New York’s first trans-only strip club experience.

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avatar for doctorevil
a year ago
Muddy, looks like you missed one. I'm sure it was an oversight. You're local. Please get over there and give us a review pronto!
avatar for mike710
a year ago
I have no desire to read a review of someone stick shifting a dancer.
avatar for motorhead
a year ago
Little Joe never once gave it away
Everybody had to pay and pay
A hustle here and a hustle there
New York City's the place
avatar for FLAP3000
a year ago
How long before @minnow provides an incoherent review of this place??
avatar for shailynn
a year ago
This is the only club in the US where if Muddy sleeps in his car in the parking lot he’ll get a stripper to join him for free!
avatar for shailynn
a year ago
See Muddy already posted his ATF there:…
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
If anyone on here wanted to go, they'd probably be afraid to talk about it on THIS website.

I generally disagree with people who feel like they don't want to see strippers in the club they don't like. Typically meaning women of an unhealthy weight, or "too many" tattoos or piercings. But, I'd have to say, I don't want to see dicks and balls. If a club wasn't going to have appearance/gender rules about who could dance, it would only work for me if no junk showing was allowed except in private dances. On the occasions when I've gone to strip clubs with male dancers with gay friends, the male strippers would role up and rub their schlong on your leg to try and sell a dance. Didn't quite scar me for life, but kinda sorta.
avatar for gammanu95
a year ago
^the guy who already admitted and attempted to defend a desire to have sex with trannies
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
There are places even a scumbag like me will not go to
avatar for Studme53
a year ago
I don’t get the business model. Are there enough dudes into that vs dudes who wouldn’t be caught dead within a thousand feet? I don’t think so.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
I have no problem with guys who like this sort of thing having a club that caters to them. It's very easy for everyone else to simply not go to that club.

This is a solution, not a problem.
avatar for jaybud999
a year ago
^^^^^100% with Ishmael on this. Perfect. Everybody can chill out knowing everything they need to know.
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
You know what that's true if it keeps unadvertised trans strippers outside of the normal clubs (because that IS coming, if not already) then by all have at it to make other options for people.
avatar for shadowcat
a year ago
I can remember a time when drag show were considered a funny form of entertainment. One of my favorite Robin Williams movies was "The Bird Cage".
avatar for rattdog
a year ago
flashbacking to a banned voice from the past:
club ad

not enough details. how are the transformers - oops - meant to type the quality of the entertainers? drink prices? mild extras or more is offered on the table? any jersey handshake intros while barside? and who wants to know? vito from the sopranos.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
I think campy drag was pioneered and popularized by Divine. Old school drag queens generally really hated Divine for doing it. I saw a non-campy drag performance once, and have seen non-campy drag queens parading in the street (for promotional purposes) in Mexico (not TJ). Entirely convincing as conventionally beautiful women in heavy makeup.

A transgender woman can't be a drag queen. I guess, hypothetically, a transgender man could be a drag queen, but haven't heard of any.
avatar for drewcareypnw
a year ago
Ok Ok Ok. The right wingers are right. We ARE doomed. YUCK!!!!!!
avatar for Studme53
a year ago
So your kids or grandkids are taught at school that being transgender is cool and they try it out - that’s cool! Get you dick saw out and do the gender affirming surgery yourself!
You can brag about it at the Starbucks while you read The NY Times Sunday paper. So enlightened and perfectly normal.
avatar for 5footguy
a year ago
I won't be attending, but I love freedom when it doesn't infringe on the freedom of others, so, party on!
avatar for FLAP3000
a year ago
The problem with this is that after a while some closet racist liberal will come to the conclusion that “delegating trans women (men) to work at specific clubs is discrimination - they should be able to dance at Desire, or Vivide, or Pandora’s or Flight Club”

This is going to lead to all our favorite clubs featuring several trans dancers and those of us who don’t fuck with that stuff will be labeled as bigots.
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
Trans women are not women. End of story. True freedom is not having to believe what the Government tells you to believe. Being called a bigot for being truthful is a compliment.
avatar for chiefwiggum
a year ago
If this becomes a thing, then that will be the day I quit clubbing. Unless, of course, t-dancers get their own club. To be fair to the public, all the club names should start with a T-. And, just to be safe, there should be a big sign on the door that says "this is a trans club, you have been warned).
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