Big money VIP outcomes

avatar for Muddy
I’m talking like $400+ and by that I mean just the room fee to get in the door.

You guys ever partake in one of those? How did it turn out? Were you familiar with the girl prior or just shooting from the hip, right off the rip. Get ripped off? Would you do it again?

Me, I’m trying to remember I don’t think I ever done that much though for a VIP. I’d be open to it if I find that once in a blue moon type girl that’ a just my type but at the price range I’m already shifting gears for to go OTC. If she wont budge on take out but everything else seems green light,no sirens goin off yeah I might do something like that one day. Otherwise the most I stick to is the 100-300 range and hate the thought of going over.


last comment
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
I gotta say though I respect the guys you see on here telling nightmare VIP stories, it takes a guts to say that. I mean really getting taken to the cleaners. And to me those are like the gotta read raviews.
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
it happened about 10 years ago and I have noted it before but at cheetahs in San Diego I did the 'ice box' vip with a girl that seemed very promising when I did a lap dance with her. after entering the icebox we sat down and she didn't take ANYTHING off for the entire time we were in there. it was $350 back then and I think it was for 15 minutes but I believe it is now $400 for that lame experience.
avatar for 5footguy
a year ago
Once I dropped about $2k where I think $700 went to club. It was for 2 hours.

At the time, it felt a bit foolish but in the moment was one of the more exciting nights of my life.

Would I do it again? Read my lips very clearly: HEYYYYYL no.

The more you spend, in general, the worse the service. Ironic isn't it?
avatar for boomer79
a year ago
Not for just the room. I’ve paid more than that dancer fee included. I’ve had a few annoying busts over the years but I usually don’t go too high. I’ve found you frequently have to pay for a fun time but spending more than about 500 all in is almost certainly not worth it.

Yeah I’ve overpaid and I’ve had disappointing VIPs but never felt like I was completely taken to the cleaners and that’s mainly due to going in kind of knowing the spectrum of what to expect from this site.
avatar for doctorevil
a year ago
I have paid $400 once up front for VIP. It was in Houston, I think Centerfolds. As I recall, she started out asking more, but agreed at $400 (or was it $450?) and included a mandatory bottle of some cheap ass. It really wasn’t clear how much was for the room and how much for her. Just agreed on a total amount. I think it was for a 1/2, but ended up being closer to an hour. Was very much worth it. The girl looked like Violet Myers and performed like her too. I have paid lesser amounts up front many times (like $200-$250). Have very rarely been disappointed. I pity those who say they never pay up front. They are missing out on a lot of good times.
avatar for doctorevil
a year ago
“. . . cheap ass champagne.” The ass was not cheap.
avatar for boomer79
a year ago
Oh yeah I’ve paid up front. I thought he was talking about 400 up front that didn’t include the girls fee which would probably be a 1K VIP. I’ve definitely paid the girl in that range up front. They have to trust you as well.
avatar for wallanon
a year ago
Not actually just for a room fee, even in Vegas. I think the biggest room fee I've ever done is between $200 and $300. During a tour of a club on Bourbon Street they had high priced rooms upstairs I'd have considered if they had a girl dressed who I wanted to take there. The club had just opened so they only had one dancer on the floor, and she wasn't playing. But I've done a lot of rooms in years where I drank a lot more, so it's possible I'm just forgetting.

The "almost did" time I do remember was a club moment that changed my whole perspective on the Hobby. I'd been stuck in a low contact town for a while, but getting some results at a club that had gorgeous women. Some of them went the extra mile in full view of the cameras, but not many. Almost none.

After getting a little frustrated I decided to finally pull the trigger on a room upstairs that was $500 or $600 just to get in (from what was being said in the club). I was taken to the manager and was told the room was members only. This was a club I'd been in enough to be recognized and had already been asked a few times if I wanted a membership.

Long story short, the manager sent the girl away and said some thing like they'd been watching what I'd been doing in the rooms and I should've become a member a while ago. It's why they kept asking. Then I got offered a pretty sweet deal on a membership but was about to leave town lol. When I got back to my regular town I quickly picked up a membership at my favorite club there. It made a difference.

TL;DR - It was not a exactly a low contact club, but you needed to know the special knock. They only tell you how to knock when they decide it's time.
avatar for chiefwiggum
a year ago
I'm 0-3 for big money room VIPs, I think the lowest I paid was $250 and the most was $350, just to the club. The shortest was 30 minutes, the longest was an hour and I think I had to tip the price of the room or within $100 more for the girl. Each fucking time it was a standard lap dance, except maybe one of those I got to suck on some boobs for like maybe 5 minutes. If I get a little more mileage and the right girl, I'll easily do 10 lap dances. At least each of those nights I had a great night gambling to offset the cost.
avatar for whodey
a year ago
I've done $400 vip sessions a few times. Each time where at places where the 30 minute session rooms were around $250 and the 60 minute rooms were $400. Each time I had already done at least a couple of 30 minute vips with the girl in the past and I knew exactly what I would be getting before agreeing. Usually they would ask for the same tip for extras on a 60 minute room as they did for the 30 minute room since they got to keep a larger amount of the room fee on the longer session so they would still come out with more cash in hand.
avatar for Dolfan
a year ago
Nope. Luckily I started going to strip clubs when I didn't really have that kind of money, so I had the benefit of learning from much less expensive mistakes. By the time I got to the point when I had that kind of money, I had already learned it wasn't gonna be worth the time much less the money.
avatar for Revalt90
a year ago
I have done it pretty much everytime I go to my local club, it is well worth it every time, but I have an ATF that i always take.
avatar for shailynn
a year ago
How much do “front room make out sessions” usually cost?
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
used to be easy to accomplish that frmos in Hong Kong club for as little as $17us with a willing girl.
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
Hong Kong management has been coming down on that the last year or so. FRMOS can still happen... but it's it's luck of the draw now.
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
the cost involved for FRMOS was two beers. One for you and one for a willing girl.
avatar for motorhead
a year ago
This is a long read (apologies) but the guy writes a pretty good story. This was posted nearly 15 years ago on the old Michigan TwoSheds board. (This is not my experience - but written by TwoSheds himself (think founder)).

It’s fun to reminisce about the classics.

Business takes me to Dallas. I've never visited The Lodge but it's supposed to be one of the best upscale clubs in the country. I head out to the club on a Thursday night. It's a one-man celebration of the successful end of a long and painful project before I get on a plane home in the morning.

Entering the club into the main room, it's a stone and log affair with a main stage and a smaller satellite stage in the middle of the room. Two hallways in the back lead you to a just-as-large wood-paneled library room. It has its own stage in the middle, a floor level dance floor with a pole. There's the Champagne Room off of this. $275 for a bottle and $400 per hour to your dancer. More on this later. There's a VIP Room upstairs, $400 for a bottle plus $400 per hour to your dancer. I'm told the VIP has private rooms. I didn't see that. The Champagne Room has booths around the walls, tables in the middle. Not private, although there wasn't anyone else in there while we were in there.

There are lots of dancers, most of them pretty plain. But there are four or five fabulous babes who interest me, a pretty decent talent pool by my standards.

I have a steak. It's ok. Not as good as what they serve at my favorite Detroit clubs but definitely good enough. Less expensive though, so that's a bonus.

The sixth game of the Series is on. The local team can clinch it all with a win tonight. So the boys are focused on the game and cheering every move their guys make. Only a few girls are working the room. The rest are just hanging out waiting for the game to end, including all the fabulous babes.

So if I'm gonna get any, I'm gonna have to take the initiative.

There's a fabulous tall, curvey brunette who's touring the room with her less fabulous blond friend. I arrange it so that they catch me from behind while I'm headed somewhere else. After a little sexual banter and some preliminary groping in the hallway we head back to a corner booth in the library room for some table dances.

The brunette is hot. Big, firm, but not obviously fake tits. Great curves. Slutty stripper hair. Slutty stripper eyes locked in on mine. Hands all over me. The blonde is more laid back. Fried egg titties. Big hips. Not bad looking but nothing special.

After a couple warm up songs I want some two-girl play. "C'mon, lemme see you nibble on her nipples." But "No," the brunette says, "we can't do that out here." She promotes the private rooms. What the hell, I'll go for the $275 bottle room. It's a celebration after all, and this girl is hot.

We move, into the room. There's nobody here so we get "their favorite booth." Deal with the bottle purchase. Which brings up an odd practice at this club:

Out on the floor, when I ordered my third drink, the waitress brought me a card that she wanted me to sign. I couldn't read it in the dim light so I asked what it was. She tells me it's so that I won't hold the club liable if I have an accident or some other problem after having had too much to drink at the club. What the fuck? I don't want a fuss so I sign it with my stage name in a scrawl. Good luck to them with that. And again, when I order the bottle in the Champagne Room here's this stupid card I gotta sign. I comment that I've never seen this practice before and the brunette tells me it's me promising that I won't contest the charges they're putting on my card. (I'm not running a tab. I'm only charging the bottle. Anything else, I'm paying cash.) Regardless of the purpose of the card, it's still an odd practice. But back to the reason we came ...

In addition to the bottle the brunette ordered whipped cream and strawberries. So it's whipped cream and strawberry nipples all around. Serious nipple nibbling done by all. Yum!

After a while the blond needs to take a short break. Cool, alone time for me and the brunette. And she is smokin'. Slow, smooth grind with lots of stick shifting. She's hitting all the right spots. And I'm all over her smooth skin. Grabbing her ass. Cupping those massive breasts. Tonguing those nipples. Getting me all cranked up.

And now the blonde is back. But she's grumpy. "There were girls back there throwing up in BOTH bathrooms," she complains, "it's way too early for that shit."

Now that she's back we move on to the main event. We're into some serious rule breaking now, apparently. And we discover why these two work as a team. The brunette has her hands in my pants, stroking, while the blond screens her from the view of the manager who's in and out of the room through the far entrance, taking care of business at the bar. They both scan the room while she unzips me and starts stroking with intent. She has to ease off every time the mangler comes into the room which kind of fucks with the mood. But I focus in on her fabulous curves and soon enough we do acheive lift off. Nice. Very nice.

I've got an early flight. The alarm rings at 4am. So I gotta get outta here. No more time left to explore just where the boundaries actually might be with this girl. Much as I'd like to take the brunette up to a private VIP room and see what happens, I'd rather not pay to take the blonde along for the ride. And I really am turning into a pumpkin. Honest.

So I say good night. The brunette texts me her picture and contact info so that I can let her know next time I'll be in town. (The picture thing is a nice touch. First time I've had a stripper do that.)

And I settle up:

3 table dances plus tip, times 2 dancers: $160
1 buy-the-stripper-off-stage shot (Macallan 25) plus tip: $100
1 Champagne Room bottle plus tip: $325
Stripper hourly rate plus tip, times 2 strippers: $1000

There you go, the $1500 hand job.

avatar for shailynn
a year ago
Why yes I have. Sometimes I paid more, sometimes I paid less. Sometimes I hit a home run, sometimes I got stuck on 2nd and sometimes I struck out. Thanks to TUSCL my batting average was pretty good based on good intel on the pitchers.
avatar for Elitis
a year ago
Never *just* to get into the room but yes, I've spent ridiculous amounts several times. Upwards of $400 at Club 390 in Chicago (several times alone), couple times at Lust in West Virginia for shower shows and bathtub "dates", and I think roughly $800 or so total my very first time at Tootsies in Miami. Part of it is drinking, Club 390 is really only ever with a favorite of mine (no extras but no stripper bs with her and she has no problems actually dancing right up until the end of our time to the point where she starts sweating heavily. She also never asks for a tip), and Tootsies wasn't planned.
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
Interesting answers to all above
avatar for mike710
a year ago
Don't know if this would be considered VIP, but I've been to a club that charges $300 for 30 minutes. The reason I say I don't know if this counts is that I don't pay anything extra to the girls and each of us gets a drink in the price.
avatar for drewcareypnw
a year ago
Seattle 15 minute VIPs are something like $50-75 to the house + 200-300 to the girl, depending on a variety of factors. 30 minutes is not quite double that rate. So by that measure most of my VIP visits are close to your threshold. Unless you've made a tactical error wrt club or dancer, you can expect nude HJ at a minimum, or BJ or FS depending on the dancer. Most of the girls that I get into the VIP are eager to please. I like to get some dances in the VIP first to warm up. If you wear stretchy shorts, the dirty ones will be pounding your shorts-covered boner into their asshole and vj, jacking it between their tits, etc. as well. Then on to the main event! It's not really an extravagant one-off, it's more of the norm in this debauched sc scene.
avatar for chiefwiggum
a year ago
I'm thinking I need to go to Seattle. :)
avatar for jackslash
a year ago
You should see what $100 gets you in Frankfurt or Bangkok.
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
I can now say I know the answer to what $100 gets you in Bangkok.

a lot!
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