Crazy bitches

avatar for Careless_kevin4405
This is an issue I want solid advice on. I'm my area or maybe around the world, strippers "over count" the dances and also will demand tips. I had a scenario where a stripper demanded $200 for an LDK(lapgasam) I had, she also uncounted the dances.

Realistically guys, management will ALWAYS believe the girl before you. Not only do management know the girls, it is in their best financial interest.

I asked many people here and they all say that "they never have issues". Am i missing something?

Online I get advice to be respectful and nice, but if something happens negatively, then I should have been more "alpha". Do I just act like a douche bag?

I'm being serious about this cause Ethier I am getting the worst luck in stripclubs or you guys post only positive results. Please help me out cause I dont have decades of experience under my belt like some of u. Thanks


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avatar for doctorevil
2 years ago
Judging from your one review and most of your other posts, you are not having a good time at strip clubs. You should stop going, as you suggested to yourself the other day.
avatar for funonthaside
2 years ago
To avoid overcounting songs, verbally confirm song count after each song ("that was 4 songs.....right?)

If a dancer demands an extra tip for LDK, tell her no, and walk. You pay her for a dance, not the result of a dance.

Most inportantly, stop making yourself a target by appearing weak. Lack of confidence and self-esteem are like blood in water is to sharks.

People get treated poorly because they allow themselves to be treated poorly.
avatar for davephx
2 years ago
In over 20 years of going to Greater Toronto area clubs (and Niagara and Hamilton), I do not recall any over-counting. That happens far more in the US. But I always say lets start on next song and confirm as we go what dance we are on. Or, will say let's do 3 songs (or 5 if really like after first few) etc. so leave the counting to her and have never had an issue. Even in earlier days when wasn't so specific I learned to do more from US clubs where overcounting was much more common.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
Funontheaside says exactly what I would say: count as you go and don’t make yourself look like a target. Every stripper will take advantage of you if they think they can.

I would add: don’t repeat with a dancer who overcounts. You will narrow the field to better talent.
avatar for etsutwigg222
2 years ago
I tell them up front that I pay in multiples of 2, so I keep $20's in multiples of $100 in my drink money pocket. Everything else is in my security pocket that can't be opened during a dance in any room. Usually, I get a feel for the dancer after a song or 2 & may change to pay every 4. When they demand a tip, ask for what reason (I usually tip immediately after the last song if warranted). If they threaten to call the floor, I say great I need to discuss your performance with them anyway. The worst that can happen is the ask me to leave the club, which I would be doing anyway. If the bouncer gets aggressive, I just suggest we call 911 !!!!
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
OP = troll.

Also, I thought you were quitting strip clubs?
avatar for Pussylicker2
2 years ago
Firstly, realize that some forum members here are actually strip club employees. Next, did you give the club your car keys? If so, they don't have to give them back if they think you owe them money, which is why some of the clubs require you to valet park even if you park a block away. Third, have you been drinking? If you've had even one drink, the strip club's version is "the customer was drunk and...". That's why I never drink in strip clubs and never allow their valet troll to drive my ride. I always check my watch when we get to the vip room. When a dancer tries to pull crap on me I laugh at her, I'll tell the bouncer I paid her what I owe, I'm leaving.
avatar for 5footguy
2 years ago
> I asked many people here and they all say that "they never have issues". Am i missing something?
> Online I get advice to be respectful and nice, but if something happens negatively, then I should have been more "alpha". Do I just act like a douche bag?

I'd guess that most people who actually LDK'd would not admit to it, because although I hear people talk about it, I can't imagine anyone over 14 years old actually doing it. Ladies might infer that your dick gets no stimulation from women, ever, since stimulation from *outside your pants* gave you the big O. The other inference to be drawn is that you would not have the ability to please a woman longer than 30 seconds. Neither of these are particularly good.

Now, you posted about this before, and you have mentioned it more than once. It's kind of like getting fired from a job, kicked out of the building, and then running around telling everyone about it. Confident people who are not used to getting fired or treated that way would own it, but they wouldn't go around telling it to everyone multiple times. Why? Because it's so out of character for them that they are ashamed. So, you continuing to bring it up might lead readers to believe that you do not have high standards for yourself, that you point the finger at others without taking any responsibility (after all, the title of this discussion is "Crazy Bitches"), and that you are in a way a glutton for punishment. Those might not be the reality, but it's one conclusion that might be drawn.

I don't expect that your presence commands much respect. You allude to this when you equate being "alpha" with being a "douche bag." Ironically, this is exactly what you will come across as, if you try to behave like an "alpha," because it is so far out of your comfort zone, I think. Maybe you do not feel confident about the way you look. Maybe your posture is poor. Maybe ... something else. I am not your prototypical "alpha," for sure, nor do I think that this even needs to be a thought in your head.

Be respectful, intelligent, cool, polite, but do not be "nice." Women and men will walk all over you if they smell a hint of "nice." Nice is not a good thing. It's boring, and something about you (your "energy" dare I say) tells girls that you won't really care if they overcharge you, or miscount dances, or whatever. If it's been 3 songs and they say 5, then you've already lost. It means that they smell weakness.

"Man up," if I may say so. Be more like Thomas Shelby (without killing people) and less like Ross (from Friends). Be more like Rust Cohle (True Detective) and less like Ray (Everybody Loves Raymond). More like Don Draper (Mad Men) and less Jim Halpert (The Office). Think of things you do well and that can give you some confidence. Build on this. You are waging a war with the mind here, and it will take a long time. Give yourself permission to grow. You will fail (as we all do), but keep working on it, or you will just find yourself one day to be an older version of the guy who LDKs. Let that shit go and work on yourself.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
If you call yourself "alpha" and aren't a wolf who has fathered puppies, you need to boil your head.

Any stripper who has been on the job 15 minutes has heard all the "alpha" behavior, negging, "game" shit you can think of and then some.

It's about not losing your backbone in the presence of hot naked women. If you can do that and not lose your head, you're most of the way there.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Me: What's the total cost? Dancer: $300. Me: Too much, happy with just dances. Dancer: $200. Me: Deal. Really a lot like Astrophysics.
avatar for Careless_kevin4405
2 years ago
Thanks everyone for the positive responses and even the criticism. I understand my mental issues have given me trouble. I paint a target on my back by being nice. Anyway I will be more assertive and bite back if issues occur. Thanks
avatar for Jdo11
2 years ago
The only reason management would have skrippa's backs over yours is if you are a nonwhite living in the biblebelt or if you didn't give management a 20$ tip.

As for what you can do yourself to keep from getting hustled is stop her after two dances and pay her, then continue more dances. Ive found that tactic to be good for testing the waters with new dancers or dancers whom I suspect are hustlers/ flakes.

You should always define the expectations and prices for the dances before having her start. If she seems too good to be true, shes likely a flake.

As for being too nice; you gotta keep in mind that the women who do sex work VOlUnTARILY have some kind of delusional belief that allows them to earn without shame and stigma. We're effectively dealing with a bipolar creature whose goal is to maximize earnings via sex work whilst expending the least energy. To that end when they find young guys, or new to hustle culture, they'll absolutely take advantage of their naivety.

Don't make yourself feel inappropriately guilty for setting standards for return on the money you're willing to spend. To that end you must accept that sometimes you'll just have to walk away with blue balls.

I feel like a tate-bro typing this shit out, but I just want to illustrate that anyone can be simultaneously respectful and assertive.

Also it never hurts to give the shift manager a $20 each visit. I've been doing that at my regular clubs and I've never had management not have my back when dancers tried to hustle me.
avatar for funonthaside
2 years ago
Jdo11 is absolutely correct about getting management/staff on your side. It doesn't even need to be $20 tip each time, although that amount may be necessary at some clubs. While money is the fastest way to get the protection, it can also be earned non-financially simply by building a rapport, which is created naturally when they see you often.

We talk often about getting the girls on our side; it's also important to get mgmt/staff on your side. It helps with getting feedback on girls, as well as sometimes getting some extra perks/closed eyes.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
If a strip club is the only place you've ever gotten scammed, you should count yourself lucky. My current fav can tell you stories all night about times she's been scammed by customers, in and out of the club. Must clubs are bluffing about beating your ass if you don't pay, and many ROPLs call the bluff.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
How are customers scamming? Must be at clubs where they get to pay after the dance? Vs clubs where payment is made up front, allows dancers to scam much easier.

They cant beat your ass for not paying for the same reason anybody cant start beating someone up for scamming or stealing.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Stick with favorite clubs and favorite dancers. No surprises. Proven service.

If you do stumble across a dancer who over counts, let her know it’s different than your count, then pay what she says. It’s just the cost of doing business.

Alternatively, just announce how many dances you want before she begins.
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