
Vladislava Galagan

Friday, September 8, 2023 7:44 AM


  • Muddy
    10 months ago
    Although I'm a little confused but yeah I would totally hit that. And btw somebody make sure Studme didn't have a heart attack.
  • motorhead
    10 months ago
    Looks like SJG photoshopped a passably cute girl’s face on a dude’s body. Might appeal to some trans weirdos
  • Muddy
    10 months ago
    @motorhead worst comes to worst we could put her in a Snuggie and just stick to face fucking her. But the minute she whips out her dick it’ll kill it for me.
  • elmer
    10 months ago
    Disgusting Repugnant Repulsive Unappealing in other words I'll take a pass
  • shailynn
    10 months ago
    With all that testosterone she probably has to shave more often that I do.
  • datinman
    10 months ago
    Cute face. I would have definitely hit that.... 800,000 reps ago.
  • twentyfive
    10 months ago
  • PAWG_Patrol
    10 months ago
    I'd be afraid if I got an HJ from her she'd pull it clean off 😂
  • rattdog
    10 months ago
    did not expect to have seen this on a friday morning on my screen. just googled her name under images - there were a couple of pics where her face appeared slightly manly. less makeup, more muscle building supplements and over a period of time she might as well change her name from vladislava to vladimir. men have 'roid rage. if she gets maniacally pissed off and starts to literally destroy objects and people she just had her period. i'm staying the fuck away from this one.
  • TheeOSU
    10 months ago
    ^ chicks like that often don't have periods. no thanks, not interested, way too manly for me.
  • gammanu95
    10 months ago
    Looks like a tranny.
  • JamesSD
    10 months ago
  • Jascoi
    10 months ago
    she's lost her feminism. overdone the gym work. still has a cute face however.
  • Studme53
    10 months ago
    Ha ha - I like them leaner than that
  • Studme53
    10 months ago
  • Studme53
    10 months ago
  • Studme53
    10 months ago
    If you don’t like her, you’re a homo [view link]
  • Brahma2k
    10 months ago
    Here’s Everything you didn’t want to know about gaining substantial fat free muscle mass, in the first person. The most prolific muscle making substance is called AAS. That is short for anabolic androgenic steroids. Anabolic = fat free mass/muscle, Androgenic = male secondary sexual characteristics, steroid = synthetic copy of a hormone minus a carbon (or 2 or 3) in the molecular reproduction. AAS because are all based on Testosterone or Dehydrotestosterone. These two hormones cause acceleration of muscle(and bone) growth as well as acceleration of male secondary sexual characteristics (male pattern baldness, deep voice, facial and body hair, the V silhouette[no hips, narrow waist, tapers up to wide shoulders), greater fat free muscle mass, reduces body fat. The more you take in a ten week period(a cycle), the likelihood both the anabolic and androgenic increase. Just 1.5 ml (200/200) injection per week for10 weeks along with very dialed in and increased eating (4 to 5 thousand calories per day) as well as excellent form progressive weight lifting — congratulations to a much lower body fat with much bigger muscles, a combination that you were not going to achieve otherwise. Due to females being low testosterone, there ability to gain significant fat free mas is very limited. But not a problem, they can inject testosterone or an AAS too. And What you’re seeing in the Ops pics are a result in significant part of those injections, the masculinization. You do you for what you like — but make zero doubt about that, those are masculized females. The makeup and hair helps disguise it as well as their underpinning biological femininity is obviously not gone (maybe one or two cycles). But, sadly, give it a few years and many of them in the pics will be ultra gross. Once you go down the AAS path, it powerfully drags you into ever increasing usage to see ever increasing muscle with lower and lower body fat.
  • motorhead
    10 months ago
    “If you don’t like her, you’re a homo“ Anyone have Elton John’s number?
  • Studme53
    10 months ago
    Hard work is how this perfect specimen got that way. She’s not bulky or roided up, just perfectly toned and gorgeous: [view link]
  • Jascoi
    10 months ago
    sorry Studme53. your girls are overdoing it and gotta stop.
  • Jascoi
    10 months ago
    anymore workout like this? and it's like Barbie turning into a feminine Ken.
  • Studme53
    10 months ago
    Ha ha y’all are sickos.
  • chimera422
    10 months ago
    Hard pass. Like a feminine look, not a ripped guy with small tits
  • Mate27
    10 months ago
    A hard (on) yes. Not for Vladislava, but for Studme’s first pic. Just my type from the front and the rear!
  • Studme53
    10 months ago
    ^Finally ! A man of taste !
  • Studme53
    10 months ago
    One of my ATFs has a lean super toned body, abs and legs like this babe [view link]
  • Jdo11
    10 months ago
    She's young, full of estrogen and taking anabolics to grow that physique. Clearly she's wealthy enough to afford those drugs and have adequate skin care to still look like a model. I doubt she'll be stupid enough to try and quit the anabolics cold turkey and end up looking like an ugly man. You are delusional if you think that she's not attractive and that a few months after cycling off the anabolics she won't have comfortably plush hips and ass.
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