ATF coming out of retirement to earn Christmas money
Anyone ever experience this?
I had an ATF who had retired but came back and worked in December a couple of years in a row to earn Christmas money - she had a couple little kids
It was great. She was gorgeous and really went the extra mile to earn that cash - way more than before she retired!
last commentI had a dancer I liked go to prison and come back. Many get regular jobs and come back every once in awhile.
Strange, but I have gotten 2 texts since Thanksgiving from Favs saying they are coming back for the holiday season. Both did not return from COVID crap.
Actually, I am waiting for one that just arrived & is changing. We used to OTC, so this reunion will be interesting. Little ET is very interested.
Other dancer I will be visiting Monday .
Both included reminder photos with the original texts.
Not my ATF, but I have had a few favorites over the years make cameo appearances when cash got tight. Tbh though it was a mixed bag in terms of experiences. One was happy to get back in the OTC saddle, but another dragged her feet before agreeing and the third was a no-go. A lot can change for a girl in a couple of years.
^ yeah like their weight.
@samiel “I had a dancer I liked go to prison and come back. Many get regular jobs and come back every once in awhile”
I’m guessing a stripper that goes to prison may have some parole limitations regarding working at a SC, but once cleared by her PO, stripping(and likely OTC) is going to be her lot in life until her looks stop earning(assuming prison hasn’t been hard on her looks). (1) Ex con with limited education = manual service for 40 to 45k or (2) works at the SC = pushing toward 100k.
What kinds of things do they go to prison for. Is it even safe doing otc with an ex con then's the most wonderful time of the year. Match that with the tough economy, and it's a PL's market for sure.
I think she went to prison for a drug-related charge and/or parole violation. She actually became a house mom after getting out. Still not back to dancing as far as I know.
Back when I lived in Omaha, I used to have a favorite at a club I was a regular at. She would be there one time, I'd hear she retired the next visit, then the visit after she allegedly retired, she'd be back.