Best Purchase Past Year

avatar for shailynn
Aside from purchasing a lapdance a from a dancer that made you LDK by the 2nd song, what is the best purchase you’ve made in the past year? Frivolous or functional, doesn’t matter, as long as it brings you joy or makes yourself more productive…


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A LDK in one
2 weeks ago I took delivery of my 2024 Mustang GT premium that I ordered at the end of June.
Pit boss pellet grill smoker actually a bday gift but great investment
Oral B Electric toothbrush. First electric toothbrush I ever had. Game changer. $79 for 2 units plus 2 chargers with extra heads at Costco
avatar for TheeOSU
a year ago
I bought enough stock in the san jose library system so that they made me chairman of the board and gave me the power to choose who we allow inside, the rest is history.

Who am i kidding? Shadowcat wins this thread!
Sod, irrigation system, fertilizer service. My lawn went fro worst to first in the neighborhood and I’ve kept the crown for 3 years.
I’ve made several updates and remodels to my home. Over $50k put into it this past year and looking to double it over the next year. The feeling of having a new house without moving is awesome.
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
I went to a bunch a concerts this year, I guess all these artists were all tied down by covid and now their free so it's been a great year for that stuff. Seen Bryan Adams, Tears for Fears, Queens of the Stone Age, Bruce Springsteen, Sting and Aerosmith. I thought it was definitely worth it, some of these guys are older and you don't know how much longer they are going to go, so I try to see them while I can. Bruce got hurt after that show in Jersey (something with taking a shit, he does sound like he's taking a shit when he sings maybe it's that) and Steven Tyler injured his vocal cords apparently and had take a month off right after his show last weekend but I didn't notice a thing they were as good as ever.
Late model (2021) Martin 00-28 acoustic guitar 🎸 ♥ 🎶.
Best buy? I bought my neighbor's Toyota Corolla for $300. only has 140,000 mi on it. but it does need a bit of work to make it look good.
Studme -

Totally agree - a game changer. If anyone is still using a manual toothbrush, run out tonight to Wal Mart and get a modern electric one.

I started out with a Phillips Sonicare years ago but my dentist then gave me an Oral B. I used it for years until it died. Purchased another Sonicare. I would recommend either one, but like the Sonicare slightly better. Spins at a higher RPM -you feel like you just went for a dental cleaning
A used leather-blend comfy chair for $500, probably worth over $1000. It's the most comfortable thing I've ever sat in.
Smith and Wesson 617. Very accurate gun.
Orthopedic shoe inserts. Has greatly improved my quality of life
Marshall Bluetooth speaker. Looks like a miniature Marshall amplifier, has great sound, and it’s LOUD! Got it half price on Amazon Prime Day. Love it!
Hawaii trip in the summer with family was fun. Solo Vegas trip back in February with a little extra outcall fun, hoping to repeat it in November and see same female.

Other than that, I'm with ShadowCat, new truck, gonna trade in my current one for new Crew Cab Silverado LTZ later this month.
in my opinion, these new late model trucks are ugly. and damned expensive. the ones from the early to mid 1990s (and earlier) look much better to me. but what do I know? I'm an old fart.
Two things:

$$$$ - Dodge Durango RT w/ 5.7L HEMI; figure with the Dims in charge with FJB it' my last chance to get a Detroit assembled SUV with a V8.

$ - This sounds silly but, three belts from Amazon that "stretch" to go along with my golf shorts and dress slacks that have "expandable" waists. Relieved the pressure on my lower back dramatically reducing my nagging lower back pain.... EUREKA!

During the pandemic when toilet paper was in short supply I ordered a bidet off Amazon.

Best. $35. Ever. Spent.

So simple. So quick. 100 times cleaner than TP and more cost efficient.

Side thought: Should be a required purchase for anyone who might give a lapdance.
Baldur's Gate 3.

Of course, it could also be argued that it was my *worst* purchase, given what a time sink it's been. An enjoyable time sink, though.
Re the bidet - I feel like my viscous shit wouldn’t come off my asshole without some scrubbing. It’s not water soluble.
Electric chopper trike with large speakers in the back, long enough range for commuting to work and the beach, super comfortable for two adults and easy to drive around safely

Looks like a custom Harley Davidson Trike Freewheeler, but quiet and fast.

avatar for 54kevin
a year ago
An air fryer. No more roasting in an oven and heating up the whole house.
A Mazda convertible. It might be the most fun you can have with your clothes on. Second would be a bluetooth adapter that plugs into my old beast of a stereo receiver
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