Are there more reviews being written now adays?

avatar for Muddy
Or is just me and we are in full swing again after Covid and it just seems like it. Maybe it's the new format too where you have multiple pages but it just feels like there's been more reviews daily the last few months.

Also are reviews getting approved faster on the average in your experience? I remember a few years ago when if you put one in the morning you would have to wait till about late afternoon or night. Pretty much of full day. (but then again I'm not at the Papi Chulo level either) Yesterday morning I submitted a review and it only took an hour.


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
I think we are back to pre Covid except the number of not enough details have increased. This may in part be due to the lack of guidelines. When you go to add a review you get "Add a Review
Earn 4 weeks of free VIP time for each review you have approved and published. Your review will be read by other community members for approval, so please read our review guidelines." But nowhere can I find the review guidelines.
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
New site drives users to submit raviews, many more than previously. Not as much competition from the other facets like pictures, articles, trolls, and therefore more movement to write raviews. That’s fine, but I’ve noticed they’re a little more watered down submissions imo, but let’s face it, I don’t travel and I only need to see local ones anyway.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
There seem to be less Club Ads these days as well.
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
More members which means more reviews and the asshole desert scrub is no longer around
avatar for JC2003
2 years ago
> But nowhere can I find the review guidelines.
It isn't obvious from looking at it, but if you click the words "review guidelines" when submitting a review, the guidelines show up.
avatar for uniquename
2 years ago
Since the revision of the site I’ve noticed fewer to no comments from the dancers that used to be here.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
On the add review page, the link is there but it's not highlighted. Click where it says "please read our review guidelines"
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
I respectfully disagree mate....I enjoy reading reviews from anywhere as long as there is substance to them
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
I looked for it and couldn't find it, but I do see it now. Making it more obvious would probably help. Or even be annoying and make a little interstitial when you submit where you check a box that says "I've read the review guidelines" and has a link to show em to you.
avatar for minnow
2 years ago
One factor for additional "reviews" is AI/ Chat GPT, which has gained more prominence in last few yrs.
avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
I still prefer the features of the previous version.but new version does look neater however.
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