OT: Apple vision Pro

I dont understand. It’s $3,500 for dorky looking goggles that do the same thing an iPhone does. What’s the killer app ?
I dont understand. It’s $3,500 for dorky looking goggles that do the same thing an iPhone does. What’s the killer app ?
last commentAnd, will they work for anyone over 40 who needs reading glasses ?
Did they actually mention the price?
From what I could see, it's primary purpose for now is to extend the professional's desktop into this virtual space. I could see this being very useful; that $3,500 doesn't go very far when purchasing good monitors for photo, video, and sound editing, and professional design work.
A secondary purpose is to extend a consumer's entertainment into this space. If you're single, or want to watch porn privately in a public space, I can see the usefulness.
Technically, they will work for us over 40 folks, with inserts for prescription lenses. There are companies that provide such right now for almost every other major headset, and most of the minor ones.
We are near the end times. Just wait and see. AI and this product are just the 1st stage. When Apple launched the iphone, ipad, and apple watch they were merely novelties. Then society figured out ways to integrate them into our lives. The question is how long will it take apple to shrink this device to fit into a pair of ordinary glasses. Then life will get interesting for all of us. Privacy.....gone.....and a new wave of zombies roving the streets. For example, today people use instagram to pretend thier are part of celebrities lives. imagine when celebs can film thier lives and let you into a livestream.
^ I may be okay with this if they make a doll that can make me feel like I’m having sex with a real woman, but then again it would probably decapitate me in my sleep and steal my car.
There's plenty of people who will pay boatloads of money to try the latest new thing. And when it comes to Apple products, multiple boat loads. I don't get it, personally. I've never been a huge Apple fan.
@Ishmael, the problem is, Apple products don't play well with non-Apple products. Once you buy one overpriced Apple product, you have to buy the next one, and the next one, and sooner or later you're forking over thousands of dollars and becoming a brand fanboy.
^ Precisely why I've never gone down that path.
@C.M.I, I am a moderate Apple fan. I waited for three versions after the original to get both my phone and my watch, and the fourth for my Apple TV, and I bought them a year after they were released. As for lock-in, if Apple didn't provide the services they do, that might be a problem. For what I need out of these devices, it's enough.
I absolutely agree that people who buy everything Apple makes as soon as it comes out are borderline insane. Or have more money than sense. Or both.
Don't underestimate the degree to which this new under 25 generation lives in video games. For them getting these goggle is like when we got our first component stereo... we lived in a world of music and they live in a world of gaming. This is just the next step in their shit-for-brains go nowhere do nothing existence. It would be sad if I gave a single fuck about them.
No doubt they will want an extra $? For a tiny little accessory or peripheral on top that won’t be included as it should be, just like they do with iPhones.