Tipping for cheap ($10) dances

avatar for Number8

Was wondering what you guys think is the proper tipping etiquette in cities like Atlanta or Phoenix where you can sometimes get high milage lap dances for $10. Because dances are so cheap, do you feel the need to tip more than you normally would for great service ?


last comment
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
1 yr ago

I don't care about the price. If I like the dancer and/or the dances she provides, then I tip.

avatar for shadowcat
1 yr ago

a don't tip for dances unless there is a "happy ending".

avatar for gSteph
1 yr ago

Never had the opportunity. I tip for a good $20 dance, so sure I'd tip for good $10 dance. If good, I'd get twice as many.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

I generally tip them enough so they make at least $20 a dance.

In most clubs, dancers spend a of dead time making sales pitches or just plain waiting. In that case, dancers with good hustle don't care much if they make $100 off you by doing 5 dances or 10. If doubling the dance price will lead to more than a 50% drop in dances sold, only the dumber or more bitter strippers will nonetheless think it's a good thing.

One of my favs would tell PLs the dance price was two for $20. Technically not SS.

avatar for whodey
1 yr ago

If I'm happy with the dance I'm going to tip. It's about how much I think the dance was worth. If it was what I'd consider $25 worth I am giving her $25 regardless of if it is a $10 or $20 per song club.

avatar for etsutwigg222
1 yr ago

If they take the tip of little ET, they are getting in line for a tip from big ET.

avatar for azdd
1 yr ago

I don’t tip on $10 floor dances, but I do buy multiple dances unless they are completely lame. At the HiLiter in Phoenix, I let the Cubans line up and usually get a couple of dances from each girl, sometimes more if they are extra fun. They ALL hit me up about VIP, but I only take them back occasionally. Nobody complains about the lack of tip when I hand them $20 for two dances. Floor dances at the HL can range from pretty tame to quite wild, depending on the girl.

avatar for bang69
1 yr ago

If she is putting on a great stage show. I'll tip at the rail. other wise no tip unless there is a happy ending in the vip room.

avatar for ww
1 yr ago

@bang69 - Finally, someone with the right answer!

avatar for Mate27
1 yr ago

Thanks doubleD-AZ! I went there for the first time in sometime and got some strategically placed assets placed upon myself, earlier this week!

avatar for mark94
1 yr ago

As a general rule, no. But, for exceptional service, yes.

avatar for Pussylicker2
1 yr ago

For a $10 barside or table side dance I usually tip $10 for a dick-out dance, assuming the dancer gave me a little handy (or blowie). The only time I'd ever tip a bathroom troll is if it's a lady troll and she gave me a little shake.

avatar for bkkruined
1 yr ago

I get tired of tipping in some places, all the dancers with hands out, the troll, doormen, etc.

But, not tipping cause it's too cheap seems pretty fucking stupid to me. You want them to just raise the price, or keep up the confidence with them getting enough in tips if the are doing shit right they don't have to raise the price?

I wish there was someplace around with $10 dances. And I'd probably be tipping them more than I do for the dances they want $40 a song for around here.

avatar for ww
1 yr ago

^^^Nope…backwards thinking.

The prices stay “low” by not tipping extra or more than the norm.

If everyone were to do so, once employees, staff, management get wind of the practice, then the prices go up to support the trend.

For those of you in areas where $20-40 is the norm, if enough patrons weren’t paying that (plus tips), the price would go down (or they could choose to go out of business).

Since folks continue to patronize at those prices points, there’s no need to reduce, but it would surprise to see you guys pay double the price in the near future if you keep adding tips to those already inflated prices.

avatar for chiefwiggum
1 yr ago

For $10 dances in MIA, ATL and PHX, I'm done in two songs if there is no high mileage. So $20 and usually no one asks for more. If the girl is showing some high mileage, I'll tip $10 on 3 or 4 dances.

avatar for Warrior15
1 yr ago

shadowcat got it right above. Tipping is for extra special attention.

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