
Another CFB Coach Is In Trouble

They never tell you what you need to know.
Sunday, September 10, 2023 11:51 PM
Michigan State football coach Mel Tucker suspended without pay amid sexual misconduct investigation [view link] Did anyone tell this guy Flight Club is only 1 hour from his office?


  • Electronman
    a year ago
    He can afford a trip to the Flight Club. Talk about poor judgment!!
  • funonthaside
    a year ago
    Hmmmm....time off WITHOUT pay, merely from an accusation. Probably a relationship turned sour, then she sought revenge. His fault for engaging with someone who has made it her career to go after SA issues. Also, this is possibly a way for her to exact revenge for what happened to her years ago with football players. I pity the young guys who need to grow up in a world where they can't date without having first obtained a signed consent form which has been notarized. It's particularly worse for rich/famous people. Regarding Flight Club....he couldn't have done that, either, as the pearl clutchers would have chastised him for visiting a *gasp* strip club, given his proximity to young and impressionable college kids.
  • motorhead
    a year ago
    Michigan State sexual thuggery at its best. I keep telling y’all that Nassar was just the tip of the iceberg
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ I've always believed that Nasser wasn't the only one, It'll take a while because these creeps are really good at hiding their actions, but eventually there will be a reckoning and it won't be pretty.
  • Hank Moody
    a year ago
    “merely from an accusation” How to say “I didn’t read the article” without saying “I didn’t read the article.” Did you miss the part about the 7 month investigation or that he admitted to jerking off while on a call with a coworker? The bigger question is why MSU let him coach the first two games when the investigation was concluded in July or why there won’t be a hearing until October.
  • aham5
    a year ago
    People get blinded by power. And sex. FC or LS would have discreetly hooked him up.
  • motorhead
    a year ago
    About 5 years ago, shortly after Nassar was sentenced, ESPN “Outside the Lines” did an investigation into sexual assaults, violence and gender discrimination against female students at Michigan State committed by athletes They found a pattern of widespread denial, cover-ups and inaction ranging from campus police, the MSU athletic department and the basketball and football coaching staffs. Nassar gets jail time - while Izzo and Dantonio (who preceded Tucker) get off unscathed despite numerous alleged over-ups. It’s time the school cleans up the mess once and for all.
  • funonthaside
    a year ago
    Hank, Did you miss the part about it being consensual (at least according to him)? Relationships turn sour all the time, sometimes leading to this drama. Imagine losing your job, or being placed on unpaid leave, after you're caught in a compromising position in a strip club VIP room, but before resolution of the case. Media destroys lives, far before any court decision. Also, there were apparently several instances of harassment / inappropriate behavior, so then the question is, "why didn't she come forth sooner?" Yeah, yeah....I know....victim blaming blah blah blah. There have been too many cases of MeToo destroying lives over relationships going off the tracks. Ironic that guys on TUSCL are suddenly clutching pearls over this, when many on here have done similar or worse.
  • funonthaside
    a year ago
    This situation highlights the power of pussy, and more specifically the fact that pussy overcomes guys' brains. He may forfeit $70m buyout due to this. If you're making his level of income, stay at home and jerk off until your contract ends, then head to an island with a harem of girls (after obtaining NDAs and Consent Agreements, of course).
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    You know, if you're employed by the university that achieved Jedi-level sexual abuse status via Larry Nassar, then you'd think that the last person you'd get mixed up with is a rape survivor hired by the university to do advocacy work regarding sexual harassment and assault. I mean, that's sort of like playing Russian roulette with a hand grenade. As to his innocence or guilt, I'll leave that to the courts. Like everyone else here, I have no idea what their investigation revealed.
  • Hank Moody
    a year ago
    Fun, seems to me you’re the one clutching piles about being falsely accused when there’s nothing in this story to suggest the accusations are false. He was suspended after an 8 month investigation. We don’t know what’s in the report, but MSU does and they suspended their coach in the middle of the season. We can guess what conclusions it reaches. As for “we’ve all done something similar?” What in the actual fuck? I’ll be the first to say I’ve never jerked off during a call with a coworker. I’m pretty sure I’d be suspended without pay, permanently.
  • Hank Moody
    10 months ago
    Here’s an espn article that covers things from the coach’s perspective. I misunderstood, but wasn’t a coworker but a woman hired to speak to the team. Still not a good idea to jerk off on the phone. [view link]
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