Punta Cana Advice

Hi all. I was wondering if anyone can give me any advice on the scene in Punta Cana, DR. From what I understand and from, strip clubs are not the way to go there. Does anyone have any up to date intel? Most of the stuff online seems very outdated.
last commentProsti tution is legal in Dominican Republic so you shouldnt have any issues getting a woman if that is what your aim is. Just go to a bar, any casual type of bar.
If you look like a US person or foreigner the likelyhood of escort type women approaching you and asking you is quite high especially on weekends. If you just go to a downtown bar like Make's and hang out to grab a drink and a bite just to get the vibe of the area Then go into a more club type environment. If you get a few drinks at any bar and tip the bartender well and make some light bullshit conversation then ask, "Where can I get some ladies tonight" they will likely ask you if you are into Venezuelan or local ladies. then just tell them, they are local so they know the best spots because the spots change depending on the day of week and what events are happening. Plus they work at a bar so they have their finger on the pulse of the area.
Also one thing to keep in mind if you are staying at a resort they will not allow you to bring in any outside ladies to your room (this goes for most, if not all the resorts, they know what to look out for) If you are bringing one and encounter security just play dumb and act offended that "how dare you call my wife a escort" , likely they will leave you be, or offer a tip, whichever you feel more comfortable doing.
Just be safe, be aware of your surroundings, and dont trust any of the ladies too much, watch out for them if they seem to be texting a lot if you are taking them back to room, they could be trying to pull some bullshit.
Depending on what resort you stay at you can go to the excursion desk , if its a guy joke around and say are there any excursions for hooking up with ladies.
A friend of mine actually had one guy at excursion desk tell him that if he saw a laday working at the resort that he finds sexy then let him know and he will tell her because he knows the ones who work at resort that will fuck. So you might not even have to go far. Once againthough, you will have to feel out the situation and use your own judgement depending on resort you stay, place you go and how friendly you are when you socialize with locals or the bartenders. If you come across as nice and normal they wont have issue pointing you in right direction especially if you tip them.
When you tip them dont be cheap with $5 or bullshit like that. Give them at least $50 that will let them know that you value the info and expect them to give it to you straight. They will respect the fact you recognize the value of the info and in turn they will give you great info.
One thing I have to add about all this is if you are going out solo I wouldnt fuck with any nonsense like that in DR. even though prost itution is legal there, the girls have their own "security" guys and you and never be too sure what kind of shit they might pull. Even though Punta Cana is considered safe by DR standards there are some places that can get sketchy where thug types are.
The girls are likely to try to pull bullshit if you are not EXTREMELY careful. It really comes down to if you are street smart, dont put yourself in fucked up areas or positions and dont ever fully trust someone, you are in another country and no matter how nice someone is they likely dont give a fuck about you. Understand these are relatively poor places. So trust yourself and not some local regardless of how nice or willing to help they seem.
So as a disclaimer I would advise against trying to procure any ladies in DR. or being in that scene for anything other than typical tourism. But if you stick to normal tourist activities you should be ok.
Except for getting kicked in the balls, this might be the sexiest thing to do evah......How the fuck is this worthwhile at all? I guess nothing issexier that to pay for the chance to get killed so you can fuck some disease infected local.
This rick is not used to skifredo being insightful, but I agree. Now, as a frickin’ lion, I’m not afraid of any hairless apes. But even I spend a lil’ time calculating cost-benefit ratios and the benefits don’t seem high. Mind you, I haven’t read all of TravelingBoredApe’s four consecutive post because…well, what’s the frickin’ point….but I can tell by the overview that the costs are high and benefits limited. This rick will stick to screwing the sexy female strippers and texting their boyfriends inflammatory comments afterward. ROAR!!!
thank you, i've heard much of this about DR/Punta Cana. I guess i was wondering if there were more situations like semi-upscale clubs where all the girls are for sale, and they offer a room on-site. I remember this type of thing in Colombia. It was basically a club with hot girls flirting with you. And you choose one (or however many you want lol) and they offer a room right there.
This way, the whole thing is more contained, likely safer, and you don't have to deal with resort rules.
Has anyone ever heard of such an option in Punta Cana area?
Yeah, I can tell you that you will NOT find brothels in Punta Cana, you will likely find that kind of thing going on in Sosua, but thats a different part of the island entirely. Sosua is also considered dangerous compared to Punta Cana.
Even though pros titution is legal in DR having a brothel and pim ping is ILLEGAL in DR. So chances are that if you do manage to fin d something like this you will be dealing with some real shady ass characters and likely a criminal element behind it. Which I would advise to not do, DR is safe for tourists who want leisure but once you go into the world of procuring ladies of the night in DR you are stepping foot in another world.
In DR are all public so the resort wont stop solicitors (Most solicitors are just regular honest vendors trying to make money for their family selling you shirts, and various beach items) I will say that if you are on the beach just relaxing or whatever solicitors selling items are a given (have to respect the fact they are out in the sun like that trying to earn a living), but some solicitors will approach you if you are a single male and offer you ladies. You will have to use your own judgement whether to partake or not. Be safe and be aware of surroundings at all times and use good judgement.
How about strip clubs with overall liberal rules for a better prices than clubs in the States?
Yeah if this is what you want, go to one of the sex resorts. Fucking around in 3rd world shithole brothels is a great way to get stabbed, infected, or robbed. Likely all 3. The resorts in punta Cana are behind walls for a reason.
I hear you. I am married, so I think staying in a sex resort is not an option. I don't want to completely lie about where I'm staying. From everything I'm reading here, I finding higher class girls in normal situations/places seems like the play here. But I feel like we are glossing over a bit a key factor: the whole resorts giving a problem with bringing girls in. Also, it's just kind of awkward to bring girls in and out of your room with families/kids/elderly etc seeing you around the whole week. I know.. who gives a shit.. I agree partially but I wish there was a slightly better option in a country with overall liberal rules and pretty girls.
Unless resorts require IDs to be worn by all registered guests, why can't you just play her off as your girlfriend/wife?
Perhaps it COULD be an issue if staff sees you with a different girl every day, but I really doubt they pay that close of attention to guests, unless the staff member making an issue out of it is jealous, in which case you can tell her you will dump the skanky broad seen with you, and spend the remaining days playing with your new toy.