Playing The Mentor

avatar for sinclair
Almost every single sugar baby I have been with and every stripper I have socialized with outside of a club environment has had a messed up childhood or came from a broken family. I have noticed a lot of these young women have not really experienced much in life due to lacking a father figure and/or growing up poor. Some things that are not really impressive or exciting for me have been a big deal for some of these fatherless young women:

I taken a few a young ladies to Topgolf. They never have swung a golf club before, so you get to teach them the ropes. They always love the Angry Birds game offered there.

I took a young hottie as my "date" to the racetrack on a big stakes day. Women naturally love horses and seeing all of the beautiful people dressed up. You get to teach them how to bet, and they love getting all of the photo ops for their Instagram.

Some of these women are impressed if you take them to a steakhouse, upscale lounge, or even to an ethnic restaurant with a cuisine they have never tried. Many of these places are not super fancy, but when you tell them they need to dress up a little bit, they get into it. I am talking a place that is somewhere north of a casual chain, yet south of a Michelin-starred restaurant. A lot of these young women dated losers who couldn't even afford to buy them Taco Bell. I took a SB to PF Chang's once. The experience for her was like going to Le Bernardin for the rest of us. She took pictures of everything for her Snapchat and Instagram.

I needed an extra person to fill out a one-day deep sea fishing trip, so I brought a stripper. She had never caught a fish before or been out on a boat, so it was a fun experience for her. Again, lots of photo ops for her Instagram.

I had an extra ticket for the skybox for an NHL game once. I took the sugar baby, and she was talking about it for months after.

I have been with a few young ladies that have mentioned they have never been on an airplane. An hour and a half flight on Southwest Airlines would probably impress them. I have been tempted, but never crossed this bridge due to the loss of anonymity involved with airplane tickets.

These young women are grateful if you can teach them something new or give them an experience they have never had. Some of you are probably saying, "Just bang them and drop them off." My answer to that is threefold. (1) It's charity helping out someone whose parents didn't show them or teach them much about what's out there. (2) It is nice to have company sometimes for activities, especially if she is easy on the eyes. (3) In my experience, the sex is so much better when there is a connection.

Has anyone else played the mentor with a stripper or sugar baby?


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avatar for Mate27
a year ago
What’s Le Bernardin? Asking for a friend.
avatar for CJKent_band
a year ago

I will play along and common your discussion, and answer your question.

First about “Playing The Mentor”

According to google

“A mentor may share with a mentee (or protege) information about his or her own career path, as well as provide guidance, motivation, emotional support, and role modeling. A mentor may help with exploring careers, setting goals, developing contacts, and identifying resources.

Sugar arrangements with a mentorship element mean that the sugar daddy is willing to help boost the career or personal growth of their sugar baby.

the sugar relationship allows the sugar daddy to use their power, influence, and experience to teach and guide their sugar baby towards personal success.”

Q: Has anyone else played the mentor with a stripper or sugar baby?

A: Who hasn’t?

I am sure many, of the wealthy $350k people in tuscl, have tried to play the part of linguistics professor Henry Higgins, so sure of his abilities that he takes it upon himself to transform a Cockney working-class girl into someone who can pass for a cultured member of high society., as it was played in the movie My Fair Lady (1964) starring Audrey Hepburn.

I have enjoyed mentoring my All Time Favorites at their request. I have given guidance and advice to help them on their personal growth and development. The idea is to help them to become the best version of themselves.

I have thousands of Pics and Vids of the rewarding process of mentoring them.

avatar for Context21
a year ago
What do expect, well rounded people are exponentially from two parent households. That’s not to say some people don’t come from single parent households. There are loads of stories of single moms raising good children, but for the most part they have support ie parents and extended family. It’s only going to get worst with the attack on the nuclear family.
avatar for shailynn
a year ago
Sinclair sharing excellent knowledge as usual.

Two experiences I’ve had…

1. A stripper in Detroit I had seen outside the club many times, I had set up a meeting on Saturday night I was in in town like so many times before. She mentioned it was her birthday that Friday so I told her I would take her anywhere she wanted to go for dinner and she chose Benihana. I felt so bad because here’s it’s her birthday and the only person who gave a shit was a PL (me) that bangs her for money. Going with Sinclairs broken home theory her parents both died when she was young and had no siblings. She was raised by her grandmother and divorced uncle who sounded a lot like most of us here. She was always afraid he’d walk into her club one random night because he went to strip clubs sometimes.

2. Another stripper in Vegas, her biggest fantasy was to lay in the hotel room and read a book while I would watch TV, like a normal married couple would do before bedtime. It would turn her on so much, she wanted to be “normal,” which to her I was “normal” as in a clean cut guy with a normal job and not all tatted up. Every guy that she ever married (and she was married a lot) was covered in tats, had at least one felony and probably an open warrant too. She would take a night in like this over spending the evening in a fancy restaurant or going clubbing.
avatar for funonthaside
a year ago
It may certainly be due to their upbringing, but also due to younger age. I imagine many of us are decades older than the strippers/SBs around us, so we have the benefit of having already had certain experiences that to us are normal and mundane. We have also amassed enough cash to indulge in activities that we enjoy.

I also believe that it is because we can offer different experiences to them that (a) they hang out with us and (b) we feel more confident around them, as we feel we can expose them to activities they may enjoy, increasing our value to them (at least in our own minds).

avatar for MissVicious
a year ago
Come to Utah and meet some of the mormon dancers. Many grew up in loving families who provided them great things and a luxury education. Whether it's rebellion or a calling from the holy ghost I have seen some girls get crazy (for free too lol!)
But guys like you are great. Many people take advantage of the girls who have a lesser education, and less life experiences. I know these adventures are very frequent for you, but as you said- some girls will talk about the fun they had for weeks (maybe years) later. Sometimes a nice date with a gentleman can really turn these girls around and give them the confidence that will help them throughout the rest of their lives.

Too bad there isn't a SB/SD hookup agency under charity status to use the dates as a tax write off 😹
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
It's tricky when you have a commercial relationship with someone, to also have a personal dimension to it. Even with the favs that I got the most personal with, it always seemed pretty clear there were other people whose company they preferred over mine. I didn't want to seem like I was making some greasy attempt to get additional time from them, without fully paying for it. Much as I would have liked to, it's hard to know how to help someone cope with their bad past experiences.
avatar for LapHunt
a year ago
I agree with the comment about how this is all going to worsen with the attack on the nuclear family. I'm amazed at how Gen Z (i.e. under 24) kids view the world and how far from a "normal" worldview they have. Even just being around in the '90s and early 2000s gave most people a worldview of so-called normal things like having a salaried job, owning a house, envisioning yourself getting married with kids, being part of a stable community, etc. which the kids today don't at all view as normal (probably because it's gotten out of reach for so many of them).

The "new normal" for most of them is envisioning themselves becoming Instagram or TikTok stars and just cycling through various sexual partners with no (or very little) desire for a family with kids.

Unpacking this will get really political so I'll just leave it there, but Sinclair's experiences in the original post seem to demonstrate these generational differences.
avatar for rickthelion
a year ago
This rick knows exactly what Sinclair ape is talking about.

Normally I enjoy the fruits of rick dates. You know, shit like next level fucking and sucking with the sexy females, drinking the Jack, and texting the girls boyfriend about what a pencil dicked loser he is.

But there was this one time I took a sexy female hairless ape out to zoo where I hunted a wildebeest and we shared a delightful wildebeest BBQ. She was all posting it on Instagram with stuff about how “my new boyfriend makes delightful wildebeest” and “my new boyfriend hates frickin’ zebras” and shit like that.

Honey, I wasn’t your boyfriend. I have a girlfriend - err, sexy lioness that I live with - back at home. I just have a need to bang the sexy female hairless apes on the side. ROAR!!!
avatar for Lanechange
a year ago
Shiiiittt, broooo! I am in no position to be in sugardaddy position. I can say i have seen this in strippers i have known. But that is because they are women, and there is a lot of that out there.

Women with daddy issues? I could say that about my own daughters. Wait... oh shit... lol
avatar for Manuellabore
a year ago
The dancers I see on a recurring basis are all single moms in their thirties who, by their accounts, were raised by loving parents. (Maybe this is my kink?) They have their issues. Don't we all? But they have their shit together enough to take care of their kids, which is Job One for any parent. When I socialize with them OTC, I regard them as social equals (ignoring that their age and beauty puts them in a different league from me in significant respects) and not as charity cases or works-in-progress such that I would presume to swoop down and improve their lots in life by my beneficence
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
@Lap right MABBA, Make America Brady Bunch Again. Except the "again" part is a fantasy. This "attack on the nuclear family" stuff is funny. That term was originally invented to describe a potential problem. That parents with children were more and more on their own, with diminishing support from extended family (grandparents, siblings, cousins, etc.). From what I remember, neighbors quarreled and helped each other out, about the same as now. There was probably more family violence back then, definitely not less. Two parent families can be bad ones, it's not some simple, magic solution to societies problems. If you convince all young people to not have kids unless they'll grow up in a two-parent family, that will make the balance of our age demographics even worse. We'll end up needing even more of those brown immigrants from shithole countries that Trumpers love so much.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
"Two parent families can be bad ones, it's not some simple, magic solution to societies problems."

The race gap in income and achievement virtually vanishes when you control for it. Being in a two parent home isn't a guarantee but on it the whole is a huge advantage.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
@PT the thing with correlations is that there are almost always different ways they could come about. Does it really make sense to you, that if you convince people with problems to get married, that would be a simple fix for their problems? Seems more likely that, if you don't have problems, that helps you be successful both as a parent as well as a spouse. How do you explain it that, looking at long-term trends, the crime rate has been dropping while the divorce rate has been increasing?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
"These young women are grateful if you can teach them something new or give them an experience they have never had."

Shit, sinclair, "playing the mentor" with any woman is incredible. Took a girl out mini golfing, which she had never been before? She melted in my arms. It's just a winning playbook to expand a lady's horizons.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
@ilbbaicnl - It's not the only variable, but it's a huge one.

Before welfare, a black child was LESS LIKELY to be born out of wedlock than a white one. Then came the misaligned incentives and twisted it around, and we saw the results.

Sometimes, in the case of an abusive marriage, for one, splitting up could be better than not. But that's not usually the case. The correlation between achievement and a two-parent household is extremely strong.
avatar for Dolfan
a year ago
I mostly agree with your OP's comments. I wouldn't call it playing the mentor, but I've done many of those things and more and found them similarly enjoyable. And the girls seem to enjoy really enjoy them. The backgrounds of the girls in this area is probably a little different than your area, so there are some subtle differences but plenty of similarities. For example, this is south Florida so the girls have been on boats.

I've never been the type to pay the dancers to go to dinner or on dates or whatever, but I've always been willing to blur the lines a bit in the transactional relationship. The girls I gravitate towards usually don't like feeling like whores. So little things like you're mentioning go a long way towards building a rapport that helps avoid that.

Some other things I've done with strippers include horesback riding, go-karting, the fair, the zoo, etc. I've tested out a number of tourist attractions with strippers before bringing out of town family and friends. This past Halloween I had a couple strippers over to carve jack-0-lanters and hand out candy. That was a trip, I'm now like the godfather with all the 13-17yr old boys and fathers of all ages in my neighborhood. I've also taken a few on trips, I've never explicitly planned a trip for the purpose going somewhere with a stripper. But I've brought a few on trips I was going to take anyway. They were girls where the anonymity bridge had long been crossed, and they'd been with my at my house for a weekend and done some multi-day trips within driving range.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
An escort told me about this:… . At least as life-changing as mini-golf. The mentoring goes both ways.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
@PT yes some marriages are good and some are bad. Some single parents give their kids great childhoods, some don't. What can society do with that? Other than seek to make it possible to earn a good living, but had enough time for one's kids. Even if one's marriage doesn't work out.
avatar for funonthaside
a year ago
The "I don't want to feel like a whore" nonsense gets a bit old. Really? How 'bout we hang out without exchanging cash. See how long that lasts.

Some girls use that as a way to avoid continuing to provide regular services.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
@ilbbaicnl - not saying it's the ONLY thing. But anecdotes don't disprove the larger statistical truth.

Society can take away the welfare penalties for out-of-wedlock kids. Increase child tax credits. Plenty of pro-marriage, pro-natalist policies can be implemented.
avatar for georgmicrodong
a year ago
@Singlair: Agreed. Completely.
avatar for Dolfan
a year ago
@finonthaside said: "The "I don't want to feel like a whore" nonsense gets a bit old. Really? How 'bout we hang out without exchanging cash. See how long that lasts."

^ Happens all the time with those girls.
avatar for wallanon
a year ago
I thought I replied to this but maybe forgot to hit send. I'm not mentor material, so I don't presume to teach these women anything about life. If we can enjoy each other's company I'll settle for that.
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
Any stripper or sugar baby that find themselves in a situation where I am their mentor means something must’ve went horribly wrong at some point.
avatar for BigYansh69
a year ago
Intriguing. Using you for new experiences I understand, but the attempt for normalcy surprises me. I think they want stability, but normalcy. I look at these ladies socials and I think they'd be bored by normalcy quite quickly.
avatar for Chastitychi
a year ago
Slightly off topic, but every once in a while I meet a stripper that is pretty, funny, nice, has a good personality and is easy to talk to, and is smart on top of it all. I always wonder how they get themselves in this situation. If they played their cards right they'd be tanning at the country club pool and/or driving kids around in a Lincoln Navigator.

The majority are exactly what you said, broken homes. Many also just seem very low on the intelligence scale.
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