I Wonder When I'll Quit

The view from the other side of the room
Skibum's recent proclamation that he was done getting lap dances, caused me to wonder when I would give up this fine gentleman's hobby.
I only found lap dances about 7 years ago; my wife is (lower case) ok with me going as long as it's not "a lot". So it good fun now, and I have no plans to quit, but . . ?? I wonder how long.
How about you? Until the nursing home bus driver will no longer take you there? Until you're so old you can't open the club door? Till you (re)marry some younger hottie? Curious what others think.
last commentWhen I can’t climb the stairs to the VIP. They do have a low one for the handicapped but I don’t want to be that guy.
My goodness. I hope I'm dead before I'm relying on the nursing home bus driver.
I think we all would generally agree go as long as you enjoy it, spend within your budget, and don't get emotionally attached to any of the dancers. I've made the mistake of doing the latter...believe me it's not worth it.
In skidumb’s case it was due to his fragile emotional state. He admitted he couldn’t handle it anymore, and to his credit he recognized his weakness in handling stripper shit to no avail, and decided his best course of action is to stay away. I think once you’re emotionally too fragile to handle the clubs’ activity you know your time is up.
^ you sound so much smarter when you don’t say anything. Then you go and make a post and confirm to the whole world what a dope you are.
I'll stop either when it no longer gives me the pleasure I desire or when I can no longer reasonably afford it.
Once I get the palsy, they'll be changing the batteries in their vibrators less often.
I'm estimating that, in my late 70s, if I'm still alive I'll have lost interest. My health is worse than average, so I'm guessing I'll lose interest at a younger age than most would.
As @whodey said, when it no longer gives me the pleasure I desire or if I can no longer reasonably afford it. My monetary situation is stable and I pin Vitamin T. So I don’t yet see an end in sight.
I’ve thought about this a lot since I retired, and more since my wife retired. Unlike the OP, my wife has no clue and would NOT be OK with my club activities. It’s frustrating because I now have lots of knowledge and plenty of money for club and OTC activities, but no longer have my job that provided the freedom and cover with time and travel to enjoy all these pleasures. It fuckin sucks because I still really enjoy it. I can still pull off occasional club visits, although less frequent, and arranging OTC is much more challenging. This has me wondering when I will decide that the juice is simply not worth the squeeze.
Mateswithtweens is the typical progressive loser.
I’ve got a bit of runway left and have been gaining momentum rather than slowing down.
Azdd, you need to start a hobby that gives you cover at night, like playing poker or going to the casino. Or going to the gym or golfing during the day. Say you’re leaving to go play 18 and go play 9 and carve out a couple free hours for yourself.
^^^ adzz Hit my situation right on the head
Time to take up golfing, azdd and elmer; just don't forget to put the clubs into the car before you depart for your "tee time".
I don't plan to stop until I'm either broke, no longer have alibies that get me out of the house, or lose feeling in my lower extremity.
It's hard to imagine a time when I wouldn't want an on-tap supply of young sluts willing to engage me whenever I have spare time. Maybe...
...until then, I'll be a PL.
For me I think it would be when "the thrill is gone', presumably from advancing age.
I get a enough sex at home, and I had a couple visits without boners (after my operation) and that was still plenty of fun 🙂. It's the thrill of the new hottie pretending to love my hands that gets me thru the door from time to time.
Azdd—-reading your response is sooooo sad. One reason I’m im looking at semi-retirement. You need a part-time job..
I leave the scene for months at a time, which is enough here for new dancers to rotate in. I don't see myself leaving the scene unless I'm handicapped; I'd imagine it's the same for most unmarried guys my age.
Right now I'm having fun while i'm single. Maybe a girl changes that but it would have to be some KILLER PUSSY to take me out of this game. Too much fun rn.
“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in! “
My work travel before COVID was a 10. Today it’s at a 3. Therefore I go to strip clubs a fraction of what I used to and currently I don’t really miss it.
I keep saying one rare night I’ll go out and have an excellent time and it will get my enthusiasm back into it but it hasn’t happened yet. I’ve also been really busy with work since the beginning of COVID even though I I’ve been traveling much less, I have little free time to get away on my own, and I’m still waiting for that to calm down and it hasn’t. I think that’s because my company is short staffed.
"I wonder when I'll quit"? I'm coming up on 82 and I wonder how much longer I have to live. While I wait for it to happen, I'll keep going to strip clubs.
I'm with shadowcat. I can't imagine quitting unless I run out of discretionary income or heartbeats. So far, those are both in impeccable health.
Thanks Shadowcat. You give me hope!
azdd. divorce. or if you can work out a okay arrangement... then no divorce.
When it's not fun anymore.
I'm definitely finding some sticker shock with new girls and how much they want to provide good service. If my favorite quits I will re evaluate.
SkiDumb shouts into his bullhorn w/political overtones in every other post, like someone’s listening? Lol
What kind of loser do you have to shoe horn “Biden’s policies embolden Iran” in a majority of your statements? Kind of makes you wonder if the only people he talks to in his life live in the same echo chamber as him, but likely he’s lonely AF. No wonder he’s curmudgeonly. SMH
Back on topic, if you’re regularly taking breaks from the hobby, you’ll have a good Governor balancing out your health (mental, financial, physical) to eventually return as low nag as you’re alive. If you quit, why did you even start the hobby to begin with? I got to question why one would come to a such a drastic decision to end it like that (quitting), unless they had serious issues with other aspects of their life, like mental health.
^Obviously you listen and even more obvious is that you are pretty fucking stupid. Only a young, failed human being would wonder why someone stopped doing something because it lost its allure after 48 years. Such a loser Mateswithfarmanimals.
https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/playoffs/2023/10/25/chris-mad-dog-russo-on-the-hook-after-d-backs-pull-off-nlcs-upset/71311664007/ This is what SkiDumb sounds like when he quits. Typical east coast loud mouth, who doesn’t know when to shut up!
^speaking of doesn’t know when to shut up.
^^ is your name Pand, with a d at the end?
You sound stupid…. You should just shut your mouth. Shhhhh, shhh, shut your mouth. You sound stupid. Shhhhh Shhhut your mouth! You sound stupid…..
@Adzz got me thinking. People always ask me why I’m still working. I’m not quite at “retirement age” yet, but kids are grown, house is paid off, and sustainable income streams from investment properties are providing sufficient income to live on. But I just realized the reason I’m still working is to get me out of the house, and to provide cover for hitting the south Florida strip clubs and messing around with occasional SA girl.
Totally hear you @iknowbetter! I could have retired several years earlier, but put it off specifically to maintain my strip club hobby cover. I knew when I finally pulled the trigger that things would change, but it was actually a bigger hit when my wife retired. I appreciate all the suggestions about golf, poker, etc., but my wife knows all my friends in my real life, so that doesn’t work. I still have some connections to my professional life, so I’ve made escapes to give “guest lectures” and similar activities that don’t involve the wife or anyone she knows. Where there’s a will and a smoldering SC addiction, there is always a way!
I am carving out a vacation exception to not going for awhile and going tonight. At Papi ..