Focus in Club - Look Only, Socialize, or Both?

avatar for funonthaside
Sometimes when I go to clubs, I just want to focus on the stage sets, and bury myself in my thoughts and a drink.

Other times, I'm at least open to some barside company, or even welcome it.

In situations when I just want to look and drink, it's distracting dealing with the parade of plopping next to me, resulting in me having to say, "sorry, I'm just here to watch; I don't want any company". I have no problem saying that, but I'd rather just enjoy the show. Sometimes, I don't even need to speak, though, as girls pick up on my body language as they approach, with one even saying, "I was going to ask if you wanted some company, but you seem to be transmitting a shoo-go-away message".

Of course, despite their many talents, they are not mind-readers, and for as many "go away....I don't want to talk to you" guys in a a club, there are an equal number of "why isn't anyone approaching me" guys. So, I suppose they really can't win.

Which of you prefers to just watch and not be approached for idle chitchat, and which of you enjoys the barside chats?


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avatar for Palm
a year ago
I don’t want to be approached unless I make it known or I approach.
avatar for 59
a year ago
I prefer to watch. Not interested in idle chit chat.

I tend to develop faves. So I do have conversations, it's just with dancers or staff that I've known for years.

If I see someone who interests me I have no issues with approaching or making my interest known. If a girl fails to connect due to being tied up I write it off to it wasn't meant to happen.

Bottom line not interested in random chit chat. It's repetitive, boring, and strippers can tell some tall tales.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
Both. Depends on the dancer and my mood.
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
a year ago
I’m coming from a high mileage area in Atlanta and I’m telling you right now, coming in on my break grabbing a drink and putting 20 on the stage (especially if you want dances from the chick on stage in the future) gets you solid points on dayshift. Nobody tips the poll on dayshift in the A. It’s ridiculous. And that’s why there is so little poll action.

Of course the dancers love it they just made 20 bucks in 3 minutes of poll work instead of having to use more time and way more work doing dances. So if I tell them I don’t want a dance (or I’ll get one next time) they are perfectly fine with that.
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
More to the social side for me. The last thing on earth i would find exciting is to show up, but one drink, grab a girl for a cr and then head out.
avatar for SquareCastle
a year ago
Not to sound arrogant, but unless it’s a woman I’m wildly attracted to, I’d prefer to cut right to the chase. The level of interest from a social standpoint is always going to be highly disproportionate given age discrepancies amongst other things. How long can one talk about Instagram, money, food and/or trap music without getting bored or struggling to relate. I only enjoyed talking extensively with one dancer on a social level and she had both dry wit and knew quite a bit about trading. Definitely an aberration from the norm. She was hot too but of course didn’t do anything outside of the bare minimum (stage dancing and standard dances). That’s a rarity though.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
Depends on my mood.

Alone, I preferred to sit and watch, and look for whomever might best fill my needs for that night.

With friends, I'm in a much more social mindset, and more open to conversations. Like @SquareCastle said, most aren't scintillating conversationalists.
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
Flirting is fun , socializing is fun, I go to strip clubs to have fun, with pretty ladies.
avatar for Elitis
a year ago
I'm basically never interested in idle chit chat or stage sets. I'm not there to socialize or look without touching. I'm happy as long as I get a good grind (or at least decent effort) and the dancer at least pretends there isn't somewhere else she'd rather be.
avatar for WiseToo
a year ago
Once a dancer asked if she could join me at a table. I said that it was here to watch the stage. If you join me I'm not buying you a drink and not buying a dance. So it was up to her if she wanted to waste her time.

She sat down and the waitress came over. I said that I was all set with my drink and the dancer said that she didn't want anything. The waitress left and returned in about a minute and asked again. The dancer again said that she didn't want a drink. I could tell the waitress was now pissed.

As I was watching the stage, the dancer didn't say anything, moved in closer and began to massage my thigh. After about an hour, she said that she had to leave. I told her I enjoyed thigh massage and offered her a tip. She didn't take the tip, said that it wasn't necessary and left.
avatar for funonthaside
a year ago
An HOUR?? Sounds awkward as hell, considering the lack of conversation.
avatar for Nixur68
a year ago
It depends but some clubs really don't like it when people come to just chill and hang out. Vegas is about dances, dances, dances. On the other hand, clubs in South Florida might as well be the neighborhood bar.
avatar for mogul1985
a year ago
@SquareCastle: "I only enjoyed talking extensively with one dancer on a social level and she had both dry wit and knew quite a bit about trading." Could she have been an Econ or Financial college girl?
avatar for SquareCastle
a year ago
@mogul1985 - perhaps, but she was always really guarded about her personal life. She told me she had “dabbled in trading in her past life” and she really knew things most amateurs wouldn’t know. I’d guess she had a background in finance somehow but she never gave me much info about her personal life in general. She was smart but always very formal.
avatar for Manuellabore
a year ago
Most of the time, I don’t have much time, so if I’m not seeing a tried and true regular, I’m heading to a reliable extras club, or at least testing the water for extras from the get go. If nothing is panning out, I’m leaving inside of an hour.
If I have more time, like when I’m travelling, once I’ve gotten the FS out of the way, I’ll move on to another club or two, have some drinks and hang out. I enjoy hanging out with attractive women with decent personalities. However, it’s a job for them, and I know their time is valuable, so I won’t monopolize too much of their time without at least going for a LD or two. It can also set the stage for future VIPs on future visits, or maybe even OTC
avatar for Manuellabore
a year ago
Most of the time, I don’t have much time, so if I’m not seeing a tried and true regular, I’m heading to a reliable extras club, or at least testing the water for extras from the get go. If nothing is panning out, I’m leaving inside of an hour.
If I have more time, like when I’m travelling, once I’ve gotten the FS out of the way, I’ll move on to another club or two, have some drinks and hang out. I enjoy hanging out with attractive women with decent personalities. However, it’s a job for them, and I know their time is valuable, so I won’t monopolize too much of their time without at least going for a LD or two. It can also set the stage for future VIPs on future visits, or maybe even OTC
avatar for elmer
a year ago
I'll have to say I have never once gone to a strip club to be left alone and could care less about watching a stage show. I go because I want some type of interaction with a nice looking female.
avatar for Elitis
a year ago
@Nixur68 lol you just reminded me of one of my first strip club visits many years ago that I still remember. It was somewhere in Southern California (maybe LA) when I around 18 or 19.

I was sitting around for a while looking for a dancer I liked, having rejected one or two that came by. Another approached and I turned down dances with her as well. She says to me "ok, but if you don't start spending money, I'll have the bouncers kick you out".

I'm still a bit picky on who I get dances with to this day, but looking back it would have been pretty simple to toss a few singles during some stage sets and that interaction probably would have never happened. But to your point, definitely true some clubs don't want you just hanging out.
avatar for stripperlover777
a year ago
I Luv Chattin' With The Dancers.
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
Does fucking count as socializing?

I'm new spots a lot and like to get the word on the street so I enjoy the chit chat.
avatar for RiskA
a year ago
I too try lots of clubs & dancers, so I’ll chat until they prove it’s not worth my time, then it’s off to do business. Those ‘em who prove funny or interesting get repeat business (I don’t believe in long lockdown chats on any given visit, if I like the girl I want to give her time to make $).
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