Scanning IDs

I have been thinking about a post I read yesterday, but I couldn't find it again. Anyway, this guy was talking about going into VIP at Rick's in Minneapolis. And he was a bit embarrassed as the bouncer kept him standing around for 10 minutes in public view while he checked him in to VIP. Part of this included scanning his driver's license.
So, we go into strip clubs to feel like a man for a bit. Why do these bouncers enjoy making us feel like a little boy standing at the teacher's desk? And can anyone tell me why they find it necessary to scan our IDs?
Obviously, I am an older guy as younger men don't seem to have an issue with it. But I feel bad for you young fellows. You don't know what it feels like to go into a place to be a little naughty, and not be captured on cameras everywhere with facial recognition possible, as well as having your ID scanned. It used to be very liberating to be able to go into a place anonymously and relax a little. Made me feel like a man. Now, we can't get off the leash. This is miserable.
So, we go into strip clubs to feel like a man for a bit. Why do these bouncers enjoy making us feel like a little boy standing at the teacher's desk? And can anyone tell me why they find it necessary to scan our IDs?
Obviously, I am an older guy as younger men don't seem to have an issue with it. But I feel bad for you young fellows. You don't know what it feels like to go into a place to be a little naughty, and not be captured on cameras everywhere with facial recognition possible, as well as having your ID scanned. It used to be very liberating to be able to go into a place anonymously and relax a little. Made me feel like a man. Now, we can't get off the leash. This is miserable.
I was reading reviews of central PA clubs and I think it was the one in Wilkes-Barre that actually has your picture come up when you swipe a CC (yes, I know don't use a CC, but the privacy invasion is scary). Here's the review:
This may be a situation where the world is moving against us, but the best we can do is refuse to patronize these clubs and let them know why.
If I know the bouncer and look familiar, I'm not asked for my license. At RI Dolls a new bouncer asked for my license, he held it up to read it and returned it. I asked about scanning and he said the license was scanned when he held it up to read it, but they now use a camera.
I don't know if he was telling the truth, but it's sneaky to scan a license without asking permission and it might even be illegal.
i do remember on one night the girl at the front takes my card and scans it. she then tells me, "i see you haven't been here in a while." oh yeah since when? she replies with the date of my very last visit. made me wonder afterwards whatever notes were there of me on that screen. you know - who i've seen. which girls are my faves. how i like to get off. the real important stuff. oh yeah and my age and height too.
As far as the why, I don't know strip clubs specifically. But restaurants and bars in generally mostly do it because its part of a larger bar management package. They track inventory, ordering, and customers. It doesn't say Dolfan came in and bought 6 beers and 8 cocktails, then bought 10 dances and a 30 minute room. But, it tracks my name birthday, zip+4 code, etc. Then it tracks how often I come. They usually link customers by name/zip to online data brokers for additional insights too. The idea is they can pull reports to see when "regulars" come, when tourists come, when old/young people come, etc, etc. The more advanced ones correlate to ad campaigns and such.
But the big benefit of those packages is inventory management, which can be significant. Comparing sales to purchases is the draw. Some integrate payroll and scheduling too. The whole "tracking problem customers" is usually only marketed for the standalone scanners, which I think aren't nearly as popular as the full management packages.
Complete douche move, shows zero respect for the customer without their consent. If it's not illegal it should be.
That club is BYOB.
If they want an ID this rick points to his face and says “how many suit-wearin’ lions frequent your establishment?…tell me wildebeest…how frickin’ many?” Then they let me in. ROAR!!!