
MY pet peeves.

1. Any manager or club that tells girls what to wear. The customers should dictate that. I sometimes buy the girls what I want them to wear. I read about a club dictating a girls makeup in another forum. Why?

2. Girls that don’t try every guy at least once. If I’ve decided she’s my “type” I’m just waiting for her to stop begging the the guy she’s talking to and come over. I’m sold! I’m not going to interrupt them.

3. Girls at work but are dealing with a personal issue that’s taking her off the floor. I vibed with a new (to me) girl once in VIP. I thought we were cool. I had my AF ask her to double up and party with us. I told her on stage I had a plan for all 3 of us. AF went to the smoking area to get her. She took far to long in my opinion during slow day shift to show up. Me and AF did our regular thing. AF got some extra tip money that I had for the new girl and I’m out on the new girl unless I have 0 other options. I’m not sure what she was on that day.

4. Girls not ready to start when the club opens.

5. Girls that don’t say “hi” before they ask for a dance. Drive bye “dance” girls.

6. Clubs that are not open during major sporting events. Saturday and Sunday at 1:00pm is prime college football and NFL times on t.v. Seems like easy money to me.

7. Clubs that discriminate against girls based on size or race. That should all be market driven. I’ve seen girls hang it up on their own because they couldn’t compete with other girls because of their lack of popularity/ hustle but they made the decision not someone else.
8. Girls that don’t have a consistent schedule. I actually saw this girl in her SC stores boutique. I never got a chance to get her # in the club. I asked a manager about her. She said she comes in whenever she wants. I don’t have time to stake out the club waiting on her.
9. Girls that come into the club for a shift but wait until their stage time to come out. Unless they have a rule I’m not sure why they don’t come out and work the room before stage. Some girls have told me I saw you when I got here and hustled out. I’m usually getting ready to leave when shift change comes if I’ve been there between 3:00 and 7:00 pm. but sometimes I have one dance left in me for someone new.


  • shailynn
    a year ago
    ^ $10 bet this dude has never been married
  • Heaven-sent
    a year ago
    To the contrary Shailynn. Most of my peeves deal with time wasting. Since I’m married and have. 9-5 I have to get home by a decent hour. I don’t have time to wait on the girls getting ready. I’m stopping by on my lunch hour or on the way to a meeting.
  • FLAP3000
    a year ago
    Never thought about most of this. Honestly, the only one that annoys me is #5 - the arrogance of some chicks who think they can just walk up and get a dance just because.

    The rest of this I don’t really care about.
  • Manuellabore
    a year ago
    That's a long, detailed list. This is supposed to be a fun activity.
  • Dolfan
    a year ago
    1) Most if not all clubs around here have some sort of oversight on what girls wear. Some clubs are very specific and strict, others are pretty flexible. I don't care that they have oversight, but I prefer the clubs that don't make girls wear dresses are dislike the places that have gown policies.

    2) The girls don't owe you shit. If she's not interested in entertaining a particular customer for whatever reason, that really ought to be her prerogative. A club full of girls who refuse to talk to the majority of the customer base can be a problem, but that's rare enough that I've never actually seen it. This is a complaint I feel like weirdo's and creeps often have, which is saying a lot since the bar for being considered those things in a strip club is really quite high, you gotta be really bad to stand out as a creep in a SC.

    3) See #2. The girls are there to entertain customers, but they need to be able to choose not to entertain certain customers. Or maybe she didn't like the other girl, or isn't comfortable in groups like that.

    4) I'll give ya this one, but I just accept it for what it is. Stripping isn't office work, these girls aren't button down 9-5'ers. Their flexibility is part of their fun loving nature that makes up their appeal.

    5) I'd agree with you here, but you're followup about time wasting is contradictory. You're on a tight schedule and have important shit to tend to, why wouldn't you like a girl who gets right to business? Me personally, I'm at the club to unwind & relax. I'm not too worried about wasting a few minutes chatting with a stripper.

    6) As a day-shift strip clubber, I agree with you. But, some clubs cater to late and/or party crowds. They're not trying to replicate a Hooters. Doesn't bother me that they choose to be closed, I just go to a place that's open.

    7) Nope. Clubs often choose girls that attract a certain clientele that matches their target market. Again, that's their prerogative as business owners.

    8) See #4 - These girls aren't the 9-5 types. Many of them are doing it sporadically for extra cash, many are irresponsible as fuck and only work when they absolutely need money, but most are probably at the job because it affords them the scheduling flexibility they want. They have other priorities and work when they want.

    9) Running theme here. The girls do what's best for them and what they want. They aren't worried about a dance or two from you or I.

    I'll give you a suggestion. Find a girl who'll put up with you and get her number. Make plans in advance to go see her. You can ask her to wear a specific outfit and arrive at a specific time. If you're not a weirdo or a creep, maybe she'll agree to meet up with you OTC at another sports bar that is open weekend afternoons for the games. Solves the vast majority of your problems.

  • skibum609
    a year ago
    How's about the OP recognizes that for dancers this is fucking work; they are independent contractors and if you don't like it, tough shit. You sound like my clients are whining that they have to work until 5 and why don't I do evening appointments?
  • whodey
    a year ago
    I think Dolfan hit the nail on the head with his responses. Here are a few of my responses to OP.

    1) It's no different than other jobs, some companies require their workers to wear a uniform or follow a very strict dress code and if the company doesn't it is up to the worker. The only time it should be up to you as a customer is if the girl agrees to wear what you want for a certain compensation.

    2) It should totally be up to the girl who she approaches. Why should she have to approach someone who gives her a bad vibe or makes her feel unsafe or even someone who she feels will just waste her time?

    3) She could've been dealing with a personal issue or there could've been other reasons she didn't want to join you. She may have gotten a bad vibe from you, she may not have liked the dancer you were with, she may have been waiting for a regular that was supposed to be there soon, she may have been talking with another customer out in the smoking area or via text message trying to get a regular to come in.

    4) Depends on the club but at a lot of them there is no incentive for the girls to be ready right at opening because there may not be any customers there at that time most days. She may also not have been scheduled to work right at open either since they generally have flexible schedules.

    5) Different styles work for different girls and different customers. Some guys actually prefer to get straight to business and would just prefer a girl to ask if they want a dance or not and go from there. Some girls have enough success with that approach that spending time chatting with customers who may or may not buy a dance would cost them money.

    6) I don't get why anyone would want to watch sports instead of the naked women at a club. Personally I prefer clubs that don't have sports or even tvs playing. However, I get that not everyone agrees and it is up to the owner to decide if showing sports is a benefit or detriment to their business.

    7) Clubs often know what their customers will and won't spend money on. If they bring in too many girls that don't fit that style it could drive away customers without attracting new ones. Look at it this way, if you went to Hooters for lunch with the guys after a round of golf expecting certain types of waitresses and found that all of them were either completely flat or morbidly obese would you stay, and more importantly would you be likely to come back?

    8) Flexible scheduling is a huge benefit to working as a stripper and if we started requiring them to work a set weekly schedule we would lose a lot of good dancers.

    9) Again flexibility is key, it isn't like she is getting paid an hourly wage by clocking in when she arrives. If she doesn't feel it is worthwhile for her to work the room before her first stage set so be it.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    If she's hot, not ripping me off, and smells good... I'm fine.
  • gSteph
    a year ago
    ^^ had a dance/dancer like that couple days ago
    That's about all it takes 🤪
  • Manuellabore
    a year ago
    A couple weeks ago, a wise TUSCLer gave the following advice in a comment on another Discussion topic: "Don't go to the SC when you're in a bad mood". That advice resonated with me, and I'm trying to take it too heart. I realized that, too often, I was hitting the clubs in a desire to "cheer myself up". That can and did lead to impulsively wasting time and money trying to make a fun experience happen, rather than just going with the flow and seeing what happens. Since OP's raison d'etre is avoiding wasting time, maybe that advice would help him too. That rule could apply equally well to going to the club when you are peeved, or, leaving the club when you get peeved. If you're out on your lunch hour (just after opening is dead time in most clubs anyway, unless you have a preaaranged meetup) take in some fresh air and sunshine. Or, find a club that plays live music that you like.
    I appreciate the social nicety of a dancer yo haven't met introducing herself by her made-up name before asking about a dance, but I've had a number of satisfying, whirlwind FS "romances" where I never caught the dancer's name, or at least not until after the deed is done. In assessing whether or not you are going to vibe with a dancer you've never met, her fake name is among the least useful pieces on information she can impart.
    The "gown vs. non-gown" question is worthy of a separate discussion topic. While it is not necessarily high on my list of factors to consider in selecting a club, I prefer the "gown" regime all else being equal. It gives you a better sense of what the dancer might look like if you encountered her outside the club, and can allow you to temporarily take your mind out of the pay-for-pay environment when not every woman is traipsing around in lingerie. It's not that lingerie doesn't have its attractive qualities as well, but the dancers are pretty adept at slipping in and out of those dresses as needed.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    Seems to me that you’re not enjoying yourself when you visit a stripclub, thats a personal issue, just maybe this isn’t the best hobby for you
    Jes sayin
  • datinman
    a year ago
    I'm kind of surprised by some of the negativity in response to the OP. Pet peeves don't necessarily have to be rational. If something bugs you, it bugs you. By way of example, I hate running the gauntlet of eight year olds outside the local grocery store begging for cash for their football team, cheerlead squad, Boy/Girl Scout, etc. Always look to the parents thinking "you sired these children, you pay for their shit". Even though it bugs me, I realize it's a me problem and I usually make a small donation.

    So I'm going to preface my pet peeves list with the following: I know the club can make their own rules. I know the dancers are independent contractors and can make their own rules. However, the things that bug me, bug me.

    Things that bug me in the club:
    1. Waitresses that take 20 to 30 minutes to return with my change. I shouldn't have to worry about whether I was ripped off or not. And no I didn't give you a $14 tip for that $6 beer.
    2. Clubs that advertise as nude and then the dancers do not get naked on the stage. If your business advertises nude dancers and you charge me a $20 or $30 cover charge, the manager should enforce nude by the end of the last dance or in my opinion it's false advertising.
    3. When a dancer totally half asses their stage rotation. I've seen dancers get on stage and do nothing but stand there looking at their phone. No dancing, no stripping, but technically she did her turn on stage. I don't even get this. You would think the dancers would recognize that this is an audition for further moneymaking opportunities.
    4. Fog/smoke machines on the stage. Why make it harder to see the naked ladies?
    5. Music so loud I have to yell to talk to the naked girl in my lap.
    6. Doorman that insist on walking you to a table or to the bar. I've been here a couple dozen times, I know where everything is. Here let me give you a tip upfront so you leave me alone.

    I'm pretty sure everyone's got some strip club pet peeves.
  • Dolfan
    a year ago
    ^ Your pet peve's fit what comes to my mind when someone says a pet peve. Minor little grievances that with a trivial amount of correction would result in a significant improvement. I can relate to most of them. Nothing on your list is trying to force a girl to do anything, with the possible exception of getting nude on stage. His is primarily that. Wear what he wants, not what some other dude tells her to. Don't spend time with other customers when he's waiting. Approach him and speak to him the way he wants. Be available at the time he wants. You don't see the difference?

    OP comes off as entitled and his complaints give the impression that he's unable to secure the attention from strippers he desires. Starts out upset that managers tell the girls what to wear, but HE wants to tell them what to wear. Then 3 complaints basically about girls not wanting to entertain him. A few breaks, then back to girls not being available at his convenience. Those don't seem like pet-peve's. They sound like something the narrator of the 60 minutes special will describe as little clues that didn't seem like much at the time, but in hindsight provide insight in the troubled mind of the shooter.

    I hope I'm wrong, maybe I just misread.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    I dunno, the OP's list of pet peeves seems to include a lot of either very commonplace occurrences or trivial items. Are you sure you're in the right hobby?
  • 5footguy
    a year ago
    Not piling on to bash the OP here, as of course we all do have things that annoy us. But if you can articulate your annoyances so well, maybe you've thought about them a bit too much, and it's almost a given that it can be perceived by others.
  • Jascoi
    a year ago
    what a girl wears counts for only a small percentage. what she doesn't wear accounts for a lot more. and what she takes off REALLY counts.
  • JamesSD
    a year ago
    So, most women who choose stripping choose it because they don't like things like having a schedule or getting in trouble or being late for work. I understand you don't enjoy that mindset, but it's never gonna change.
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