
OTC Oppurtunity

Avatar for booty_lover92
booty_lover92Somewhere in the Carolinas

Had received the number of a curvy Brazilian dancer a few months back. I only saw her the one time but figured OTC was on the menu. I was in the mood for some play and ending up asking if she’d be willing to meet me at hotel. It seemed to good to be true, but she asked if I was a cop I told her no and proceeded to get a price of $600 for 1.5 hours. My little head wanted to so bad, as I have been dreaming of an OTC experience. I talked her down to $500 but I didn’t follow through because it just seemed way to pricey for one night.

What’s the most you have spent on OTC?


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Avatar for booty_lover92

So I’m other words I made the right decision not giving in lol

Avatar for stainglass

If you don't take the first step, forget about it.

Be willing to MAKE some choices. It is okay to lose on the first few trials... You will gain on experience (Negotiation, what to talk about before hand, what not to, how to move forward with your gut feelings / vibe / whatever) ...

Avatar for rickmacrodong

How hot is she? $500 for 1.5 hours can be a good deal… some escorts are asking $500 an hour. Brazilians and other latin women usually charge less than the American citizens or European women.

Hopefully theres no crazy bf involved? I knew a super hot Brazilian dancer, but another dancer told me she was supposedly dancing secretly from her boyfriend.

Avatar for LecherousMonk

If she mentions a time limit, she's an escort. There's nothing obviously wrong with the $500 amount, but what is typically meant by the elusive stripper date is something akin to a sugar baby where there is no clock watching.

Avatar for drewcareypnw

I have done this exactly once. I enjoyed it, but paid what I thought was too much, and it was for a set period of time. Basically it was the same as a 1 hour VIP at the club... $450 for her and ~$300 (?) for the room. I decided that it was too much coordinate and cost.

In hindsight, my total lifetime cost for OTC was $750, and it was fun, so maybe it was just fine. I say: go for it, pay her what she wants, you don't even know if you'll want to do it twice. If you become a serious OTC monger, there will be lots more girls to dial in the numbers with anyway.

Good luck!

Avatar for Jascoi

My first few attempts at OTC were on the pricey side. actually some of my more recent attempts at OTC are still on the pricey side!

Avatar for gammanu95

^$750 for an OTC condom hand job.


Avatar for gammanu95

Context question for shadowcat: how long ago was $400 for four hours and how long had you known the girl ITC?

Avatar for Dolfan

I avoid girls who are specific about time like that. I consider them escorts who strip to find clients. I prefer strippers who see clients outside the club. It seems like a distinction without a difference, but for my preferences they're miles apart. It's not a judgement thing, I have nothing morally against escorts or any such nonsense. But I find the escorty strippers provide what I consider to be the worst of both offerings. They're flaky like strippers, they don't think the whole thing through and often only realize things like travel eat into their earnings. When she does, she'll want to somehow maintain that 400/hr rate and cut your time short or charge you for travel or at least be disappointed at the realization and her performance will suffer as she gets it over with.

Strippers who see customers OTC I find are more realistic, she thinks about it in terms "I'd probably make $200-700 all night at the club tonight, this $500 guaranteed for a few hours is a good deal." When she doesn't feel like she's being undervalued, the entire thing is more organic. A glass of wine or a drink, some fooling around, etc. When she gets paid she realizes she worked a much shorter than normal shift and made above average money without having to deal with any of the bs that comes with the club.

I realize its a preference thing though. So, to answer the question. The most I remember paying is 600, it was towards the beginning of when I started doing OTC at it was for an overnight stay. A typical afternoon visit usually runs between $250-400 around here. I suppose I'm a cheap/lucky bastard though. I read about an awful lot of people paying way more in the same area.

Avatar for skibum609

OTC with a stripper once lifetime, 35 years ago. Crappy motel room plus a gram of cocaine for her; $100.00. Of course while waiting for her to come back with her cocaine, I did manage to meet 2 police officers, one of whom put his 38 in my face and cocked the hammer, but that was free.

Avatar for shadowcat

@gammanu95 -2019. I was doing weekly with her until Covid hit. I'm high risk. I had known her for many years at Follies before we started meeting OTC.

Avatar for drewcareypnw

@gamma I knew you’d have something to say about that. It bothers you that I spent so much on that hj. Is that because you can’t afford $750? Or is it just all you can think of to say to someone you wish would respect you but won’t?

Avatar for Lanechange

For a while i was seeing otc for $200. She loved sex and didnt rush. It was great but we lost touch. I've had a couple other OTC girls at $300 but not as good. I wouldn't pay more but i think the market rates in this area are better. And there is certainly some cultivating of a level of trust involved.

With that said, the price range does sound like one that would get more opportunities. I just would pass. I dont need it that bad and that much would exceed my comfort with maintaining a low profile.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

What I have found, even with escorts, not just OTC dancers, is that, if they spend much more than an hour with you, they get the idea that you're lonely and primarily want company. I prefer that it's clear I want at least one hour of sexual activity. It would be rare to find a sex worker (or lover in general) who'd be down with a full hour of penetration. (Wonderful memories of a few who came close.) But I like to fill out the time with kissing/caressing. If I get an hour of actual sex, additional company time is nice, but much lower priority.

If I got FS for $500, I'd probably tip her the extra $100. But I'm admittedly overpaid. It's hard to say what amount is really fair, given the stigma that sex workers have to live with, and the emotional impact the work typically seems to have on them.

Avatar for gammanu95

Drew, if you are going to pay $750 for an OTC covered hand job and THEN come on TUSCL to try and brag; you need to have a sense of humor about it.

Avatar for Iknowbetter

If youre looking for companionship or GFE, you’re probably better off going the SA route. If you just want to fuck a hot stripper then you really don’t need more than an hour or so for OTC or an escort - unless you really like hanging out with a stripper after you’re done fucking. For me, I want her gone.

Avatar for shailynn

Time doesn’t bother me - I want to fuck and usually them to leave immediately afterwards.

Everyone has their own price of what’s too much so pay what you’re comfortable with.

As an example of saying “eh her body is an 8 but face is a 6,” I respond with “well that’s much better than jerking off alone.”

Avatar for wld4tatas

$350 for all night. And a bit more for dinner and drinks.

Avatar for drewcareypnw

@gamma: I’m not bragging, I’m not sure how you could see that as a brag. I’m telling the truth about an experience I had. You might think it’s good or bad, but I’m not here to impress people. Especially not you.

Avatar for gammanu95

I never thought you were here to impress me. I thought you were here to make a fool of yourself, and doing an exemplary job at that.

Avatar for Rob1115

I was talking OTC with a beautiful late 30s Hungarian and when we got to price she asked what I was thinking. I said that escorts in the area got around $300/hr. She laughed at me! That was the end of the discussion.

Avatar for drewcareypnw

@gamma: you didn’t think that. You just said that now because you think it’s a good comeback. Try being sincere.

Pro tip: keep the racism stuff to yourself.

Avatar for gammanu95

That is the kind of dumb, non sequitur response which epitomizes your failed attempts at debate on here. Exactly how you repeatedly make a fool of yourself. Thank you for illustrating my point.

Avatar for booty_lover92

I actually ended up not seeing this curvy Brazilian babe. Thanks to my trip to Vivide was able to score ITC for much cheaper.

Avatar for drewcareypnw

@gamma: You either don't know what non sequitur means, or don't read well.

gamma: " I thought you were here to make a fool of yourself"
dc: "you didn’t think that. You just said that now because you think it’s a good comeback"
gamma: "That is the kind of dumb, non sequitur response which epitomizes your failed attempts at debate on here"

...but I'll give you a few points for not managing to be a racist POS for upwards of 3 posts now. I feel like you're becoming a better person. Now, maybe try saying something sincere. Maybe about how to get bargain OTC, since that seems to be your area of expertise?


Avatar for Jdo11

600 for 90 mins isn't bad at all. Assuming you're certain she's not going to harvest your guts, you should take it.

Avatar for stripperlover777

Would Luv To Experience OTC, $500 For The Night! Additionally, I Would Pay For Food, Drinks Etc ..... 🌙**********

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