Situations where dancers felt unsafe

avatar for Muddy
Ever have a dancer confide in you that she was uncomfortable working somewhere.

I think Bharlem might've said it but she was done working in a club where if there was no specific dancer exit. I never thought about that but yeah that's important.

You hear some comments too "Done working at Southside Johnnies, too ghetto"

One girl at a club in Jersey let me know there's only one guy as security for this packed strip club, "I don't feel safe on the weekends, I don't work them"

Places like San Francisco, (Crazy Horse, New Century), Downtown LA and even Hollywood clubs, these are really crazy ass places to go work at a night at with all the homeless tweakers. I'm surprised they have girls willing to go into some of these areas.

I think interesting stuff to hear, they ever let you know about how dangerous the environment was for them?


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avatar for shailynn
a year ago
A dancer once told me if Muddy is sleeping in the parking lot, she’s afraid she’d get kidnapped by him.

I told her don’t worry, he’ll just lick your toes and then drop you off at home.
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
only one security guy working in a club? I don't think I've ever seen that. and Hong Kong... they must have 20 guys on duty!
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
I once had a dancer show me her collection of guys-trying-to-follow-me-home videos.

It's not just inside the club.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
a year ago
I’ve heard some crazy stuff. Girls getting roofied, guys trying to follow them home, harassing them on social media. There was a dj at a local club who was well known for doing some shady shit repeatedly and the club did nothing for years. He’s gone now, but they looked the other way for a long time.
avatar for shadowcat
a year ago
Strippers on strike due to dangerous working conditions.…
avatar for Manuellabore
a year ago
Only times I close down a club is when I'm travelling out of town, and I always Uber there because I don't want to get popped for DUI. Depending upon the town, you can wait 20 minutes or more for a ride that time of night, which means I'm often still standing around out front by myself when the dancers are coming out. I try to look inconspicuous, but not like I'm hiding. I worry that the dancers perceive me as a stalky-looking stranger
avatar for whodey
a year ago
As I was walking into one of my favorite clubs a couple of dancers I knew were walking out together. They said they were leaving because the day shift bouncer had gone home sick and they didn't feel safe working without a bouncer.

I asked if they were interested and making some money with a private show since they were missing work. The one that I had done extras with ITC looked interested but the other quickly snapped back at me saying that I had done vip with both of them so I should know they didn't do anything inappropriate like that and grabbed her friend's hand and stormed off in a huff. If I would've had the one girl's number I would've texted her to follow up but since I had only done ITC with her a couple of times I never bothered to ask for her number.

I get why they wouldn't want to dance without any security in the club, but I don't think it would've been an issue at that club. There was usually only one bouncer on duty unless it was busy on a Friday or Saturday night or when one of the big conventions were in town. I rarely saw them do anything other than sit at the endnof the bar with their yellow security shirt or occasionally playing pool with a dancer or customer. In the 10+ years I've gone to that club I have never seen them need to do anything with a customer or dancer who was out of line and I've maybe seen a dancer ask them to walk them out to their car less than a dozen times. I guess the fact that they are there is enough to make the girls feel safer.
avatar for georgmicrodong
a year ago
@Muddy: "Ever have a dancer confide in you that she was uncomfortable working somewhere."

More than I care to recall. It's really scary for them sometimes.
avatar for boomer79
a year ago
One girl had two incidents in about 3 months. Once she was drugged and another a guy pulled a knife on her and demanded a blow job. The club had staffing issues and was short a lot early in the week frequently. What she thought was that she did extras for some regulars and others heard about it and didn’t like being turned down.
avatar for BubbleYum
a year ago
There's a shitty club in downtown Detroit that only staffed two bouncers on the weekends and they would both hangout at the door checking IDs. So dancers were constantly accosted and we had nobody to go to. There was one time I pushed a (drunk) customer up against a wall by his neck for being a piece of shit in the communal vip area. Myself and a few other girls were known for slapping or decking guys in their faces. One customer but my neck so bad that it bruised for an two weeks. I had to ice it over and was sent home early because it hurt so much. The club asked me to not make a police report and banned the customer. I dumped someone's beer on his phone because he took a photo of me and laughed when I asked him to please delete it and wouldn't. I got yelled at for that by the manager and demanded to know where my bouncer was then. Then the manager walked away without saying more to me. This was at Bouzouki. We were our own bouncers because the ones hired were too chicken shit to do their jobs and watch VIP like they were supposed to. None of us ever got into serious trouble because the club was technically allowing customers to behave like fucking animals. And customers weren't going to do shit legally because other were technically assaulting us first. At the time, Bouzouki was the only non-extras club in the city at the time, so those of us who worked there did so because we weren't comfortable at other clubs.

avatar for BubbleYum
a year ago
*bit my neck. Where's that edit button? 😡
avatar for FLAP3000
a year ago
This kinda stuff is ridiculous. Eventually, pricks like this who don’t know where to draw lines will ruin the hobby for all of us. No wonder a lot of dancers think we are ALL stalkers/creeps on sight. I didn’t realize this kinda thing was prevalent.
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