then I have to find an emoji-to-English translator online. The old smile/wink/frown emoticons are my limit in the pictogram world. As you've guessed I'm a 60+ man.
I'm positively ancient and see the problem. it was too sterile. "Have a good day" is more of an ending that an invitation to continued conversation
he could have added a comment about looking forward to seeing her or that he didn't see it working and wished her luck. better would be to ask her out on the next date
She could have asked him if he wanted another date.
It's not perfect, I agree the have a nice day part was a little sterile. But "floored" by it? Seems like more of a case of media making something out of nothing. The need to share this sort of shit on the internet is much more baffling. At most, it's something someone a few years older would have mentioned in passing to a friend who asked "how was your date." Or maybe gently poke fun at it after waking up in bed together the first time, like "I gotta tell ya, when you told me to have a nice day after that first date, I thought you were a fuckin moron"
The New York Post (and other tabloid media) is well known for approaching creators on OF, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, etc., with "repost" contracts that allow them to share creator content while providing "exposure" as payment.
That content sharing usually entails coming up with an entirely fabricated "article" about the creator. Depending on the contract they sign, the creators often have little or no input to the article.
So, stuff like this is never true. It's pure click bait.
@Call.Me.Ishmael Thanks for that clarification. I suspected as much but didn't know it was as explicit and cynical as that. Makes more sense now.
whoops interesting the at-sign-text-dot makes an unwanted link doh
CMI, good point.
The worst thing about emojis is the failed belief that as a society we had moved beyond cave drawings and sign language as means of communication.
well if the girl you're with is really into you then you can do no wrong in her eyes. age difference will be irrelevant.
grown men shouldn't have to resort to this nonsense to make a positive impression. if a girl finds it to be a turnoff and big deal that a guy simply does not want to be bothered with learning a new "language" then she can go fuck herself. surely there's an emoji for that?
The way to handle women like this is to contort your features into anger, shake your fist at her and yell: "get off my lawn".
Okay…this rick has to give Skifredo a lil credit for this post. He’s starting to embrace his inner old fart. Complete this process Skifredo. You’ll be happier. You’ll still be an insane weirdo…but you won’t be an angry insane weirdo and that is a move in the right direction. ROAR!!!
It’s not gen z, it’s women. Depending on their mood, they’re not happy with whatever you say or do, it’s in their nature. He could have sent this awful woman 400 🍆’s and she would have shared that to her stupid instagram page, bc she wasn’t in a mood to accept him.
On the flip side, he now has a clear signal that he should not see her again.
Emoji are proof that our society is regressing into hieroglyphics. A couple of thousand years from now, archeologists will reconstruct our digital communications and be baffled by this strange, image-based communication.
A woman's tolerance of certain behaviors/words is directly correlated to how much she is into a man.
It's why some men can beat the f out of women and still see them, and other guys can't get affection regardless of how well he treats a girl.
The same applies for mens' tolerance of certain behaviors.
If she were into him, he could have written, "bring me your smelly skanky snatch now, bitch", and she would have been over in a flash.
^^ @funonthaside this is 100% correct. However, the genZ crowd is so digital and the girls have so many options that they can be super selective to the point of ridiculousness. Once a guy has gotten in, if he can really lay the pipe for her, what you said is absolutely true. But even soft 4's and 5's can basically get as many matches/dates as they want if they go digital so getting to that point is not as easy as it is otherwise.
This is a new one I just heard. 25% of the recent crop of Gen-Z college grads are bringing their parents to job interviews.
Actually, I might prefer some of the moms over the nose studded green haired Gen Z strippers
So, a guy sends a text message acknowledging their date the prior date. Didn’t ghost her. Didn’t send a dick pick. Didn’t ask if they can now smash.
And she’s so confused about it that she screenshot it, shared it social media, and asked social media to make a decision for her? Because she’s how old? Because it’s too early/late to text him back with “intention”?
Anyone fluent in crazy?
So... you guys still actually think the original story is real thing?
^ I could believe it. Women read into stupid shit like that all the time. If a woman doesn't like a man who can write in proper English, she herself must be dumb as a bucket of coals.
Even if it's not a real story, I'd bet that this scenario plays out very frequently, just on a smaller scale.
The New York Post (and other tabloid media) is well known for approaching creators on OF, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, etc., with "repost" contracts that allow them to share creator content while providing "exposure" as payment.
That content sharing usually entails coming up with an entirely fabricated "article" about the creator. Depending on the contract they sign, the creators often have little or no input to the article.
So, stuff like this is never true. It's pure click bait.
@Ishmael, you have obviously never dated a Gen Z-er, or had a Gen Z woman as a close platonic friend. My last girlfriend was Gen Z and said she was weirded out at first by me not using emojis.
What amazes me is that this qualifies as "clickbait." It's mundane a the sound of a car horn in Manhattan.