Out for vote

avatar for founder
Does vanillaextract add any value to this site?


last comment
avatar for EastCoaster
a year ago
Thanks for asking, founder. I vote no, he does not add any value here -- he subtracts from it. I just read his comments on a number of dancers' posted photos. All are negative and totally uncalled for. Same with his nasty and combative comments on reviews.

Absolutely no value added. He will drive people away from this site.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
Will this vote result in anything one way or the other?
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
a year ago
If Vanilla got booted that would be a great thing.
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
None whatsoever. He's just here to chase women away. He's gotta go.
avatar for SquareCastle
a year ago
Boot him like you’re handing out water to people in an election line in Atlanta - From Curb episode 1 season 12. Must watch if you haven’t already btw.
avatar for vanillaextract
a year ago
I should be able to speak my mind. If I see a hot girl I say she’s hot. If I see an ugly chick I say she’s ugly. Girls get mad if they don’t like how you compliment them and they can get mad if you say you think they are ugly. They also can not care if you compliment them and not care if you say they are ugly. It’s just an opinion. I don’t have a problem with anyone saying things about me, if it hurts your feelings just mute them right? These guys are just emotional, if you don't like what i say mute me, why do you need to create an echo chamber so your feelings don't get hurt? Are we 5 in kindergarten, you guys are really going to try block me from the site because i said some girls were average and ignorable when we all know they are? Many of us are average and ignorable, what's the big deal about pointing out the obvious? I call out girls, I call out guys, and on occasion i uplift people too. It's just harder to uplift because most people keep making the same mistakes over and over like doing VIP without testing a girl out with a lap dance. Or getting a dance from a girl who asks you to buy her a drink before she asks how are you, or letting the girls who move in groups trick you into doing a dual vip which is almost always garbage, or over tipping because you negotiate, or thinking her dance will get better, when its been an air dance for the past 2 songs. I know many of u mongers don't like what i say. That's fine, honestly tho, if u listened it would only make ur lives better
avatar for vanillaextract
a year ago
Who doesn't want vanilla extracted from top of the line for cheap ?
avatar for vanillaextract
a year ago
Don't kick me from the site founder, if u guys don't want me posting on girls pics anymore then fine but dude just let me stay and do my thing i am very helpful and add value
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
a year ago
Just bring back the Ignore function. I’ll gladly use it on him. I don’t like him and he’s clueless about why dancer pics are not the place to “just have an opinion.” But ban worthy? Nah.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago

Listen guys, we can't do anything to piss him off until we learn how to get FS from a hot dancer for "10$" by not "pedestalizing" them.


His methods must be legit, because (according to the same review) he has the offline support of many TUSCL PLs via DM, which has been rock solid sign of authenticity since the late 1990s.


Or... he's a twat.
avatar for founder
a year ago
Gotta get that ignore button fixed
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
Unless I'm mistaken, founder has said in the past that the most valuable content on this site is reviews, with discussions and comments being very low on that totem pole.

So, for the user who insists on actively discouraging participation (including from dancers) then only allow them to post reviews and articles. No commenting or discussion board posting. That way they can only post content that adds value.

Or... just ban him and be done with it.
avatar for vanillaextract
a year ago
i did get fs from a very hot dancer for 10$ tho, and if you asked nicely maybe i'd tell u how..
avatar for vanillaextract
a year ago
thats why im mindblown that guys pay so much, most of these guys think they have to pay an ugly tax, or an overweight tax, or a not attractive tax. The only tax you actually have to pay is a smell like shit tax. So long as you don't stink these girls will do anything. If you know how to maneuver with certain girls def not all, you can get so much for so little. They almost have guys outside of the club they drive around and take on dates and THEY pay. I have been a guy who a dancer in florida took out for dinner using the 500$ vip tip , likely some bozo here gave her. I know my shit, and i add value. No reason to ban me, its ur site, if u make a rule i'll follow it. I'm actually trying to help people and I know i am definitely helpful to people just not these guys and probably no one wants to defend me which makes sense cuz they don't want to get kicked or ostracized either, nd i dont blame them tbh lol
avatar for vanillaextract
a year ago
i'll stop commenting on dancers pics and i'll leave the other guys to drool over them, if that's the only problem its a simple fix and i can do that
avatar for vanillaextract
a year ago
just dont ban me, i'm a monger like u guys
avatar for vanillaextract
a year ago
Ishmael ur a pussy bitch dude, u want to ban someone cuz they disagree u fucking child piss off. Don't make this site an echo chamber cuz u got ur feelings hurt or wish u could do what i do , crazy thing is i'll still willing to teach u but ur too stubborn to humble urself
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
avatar for mogul1985
a year ago
Ignore button, or Buh BYE!
avatar for BadBob
a year ago
VE’s reviews meet the standards for publication. By definition, he’s providing benefit. That said, I wouldn’t want to sit on the next barstool or converse with him, as he seems to be an argumentative poppinjay who gets off on being obnoxious and provoking people. There are more appropriate places for that on the net than here.

I’d give him a 2 week suspension to reflect and a warning about sticking to the subject and avoiding collateral stupidity. If he repeats, guhbye. I’m sure he’s been thrown out of better places.
avatar for SquareCastle
a year ago
I’m convinced vanillaextract is dusty reincarnated. Gotta be the same IP address. Even the writing style is the same.
avatar for Manuellabore
a year ago
No value whatsoever. The shit talking to dancers about their pics would have crossed the Rubicon, but he had crossed it a long time ago. Even in his responses here, he's calling other mongers "pussy bitches", which he habitually does in his comments directed to others. And his reviews add no value because they border on the incomprehensible. It's not hard to figure out what's really going on when he shows up at a club. He's just an inherently unreliable source.
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
a year ago
Extracts reviews don’t add enough value to compensate for his nonsense driving people off the site. The downside isn’t worth what Extract brings IMO
avatar for vanillaextract
a year ago
all these people commenting have displayed simpo worship tendencies in some way and its why they hate me. These mongers are soft and get way too emotionally hurt just cuz som1 says something they don't like. "You guys can't handle someone calling you a pussy?" how the hell do u survive in life.
avatar for vanillaextract
a year ago
i've never complained or took it personal whatever som1 says. Its just an opinion lmao it's not going to hurt u. What's up with all these crybaby snowflake mongers, have they lost their sippy cup? This is childish founder, don't let these limp dicks persuade u to kick me when you know i'm saving guys thousands in cash a year with my review
avatar for vanillaextract
a year ago
like welcome to the internet people will say shit u dont like wtf, candy ass mongers man
avatar for vanillaextract
a year ago
Badbob i promise you would want to crack open a couple beers with me, the hoes love me, and i could probably even get u a dance for free at some places
avatar for blahblahblahs
a year ago
Put him on probation.
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
a year ago
If we simpo worshippers why you begging for your Tuscl life you clown. If your begging for a board there zero way your not begging in the club.
avatar for Cunnbunn
a year ago
Ban them. "Hurr hurr if you don't want me to call you a pussy, you're a pussy hurr hurr". I actually think people on the internet should do a bit of a pendulum swing against 4chan-ish people. Some people think *every* website has to be a shitpost site because we collectively chose not to actively contain that shit to 4chan and Xbox online matchmaking. Those should be the only places on the internet where one can be freely annoying lmao
avatar for 5footguy
a year ago
I don't ever recall seeing this user's reviews or comments. I was just looking through the gallery and saw that he commented on a dancer's picture and called her ugly. It's one thing to provide intel on a dancer on a review and keep the dancer anonymous. It's another to do what this little twat did. Then I read his comments, and it's pretty clear from his writing style that we're in Simple Jack territory here. Fuck the little bitch.
avatar for Electronman
a year ago
On the negative side:
1. his reviews are self centered and seldom describe the club, the dancers or the private dance experience. Descriptions that are included mostly focus on his uniformly negative evaluation of the dancers.
2. his reviews are self aggrandizing, focusing more on how cool he is and what a player he is. He comes across as an insecure loner. Focus more on providing an accurate description of the club, the dancers, the entertainment value.
3. the reviews and comments are disrespectful and misogynistic. As a result, he comes across as cheap, entitled and angry. People who come across this way in real life conversations, often have trouble attracting and maintaining friends, even women in strip clubs who make their living interacting with men.
4. he seems to be "uncoachable," rejecting or taking offense at any feedback offered.

On the positive side:

I'm having trouble finding much of value in his reviews or comments.

Maybe vanilla extract could make a case for his positive/helpful contributions to this web site. Feel free to do some perspective taking and evaluate the contribution of our own reviews and comments.

My recommendation:
I believe in second chances (maybe even third chances but not infinite chances). I recommend a six month probation to see if his reviews and contributions improve.
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
a year ago
Number 4 is why I don’t think he should get another chance
avatar for uniquename
a year ago
His reviews add little to the conversation so I pay no attention to him. Don’t ban him, just don’t feed the troll.
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
Just reinstall the ignore, why bother giving a forum to negativity.
avatar for EastCoaster
a year ago
I thought Electronman’s comments above were spot on, especially on how VE comes across. I totally agree with “3. the reviews and comments are disrespectful and misogynistic. As a result, he comes across as cheap, entitled and angry.”

I love this hobby. I enjoy interacting with women and, except for the occasional ROB, believe they should be treated with respect. It’s more fun that way. EV regularly refers to them as dumb broads, bitches, and hoes – three terms used just in his most recent review – which is proof of Electronman’s comment above.

I love the fact that women join TUSCL and contribute to our discussions. I like getting their perspective, whether they are dancers or fellow mongers. But guys like EV, who make gratuitous negative comments about them, are more likely to drive them away than encourage their continued participation.

I’ve been lobbying for the return of the Ignore function, because that’s exactly how I deal with flaming assholes like this. But that doesn’t totally solve the problem. When newbies first join TUSCL, whether they are men or women, it is highly unlikely they will even know that an Ignore function exists (and it currently doesn’t). I believe that the assholes and trolls do more to drive people away than anything else.

I responded to founder’s original question, which was whether EV adds value here, but I have not said he should be booted from TUSCL. Not my site, not my rules, and not my decision. But while I’m eager for the return of the Ignore function, I believe problems may still exist, so I present this as food for thought. I believe I’m not alone in thinking TUSCL is better without San Jose Guy and Arizona Turd Blossom (desert scrub), and I think it would be better without EV.
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
^ I agree with you on those points and let me point out to you that founder has the capacity to make this place more appealing, but I’m not sure that’s his intention.
Basically my feelings are there is usually a common denominator and the solution to preventing problems is to be aware and nip them in the bud, before they have time to take root.
avatar for shadowcat
a year ago
I had to go look him up as I had no idea WTF he was. I learned 20+ years ago to just pass over bull shit/ers.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
a year ago
Vanilla is a dick. He doesn’t add value to the board, but is that a reason to ban him? Under founder’s and the site’s old standards definitely not. But in a post SJG, Icee and Scrub world, maybe founder’s appetite for moderating the board has changed. That’s up to him. I don’t think we needed to vote for anyone to conclude whether VE adds value to the board.

On electronman’s four points, we VIP members have to own our responsibility in 1-3. We approved his reviews. Yes, it’s hard when you’re reviewing anonymously and don’t see all the reviews at the same time, but that’s the point to a fair peer review system. We need to be better about approving with a discerning eye.

Now, point 4 is his worst offense. As I said, he’s a dick. But don’t piss in the punchbowl and ruin everyone else’s fun. We all want dancers to post more pics. We can’t have a reputation of them disparaging those pics. If you can’t say anything nice, shut the fuck up. It took a while, but even Scrub played by this rule.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
a year ago
“reputation of THEN disparaging those pics”
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
The vote was over whether or not he adds value to TUSCL. I'm pretty sure that has been decided not in his favor by a wide margin.
avatar for SquareCastle
a year ago
Just delete him. It’s that simple. He brings 0 value to the site and we’ve already begrudgingly wasted precious seconds of our lives illustrating the obvious. He can always create an account on USA Sex Guide with the rest of the misanthropic, lonely and delusional guys on that site. He’ll fit right in.
avatar for gammanu95
a year ago
On a yes or no question, so much time and effort spent analyzing a turd.
avatar for vanillaextract
a year ago
Candy ass pansies if my reviews weren’t good people wouldn’t approve them. These limp dicks are just trying to get me kicked out cuz their feelings are hurt nothing more nothing less . Grow a pair, ever heard of sticks and stones? Fucking bitches
avatar for georgmicrodong
a year ago
From what I've seen on this discussion, it seems like he probably adds no value. That said, simply restoring the ignore function to it's full glory would alleviate the vast majority of the issues cited here.

If you'll entertain a couple of suggestions, though...

1. Even if you're not willing to implement two way ignore for the general population, you might consider implementing it for verified dancers. That way, people like this can't turn a dancer's photo page and discussions into a cesspool of negative commentary on the dancer instead of the subject of the discussion.

2. On whatever welcome page you show to the dancers after they're verified, emphasize the ignore function, and provide instructions. This one might help everyone.

3. A private message to all newly verified dancers informing them of the ignore function, in case they ignored the welcome message.

4. A pinned post at the top of the dancer only forum informing everyone of the ignore function and how to use it, emphasizing that it works everywhere.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
a year ago
5. A link to the top 40 most Ignored Users so new members can easily see who biggest assholes are.
avatar for vanillaextract
a year ago
Yea ignore me, like adults don’t scream like little babies to have an echo chamber. Not a single comment shows how the info in any of my reviews is unhelpful or inaccurate . It’s all “oh he was mean to me, oh he called an ugly girl ugly” like are u adults or babies ?? wtf it’s just words deal with it
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
VE is just a little bitch. Just scared of women.
avatar for motorhead
a year ago
I must have missed 60 Minutes.

I never heard of the guy til this discussion
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
a year ago
I don’t ignore people because they are offensive or mean or say things I don’t like. I ignore them because they’ve proven repeatedly that their words have no value. I give trolls a whole lot of leeway to demonstrate they can say something of value. Anything. Give me 10% of something worthwhile. Even Icee or Scrub met that low bar. Your posts are way worse than being offensive. They are a waste of my time.
avatar for vanillaextract
a year ago
Emotional cry babies with no concrete examples of me lacking insight or info in my reviews evidenced by them being approved . Weak erectile dysfunction man titty bitches
avatar for Dolfan
a year ago
To answer the question being asked: I don't see any value from him.

To answer the question many other seem to imply is being asked, which is: Do I think he needs to be banned? Not my call, don't care.

If your aim is increased dancer engagement, which it certainly seems to be, providing tools to limit the harm from this kind of user might be a good idea. Perhaps the ability to limit comments on photos? In general I'm not in favor of the two way block due to philosophical questions about limiting speach, but perhaps it's appropriate in the comment section for photos.

I would like to see ignore back though. I can manually ignore people, but its easier to have them filtered for me.
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
VE proved me wrong when I said she was a little bitch. That would be a higher rung on the evolutionary ladder.
avatar for vanillaextract
a year ago
This is dumb, founder let u pussies vent, and gave me a stern warning in pm's so i get the message to only say nice things to dancers from now on. Let's go back to sharing info on how to shoot that vanilla on hot girls for cheap and the limp dicks can go take there ED pills
avatar for vanillaextract
a year ago
I'm on my way to go get my cock squeezed... Peace out
avatar for EastCoaster
a year ago
...and with every post, VE continues to provide examples of why people here feel the way they do toward him. smh
avatar for mogul1985
a year ago
"all these people commenting have displayed simpo worship tendencies in some way and its why they hate me. These mongers are soft and get way too emotionally hurt just cuz som1 says something they don't like."

Rather than banning or an Ignore option, Intervention seems needed or even Thorazine 500mg/2x daily.
avatar for mogul1985
a year ago
His handle escapes me today - who was the Arizona Desert Turd Blossom ("Shill Review or Club Ad")? Maybe we can have a Memorial button named after him instead of calling it Ignore.
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
I mean we are going to vote on it, we as community have to weigh whether we want strippers posting lingerie/nude photos on here or have this fucking sociopath run his mouth all day. To me I know what I want more/less of. This site is so much better when it's not a God damn sausage fest.

And I don't know what it is about this website that attracts severely mentally deranged people who refuse to go away or even just get a clue.
avatar for SquareCastle
a year ago
I’m all for banning him. I know there are philosophical codes and mantras making this a bit of a hard decision, but ignoring the little guy is the same as mitigating “free speech” in my opinion. I mean, technically, you can’t yell fire in a crowded theatre and we all have mandates we have to adhere in our daily professional lives. Just ban him and be done with him.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
I think moderation by ignore is best. But being hateful to dancers crosses a bright line. Can´t expect them to tolerate that.
avatar for misterorange
a year ago
Until this thread I never heard of the motherfucker. So go ahead and ignore him, ban him, string him up, or crucify him. I couldn't care less.
avatar for mogul1985
a year ago
^ Might a tad extreme, eh?
avatar for gobstopper007
a year ago
No value added. Only here to instigate stuff and be a dick.
avatar for Retired
a year ago
His posts that I have viewed add no value and are just negative. The website would be better off without him.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
a year ago
Thank you founder for restoring the IGNORE
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