Durham Report

avatar for mark94
The Durham report has finally been released. Much too late to do any good. I doubt any charges will be brought. But, we’ve learned a lot:

The Clinton campaign plan to link Trump-Russia - known to the CIA - was briefed to President Obama, VP Biden, AG Lynch, and FBI Director Comey. They were all in on it.

The FBI and DOJ restricted two investigations into Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election:

1) The Clinton Foundation investigation

2) Illegal foreign contributions to the Clinton Campaign

"No investigative activities occurred for months"

According to an FBI CHS in early 2016, the Clinton Campaign was "fully aware" of and "ok with" a foreign contribution in violation of federal law.

The FBI agent didn't get receipts - and asked the source to stay away from the Clinton campaign.

The FBI made "no effort" to investigate "the Clinton campaign's acceptance of an illegal "campaign contribution that was made by the FBI's own long-term CHS."

The Carter Page FISA ( used to justify spying on Trump ) was submitted under intense pressure from the FBI leadership.

FBI Director James Comey, in particulary, wanted the Carter Page FISA - badly.

Comey to McCabe: "Where is the FISA, where is the FISA?"

FBI leadership was so concerned about what its agents were finding about the Steele memos ( that it was all fake ) that they ordered:

"no more memos were to be written"

Do not "document any recommendations, context, or analysis"


last comment
avatar for caseyx
2 years ago
The House should go through the report and subpoena every last person at the FBI who is named and drag them in front of a committee. It won't get them fired or have any real consequences but it would help to continue to shine light on the situation.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
If all this had been reported 3 years ago ( as it should have been ), Trump would still be President, the border would be secure, inflation would be under control, the deficit would be under control, and Russia would have never invaded Ukraine.
avatar for etsutwigg222
2 years ago
Republicans & Democrats were all in on it. They can't afford to have a non-career politician with power to expose how corrupt the all are. Glad I only have a short time left on this earth, because the USA will be 3rd world soon.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
Lol. Durham himself is recommending no additional action be taken. Any reason you left that out of your summary? He did manage to get one conviction (no jail time) and lose the two other cases he brought, so there’s that.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
The level of corruption amongst the government employees is beyond anyone’s imagination. If Trump manages to get re-elected, he should fire the highest paid 10.000 employees in the federal government on day one.
avatar for londonguy
2 years ago
@ Mark94. Trump could not have done a thing to stop Russia. What makes you think otherwise?
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
“Durham himself is recommending no additional action be taken. Any reason you left that out of your summary?”

I said in the first paragraph that I expected no legal action. The powers in DC only allowed this report to be released when they knew it was too late to use it. Three years too late.
avatar for mogul1985
2 years ago
And there is no "Deep State". Right. Noting to see here, move along, move along, nothing to see. It is important this be released by the House via a press conference to just get it out there, subpoena, as Caseyx said, all in the DOJ & FBI & all others that would be considered "managers in charge". The GOP can use this info in '24, '26, ' 28 to drive home the absolute corruption we felt existed but didn't have the documentation due to....The Deep State "conspiracy". A few months back Bongino said on his Podcast he needed more conspiracy theories as all his were proven TRUE!
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
“Trump could not have done a thing to stop Russia. What makes you think otherwise?”

Because Putin took no action for the 4 years that Trump was President. It wasn’t until Biden that he believed he could get away with it.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
“I said in the first paragraph that I expected no legal action. The powers in DC only allowed this report to be released when they knew it was too late to use it. Three years too late.”

This is you trying to win an argument on a message board and avoiding the point. FFS, Durham had the ability to charge crimes, if he found any. He got one minor conviction and then embarrassingly lost a trial where he personally questioned witnesses and made the arguments. And then he drops this ‘bomb shell’ report you so desperately post on here and he doesn’t recommend prosecuting anyone?! That’s his job. To prosecute crimes and he, the Barr appointee, is telling you there are no crimes to prosecute. Go ahead and keep shouting at windmills.

And what ‘powers in DC’ delayed the report? Durham controlled it and released it when he was done turning over all the stones and finding nobody to charge.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Londonguy: Every news source available to the UK, especially about American politics, is 100% dominated by the global elite. Nigel Farage has tried to break through but I have a sense that hasn’t worked.

I was excited about Brexit when it happened but the elite in government and media has made sure that has gone nowhere.

The only way to learn what is really happening in the US is to read and view alternative media. You could start with GETTR or Citizen Free Press.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
The information in this report is devastating. Liberal media has already decided that the best talking point to refute it is “ no convictions, no harm”. That talking point is being parroted in this thread. It’s the best they have.

The DOJ and FBI conspired with the media to lie to the public and fix an election. Then, the DOJ covered this up and buried evidence. Then, the defense is “ no convictions”. Weak tea.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
“… The House should go through the report and subpoena every last person at the FBI who is named and drag them in front of a committee …”

When it comes to Trump; everything gets released even if it’s all false (or especially if it’s false) – when it comes to the Dems (Clintons; Bidens; etc); they block-and-hide for them.

I’ve seen snippets of when the FBI is brought b/f Congress – whenever they are asked a tough question about their, and the Dems’, shenanigans, their standard response is “we can’t comment on a pending investigation *or* a possibly pending investigation”; but if it’s Trump, then everything gets out especially if it’s false.

It’s obvious there is a set of rules for Trump and a separate set of rules for the Dems (Clintons; Bidens; etc) – it is obvious the goal was to remove Trump by any means necessary including lies and setups, and have the media complicit in pushing all the lies.

Then you have Hunter Biden and half-a-dozen other Biden-family members taking in millions from foreign countries (China; Ukraine; etc) via shell-companies and barely a beep from the FBI/DOJ/Media – makes one wonder why Biden is so gung-ho in “defending” Ukraine and all the armament and money that has been sent to Ukraine.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
The Oversight Committee published a 30 page memo that details the millions funneled to the Biden Crime Family. Yet, the meme repeated by the media is “ they have no evidence” “ they’ve lost their witness”.

No evidence ? That’s one of the biggest lies ever told.
avatar for mogul1985
2 years ago
And the Dems and MSM cohorts will say "What difference it make NOW?"
avatar for mogul1985
2 years ago
"...Then you have Hunter Biden and half-a-dozen other Biden-family members taking in millions from foreign countries (China; Ukraine; etc) via shell-companies and barely a beep from the FBI/DOJ/Media – makes one wonder why Biden is so gung-ho in “defending” Ukraine and all the armament and money that has been sent to Ukraine."

And, drum roll, what product or service did the provide. The only answer is influence from The Big Guy. Shame on my Lyin' Eyes! Only so much can be swept under a (very big) rug.
avatar for mogul1985
2 years ago
Let me re-phrase: And, drum roll, what product or service did They provide. The only answer is influence with The Big Guy. Shame on my Lyin' Eyes! Only so much can be swept under a (very big) rug Made In China.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
The suspicious activity reports about the millions funneled to the Bidens have been known to the Treasury Department since at least 2015. Yet, they have still not been made public. Congressional staff is only allowed to view them in the basement of the Treasury office. They are not allowed to take them or copy them.

These are documents proving the sitting President has been bribed by our enemies and the American people are not allowed to see the documents.
avatar for londonguy
2 years ago
Mark, I think that’s a case of timing. I watched a very informative documentary as to why Putin invaded when he did. There’s nothing Trump could have done other than putting boots on the ground in Ukraine, there’s not a commentator I know of or person I have spoken to that thinks that’s a good idea.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Trump has talked about a conversation he had with Putin saying there would severe consequences if he invaded Ukraine and implying Moscow would be hit with missiles.

Was that an insane conversation to have with a nuclear power ? Maybe. Probably. But, it is not a “case of timing” or coincidence that the invasion didn’t take place until Biden.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Anybody else come in here thinking Mark was about to talk about a Raleigh/Durham strip adventure?
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
It turns out, the great unwashed, right leaning, blue collar, tin foil hat, conspiracy theorists were right about everything.

The 1%, Ivy League, highly credentialed, smartest people in academia, government, and media were lying all along.
avatar for londonguy
2 years ago
We will agree to disagree Mark. As for Brexit, that is being hindered mostly by the anti-Brexit civil servants slowing things down. If Labour win power at the next election I suspect there will be moves to rejoin the EU.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
I agree…..about Brexit.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
IMO – if there is anything that can be learned of the last few years; is that we-the-people, to a very-large-degree, have been getting gaslighted on all-sides – i.e. now more than ever one needs to be extra cynical about what we hear either from “the experts”, or the media (documentaries or anything else) – a lot of it is at best half-truths (only giving one side/angle and leaving out context; or straight out lies) – not to sty everything falls under gaslighting; but that one needs to be extra cynical/critical about “the version of things one is fed”
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
“… Trump could not have done a thing to stop Russia. What makes you think otherwise? …”

Hard to say how it would have gone – but I think most politicians/world-leaders saw Trump as a potentially-loose-cannon.

Kinda hard to infer what would’ve eventually happened if Trump was still prez; but Putin snatched Crimea under Obama and invaded Ukraine under Biden – similarly China got much more aggressive towards Taiwan as soon as Trump was out of power.
avatar for rattdog
2 years ago
this durham guy....

about a year and a half ago i started hearing about this is a guy, that has the "power" to put away some of the so called deep state operatives. he has thousands n thousands of pages of docs to take many years to go through to build cases. i'm sure he's paid real well to do this job, and sure takes his sweet ass time doing so. and when the time arrives for those cases to go to court - umgattz!!! could it be that this durham guy never had access to the hardest evidence for any case in the very first place? none of the really good stuff? would have had better luck with leon "the bull" durham holding a baseball bat threatening to swing at some heads than relying on this fuck.

and let's be real here. does anyone here think that anything good will come out of those jim jordan led investigations?

just have to face the reality could be that ALL are part of this thing referred to as the "deep state." trump, bidens, obama, bushes, clintons, etc on our front. then there are the other heads of the other countries.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Found on Twitter

• The Russia collusion probe: Election Interference.
• The Mueller investigation: Election Interference.
• Trump impeachment 1: Election Interference.
• The Covid lockdowns: Election Interference.
• Unlawful mail-in ballot changes: Election Interference.
• Hunter Biden laptop story censorship: Election Interference.
• 51 Intel Officials sign Russia disinfo letter: Election Interference.
• Big Tech censorship: Election Interference.
• Trump impeachment 2: Election Interference.
• FBI Mar-a-Lago raid: Election Interference.
• Civil suit judgment: Election Interference.
• Criminal indictment: Election Interference.
• Judge's Trump gag order: Election Interference.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
For those old enough to remember Donald Rumsfeld, a big part of what made him a successful SecDef was that everyone knew he was a crazy fucker capable of anything.
avatar for rattdog
2 years ago
and they're still mum after 9/11 about where all that money went yeah?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
The establishment never thought Trump would get elected – throughout 2016 when it started to become more and more possible that Trump would get the Republican nomination; that is when the establishment started to worry and went into “operation Trump takedown” (fake “Russian Collusion”; illegal FISA warrants; hiding the Clintons’ illegal acts; etc).

After Trump got the Republican nomination; it was still seen as unlikely he would defeat the Clinton and democrat machine – Hillary was seen as the sure-winner all the way till election nigh – the establishment probably felt they had done enough.

The establishment’s worst-fears came thru after the 2016 election – the day after the election the establishment’s only goal was getting Trump out-of-office ASAP by any means necessary and it was one “trumped” up false allegation after the other for all 4 years.

No way was the establishment gonna repat the same mistake of 2016 and have Trump possibly reeleted again – and that is where u have:

+ the hiding of Hunter’s laptop and the Biden’s money schemes

+ the 51 “intel agents” letter

+ and everything else during the 2020-election and since then
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
No doubt Trump is flawed as a politician (and even as a person) – IMO Trump’s support (coming out of nowhere in 2016 where hardly anyone gave him a chance; and in 2020 getting more votes than anyone in history “other than Biden”). is more a sign of how a large number of Americans feel about the political establishment vs how highly they think of Trump.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
"‘There’s Nothing To This, But We Have To Run It To The Ground,’ Anti-Trump FBI Agent Strzok Said: Durham"

Days after opening a full FBI investigation into connections between Donald Trump and Russia, lead FBI investigator Peter Strzok told a subordinate that “there’s nothing to this, but we have to run it to the ground,” the subordinate — a top official in the Bureau’s London outpost—told Special Counsel John Durham.

Strzok opened a full investigation — skipping preliminary steps — based on nothing but a brief and “vague” account by an Australian diplomat of a conversation in a London bar, and within hours had traveled to London. But when he explained why he had opened the investigation, neither the FBI employees there nor their British counterparts could believe it, according to a report released by Durham on Monday.

The FBI’s specialists on Russia had heard nothing about ties between Trump and Russia, making them skeptical. Instead of using Russia experts, the FBI then assigned brand-new intelligence analysts to work the most prominent and politically explosive case in the country.

The FBI’s Assistant Legal Attache in London (UK ALAT) told the Special Counsel that British intelligence agents “did not assess the information about the Russians and Trump, attributed to Papadopoulos, to be particularly valuable intelligence. Indeed, he told the FBI’s Inspection Division investigators that ‘the British could not believe the Papadopoulos bar conversation was all there was,’ and they were convinced the FBI must have had more information that it was holding back.”

“Dude, are we telling them everything we know, or is there more to this?” the ALAT wrote to a supervisory special agent.

“That’s all we have. Not holding anything back,” the supervisor replied.

“Damn that’s thin,” the ALAT said.

“I know. It sucks,” the supervisor said.

British agents felt the same way, raising concerns that Papadopolous was a low-level volunteer who seemed “insecure” and trying to impress. The ALAT said that in discussing the matter with a “senior British Intelligence Service-I official, the official was openly skeptical, said the FBI’s plan for an operation made no sense, and asked UK ALAT-1 why the FBI did not just go to Papadopoulos and ask him what they wanted to know.”

The FBI’s specialists on Russia had also heard nothing about ties between Trump and Russia. FBI officials in London assumed there was much more evidence given Strzok’s urgency, but after it quickly became clear that there was not, they had to “grease the skids” for it anyway because of pressure from top leadership, the ALAT said.

“From his vantage point, UK ALAT-1 saw that FBI executive management was pushing the matter so hard that ‘there was no stopping the train,’ and he told the OIG that, ‘I mean it was, this thing was corning. So my job was to grease the skids for it, and that’s what I did,'” the report said.

FBI lawyer and Strzok mistress Lisa Page testified that the FBI used “line level analysts who [were] super experts on Russia,” but the FBI’s Inspection Division found that the intelligence analysts “selected for Crossfire Hurricane were uniformly inexperienced” and that “[n]one of them were subject matter expert analysts.” Aside from Brian Auten, an FBI agent who has been criticized for allegedly working to shut down an investigation into Hunter Biden, “the most experienced analyst had less than nine months of experience working in that capacity, two had less than four months experience, and two came straight from analyst training,” the report said.

At the time, Strzok was Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division. After his hyper-anti Trump text messages with his mistress were exposed, he has since become an open partisan with regular TV appearances. His comment, as recalled by the ALAT, could suggest that Strzok knowingly conducted a baseless operation from Day 1. The Russia probe went on to overshadow much of the Trump presidency, despite Special Counsel Robert Mueller previously concluding that there was no evidence of a conspiracy.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
"Congrats To The U.S. Intelligence Community, Back-To-Back U.S. Presidential Election Interference Champs!"

Congratulations to the United States Intelligence Community on back-to-back U.S. presidential election interference championships!

In both the 2016 presidential election, featuring then-reality TV star Donald Trump vs. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and the 2020 presidential election, featuring President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden, certain current and former actors within the federal government broke an unprecedented number of “norms,” ethics, and possibly laws in order to seemingly influence the outcome of both elections.

On Monday, Special Counsel John Durham released his long-awaited report investigating the U.S. federal government’s actions during the 2016 election cycle and its monitoring of the Trump campaign. Of course, the American people — at least conservative Americans — didn’t need the Durham investigation to conclude that the Obama administration, the Department of Justice, and the intelligence community acted untoward — putting it mildly — in 20216, but it’s nice having it in writing.

Durham’s team concluded that “neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion” when it began Operation Crossfire Hurricane – that’s the operation seen by many as the U.S. government spying on the Trump 2016 campaign. The report also said that Crossfire Hurricane investigators, “did not and could not corroborate any of the substantive allegations contained in the Steele reporting.” The now-infamous Steele dossier was initially used to gain legal permission to monitor the Trump team.

The Daily Wire noted Monday, the report “also concluded that the FBI had no evidence to support a Trump-Russia scandal when it began its investigation and found ‘sobering’ differences in how it approached the Trump probe compared to other politically sensitive investigations.”

As summarized by conservative Greg Price, “the plan by Hillary Clinton to create a false story linking Donald Trump to Russia was briefed in August of 2016 by CIA Director John Brennan to President Obama, VP Biden, AG Loretta Lynch, and FBI Director Comey.”

So, in other words, assuming Durham’s report is accurate, then it was all a hoax perpetrated at some of the highest levels of the U.S. — as Trump has long claimed.

Trump was never a Russian agent. Nor was the infamous and crass “pee tape” real, per the Durham report. The source behind that tawdry tale admitted he made that all up as well. The feds and the Democratic Party at large wanted you to believe that Trump was controlled by Putin with a penchant for Russian prostitutes. It was all so absurd.

That nonsense lasted throughout Trump’s presidency, which rolled right into the 2020 election. Under the pretense of previous Russian election interference to install Trump, 51 intelligence community veterans signed a letter saying the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” story had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

Twitter then used that letter as part of its justification to censor The New York Post story about it. The 51 officials haven’t been able to explain why they thought it was Russian disinformation, and now much of the content on that laptop has been verified as being authentic.

Now, it has been alleged that current CIA officials helped put together that letter and that former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell asked fellow intelligence veterans to add their names to the letter suggesting the Hunter Biden laptop story could be part of a Russian disinformation campaign with a stated purpose of giving now-President Joe Biden‘s 2020 campaign a debate “talking point.”

Who played a role in that letter as well? Well, none other than the aforementioned CIA director, John Brennan.

So, it appears that the U.S. intelligence community used its power to smear, spy on, and discredit Trump — and the conservative movement in general — during the two most recent national elections, the supposed cornerstone of American democracy where Americans come together to vote for their new president.

Now the question, is who is going to be charged and when? Of course, it seems that the answer to those questions is, to put it in layman’s terms, that there is not a chance in France that happens.

And until it does, the U.S. intelligence community is the reigning election interference champ.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
Seems the playbook was to accuse Trump and Conservatives of everything under-the-sun and use the media to propagate all the lies – then when Conservatives would push back the go-to move was to call them “conspiracy theorists” and again use the media to propagate that narrative.

In essence – the playbook was:

a) accuse Trump/Conservatives of false illegal acts

b) all the while it is the Dems committing many of the same acts which they in turn accuse Trump of

c) tar-and-feather as “conspiracy theorists” and “threats to democracy”, w/ the help of the sold-out media, anyone that dared question the narrative

I have a strong-feeling that this Durham thing is only scratching the surface.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
It seems like they wasted a lot of time and money on this investigation. I didn't necessarily believe Trump colluded with Russia, but I don't know what intel was in play.

What we do know is:
Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help Trump win
Trump interfered in the 2020 election to try to stay in power
Trump thinks Putin is a genius
Trump won't say he wants Ukraine to win
Some Republicans have called Trump Putin's puppet

There's a lot of shit swirling around there, with or without overt collusion.
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
"If all this had been reported 3 years ago ( as it should have been ), Trump would still be President, the border would be secure, inflation would be under control, the deficit would be under control, and Russia would have never invaded Ukraine."

I almost fell off my chair laughing so hard at this statement.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
The Biden Activist Administration (and only the tip of the iceberg):


avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
"If all this had been reported 3 years ago ( as it should have been ), Trump would still be President, the border would be secure, inflation would be under control, the deficit would be under control, and Russia would have never invaded Ukraine."

Hard to say how things would have worked out; but all those things did happen under Biden not Trump - and all the while Biden's administration gaslighting the country about "white supremacy" while simultaneously he and his family are getting rich from deals with foreign countries including our current biggest political opponent China.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
IRS Whistleblower’s Team Getting Kicked From Hunter Biden Probe, Lawyers Say

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agent who alleges the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden has been corrupted by lies and politics is being pulled from the inquiry in a possible act of retaliation, lawyers for the IRS official say.

These attorneys informed Congress on Monday that their client, identified as a criminal supervisory special agent, was told “that he and his entire investigative team are being removed from the ongoing and sensitive investigation of the high-profile, controversial subject about which our client sought to make whistleblower disclosures to Congress,” according to The New York Post.

Mark Lytle and Tristan Leavitt, the lawyers for the IRS agent, said their client was “informed the change was at the request of the Department of Justice.” They also said the “move is clearly retaliatory and may also constitute obstruction of a congressional inquiry.”

avatar for mogul1985
2 years ago
@shailynn: "I almost fell off my chair laughing so hard at this statement." - "If all this had been reported 3 years ago (as it should have been), Trump would still be President, the border would be secure, inflation would be under control, the deficit would be under control, and Russia would have never invaded Ukraine."

Sure, we’ll never know what would have happened if Trump was re-elected. One thing, we would be not be in the hot shit mess we have today.

My first knee-jerk reaction was to list out all the hot messes Clinton, Obama and Biden created, and treated Americans like a baby treats a diaper. It would do no good as people like you would gladly catch a ride on the Comet when told to do so.

Peoples’ lives were destroyed, put into bankruptcy, had SWAT-style raids w/CNN in tow, confidential meetings with leaks released to the MSM cohorts, 2 Impeachments that were worthless, congresspeople saying they had “evidence” even got punked and produced nothing, and like a Banana Republic or communist regime people jailed, FBI & DOJ clearly committing election interference, and 100s of people jailed, even in solitary, in a DC Turkish-style prison that took a congressional tour to clean-up, Americans as political prisoners to set an example of what will happen if you don’t comply. And to top it off, Alvin Bragg’s Soviet-style prosecution of Trump, and now Penny for stepping in to stop an out-of-control subway mental case, Neely, whose family’s lawyers are working with Hollywood/Netflix/Disney to craft a story to sell “racism”. And finally, Biden preaching “White Supremacy” at Brown – the same guy who took showers with his tween daughter and sniffed little girls’ hair, and then there is Bagman Hunter for Biden, Inc.

What we heard today was a clear and present danger from a Deep Start that started with J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI 80 years ago that has metastasized throughout govt.

What can Congress do? Well, they can’t refer for prosecution as the DOJ won’t do anything. They can start Impeachment Hearing of many which gives them access to a LOT of information they would be stonewalled at getting.

The GOP has got to learn how to play like the Democrats, the same who all voted for Oabamcare without being allowed to read it and who all voted in lock-step against the “Parental Bill Of Rights” a few weeks ago.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Mogul is 100% correct. No president has ever been perfect. No administration has had a flawless record of success. No political party is always right and always honest.

Biden has been wrong on every single foreign policy position of his career, and wrong on domestic positions over 75% of the time. The only times he is honest are his senior moments when the dementia meds fail.

His administration has taken every success of the Trump administration- Russia contained, Israel at peace, democracy in Afghanistan with the Taliban and ISIS staying in their caves, USA energy independent, lowest levels of illegal immigration in 65 years, widespread economic growth and lowest levels of unemployment (excepting COVID), and undid them by fiat on Day One- and setting the stage for the world on fire we have today. Biden's administration has failed at everything -EVERYTHING- an executive branch is existed to do. Their only success is the unspoken goal of continuing Obama and the DNC's goal of turning America into a third world country.

The democrat party lies and gaslights on an astonishing scale. Whether they control the media or the media controls them, they move in lockstep avoiding or denying the truth, advancing fake narratives, villainizing heroes and whistleblowers, obfuscating scandals and hypocrisy, and stripping away the basic civil rights of anyone who disagrees with them.

This is the country that we live in. If we, the people, do not take it back and set things right, we have no place left to go. This is the last stand for freedom and self-government and we may already be past the tipping point.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
There is another hope. The Supreme Court.

For 150 years ( until FDR and the depression ), the Court prevented unconstitutional government over reach. In the last 100 years, the Court has allowed government to grow in ways not allowed by the Constitution.

Trump managed to get a majority of SC Justices who are willing to support the Constitution and rein in government. Will they ?
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
To fix the problem, we’ve got to understand the problem.

Democrats aren’t making mistakes. In the last 2 years, they have accomplished exactly what they wanted to accomplish. All this chaos and destruction of the economy and institutions is exactly what they wanted. Open Borders. Racial Divide. Lockdowns. The deficit. Spying on citizens. This all moves them toward their goal of power and control of the people.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
Nuance is everything
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
From RFK Jr

“ Yesterday, President Biden announced Dr. Monica Bertagnolli as his intended nominee for Director of the NIH. Guess what? From 2015-2021, Bertagnolli received more than 116 grants from Pfizer, totaling $290.8 million. This amount made up 89% of all her. research grants. ”

The corruption continues.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
Short video about the up to 20-shell-companies the Bidens had created most of which were during Biden's tenure as VP - seems no rhyme or reason for these companies except to create a complicated-web for the funneling of money from foreign nationals:


w.r.t. the fake "russian collusion" hoax; the media was on that relentlessly around-the-clock for months on end; many of them even receiving awards/Pulitzers "for their great reporting" (of a fake made-up story made-up solely to get Trump removed from office) - and now here you have one of the seemingly biggest stories of corruption likely in our history; and the media barely touches it and if they do it's often to again try to cover for Biden - not to mention the involvement of the FBI and CIA also running cover for Biden all along going-after Trump w/ fake made-up crimes.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
^ "... not to mention the involvement of the FBI and CIA also running cover for Biden all along going-after Trump w/ fake made-up crimes ..."

and the media also barely touches that and in some cases try to defend it.
avatar for rattdog
2 years ago
"and the media also barely touches that and in some cases try to defend it."

this will happen when program directors and editors of daily news are forced to make these decisions with fbi/cia members literally looking over their shoulders. the same applies to social media platforms.

avatar for mogul1985
2 years ago
Looking back at what Durham published just supports that what our "lyin' eyes" saw was real. It appalls me how those on The Left see this report as a waste of time, just another "What Difference Does It Make Now" thing, time to just move on and they literally laugh it off.

What Nixon did 50 years ago was like a 3rd grader with crib notes taking a test yet the Left treats it like a leaky bottle of Ebola-tainted blood as THEY were the “victims”. What Durham reported was pure corruption at so many levels of govt, a metastasized Deep State socialist evil that is undermining this country.

People don't realize how "more perfect" our Constitution is from 250 years ago, it is no longer an “experiment” and it all applies today. Communism and socialism are failed experiments that last no longer than 70-80 years, yet “rinse, lather, repeat.”

Ben Franklin at 81 (81!!! He was still sharp, not like this Biden ass-wipe POS) was famously asked what kind of government was created. His response: "A Republic, if you can keep it." And the Left is at ramming speed to destroy it and never held accountable.

We are never more than a generation away from losing it. And people on the Left, and some here, laugh at what Durham reported. Yeah, it is a BIG FUCKING DEAL. The GOP had best not waste any of it going into the ’24 election cycle. People need to be held accountable regardless of who they are or their age. I’ll be another Colorado County and State Republican Delegate and I’ll do what I can.

Too bad Epstein is no longer around, as the saying goes, “Dead men tell no tales”, and I’m sure he had way more than we could ever imagine.
avatar for nicespice
2 years ago
Rip “thread hide” feature 😞
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
It is “ironic” that during Trump’s presidency, Antifa and Black-Lives-Matter were constantly causing havoc for pretty-much all of Trump’s 4-years seemingly on a daily basis (e.g. the non-stop Antifa riots in Portland that went-on day after day including the constant attack on the Portland Federal courthouse) – all the while the Dems not only not condemning it, but basically cheering it on.

Yet as soon as Biden took office; almost all of that went away in short-order and you barely hear a beep of Antifa/Black-Lives-Matter riots.

Coincidence? I think not. These types of Antifa/Black-Lives-Matter riots are part of the basic playbook of destabilizing governments – which I’m sure our intelligence-agencies have plenty of experience doing overseas w.r.t. hostile-regimes – but in this case it seems to be that our Federal agencies have turned that playbook internally against their political opponents (Trump and anyone that supports him).
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
“… Rip “thread hide” feature …”

Yes – it was a helpful feature IMO.

The current-fallback is to put the person on Ignore if such threads/posts are so bothersome to the point where just simply scrolling past them and not reading them is not enough – using the Ignore feature will make both, threads and posts, made by that person invisible – it’s a coarse way to go about it and the Hide function was def more flexible but it’s an option never-the-less
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
Part of me wonders if this Trump constant harassment of one false accusation after another even to this day, if it’s being done on purpose perhaps *not* to keep Trump from running, but that Conservatives will be so pissed that they’ll vote for Trump out of anger/spite – many speculate that the Dems want Trump to be the nominee b/c they think/feel he is more beatable and much-more-easily vilified than DeSantis – many speculate that the Dems fear DeSantis much more than Trump and see DeSantis as a much more difficult opponent.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
From what I read the report found fault within the FBI, but did not find evidence of systemic abuse or the so-called "deep state" (a right wing conspiracy theory).

In other words the report was a bit of a dud and failed to live up to the "crime of the century" claim that Trump was hyping. As usual, right wing media and politicians will do their best to whip their followers into a frenzy once again.
avatar for mike710
2 years ago
So a $6M probe that finds that there was no foundation for allegations that led to the $35M probe by Muller is a nothing burger I guess.
avatar for rattdog
2 years ago
yeah wild 4 potatoes? "right wing conspiracy theory"

during the last 2-3 years do you know the difference between a right wing conspiracy theory and reality? 6 months
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
I thought it was ridiculous how much time and cost the Mueller investigation took. Though it was apparently offset by at least $20 million in fines, forfeitures, and settlements.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
The democrat party strategy is very clearly to create umbrage throughout swing voters and center-right Republican voters to increase support for Trump. The constant barrage of gaslighting and denial from the left (including the MSM) is mind-blowing.

They would be very wrong if they think that Trump can be defeated by Biden. Every reasonable voter from center-left through far right will readily admit that Biden's administration has been a complete and utter disaster and that the democrat congressmen responsible for the Russiagate debacle are guilty of dereliction of duty at least, if not sedition and treason.

Biden has successfully replaced Carter and Obama as the worst president in American History. His reelection chances are non-existent. When the Republicans regain control of Congress and the White House, I hope they prosecute everyone from Biden to Volker. The lot of them need to go to prison to atone for their crimes against the American people.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
I look at the FBI in the same way I look at BLM: Traitors to America who do not belong here at all.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
As the Roman Empire declined, the Praetorian guard became the power behind the throne. They assassinated and installed emperors. They controlled the Senate through intimidation and blackmail.

Now, look at what the CIA and FBI have become. I think the Durham report just begins to reveal their power and misdeeds going back decades.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
Most of the country doesn't care, and the few who do, think Trump had it coming anyway.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
LMAO, Republicans were broadcasting the end of the world and a huge red wave last fall, and look how that turned out.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
We now know the CIA vastly exaggerated the Soviet Union’s economy, technology, and military during the Cold War. After the Wall fell, it was immediately clear that the CIA had lied to the President, Congress, and the American people for 40 years.

Why did they do this ? Who benefited ?
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
The stock market is up today on a hint from Joe Biden that he might be willing to negotiate with the House on the budget and deficit.

The House passed a budget that would cut spending by $4Trillion. If Biden were willing to sign that, well, a whole boatload of good things would happen with inflation, interest rates, and the overall economy.

He won’t, of course, for reasons known only to him ( or his handlers ).
avatar for Studme53
2 years ago
Most FBI agents in the field HATE their DC “leadership”.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
"The stock market is up today on a hint from Joe Biden that he might be willing to negotiate with the House on the budget and deficit."

Politicians like to claim some things aren't negotiable, but everything is negotiable, especially the things they claim aren't.
avatar for mogul1985
2 years ago
The primary purpose of the Durham Investigation was not about finding criminal acts it was to find out What The Hell really happened, nd if Durham found criminal behavior he could have at it,. The discovery was the upper levels of the Treasury, DOJ, FBI and CIA interfered with elections and made choices who they wanted in power. Obama said he never collaborated with the FBI, DOJ, Treasury, ect lor with AG "Wing Woman" Lynch (remember that Phoenix airport "coincidental" meeting with Bill Clinton). Obama was as tight with them as Nixon was with his Plumbers, and knew exactly and approved "wire tapping" Trump Tower, the phony Trump Server-to-Russia servers, "Russia Russia Russia", "Golden Showers", "The Steele Dossier", FISA Court fraud, ect. This came from the top down, and THAT is what needs to be crushed.

So yeah, when Leftist laugh at this, it is seriously sad as they have no idea the Global Leftist Agenda uses them as Useful Idiots, and will destroy them when the are no longer needed.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
I’ve assumed that Obama politicized the DOJ, FBI, IRS, and CIA for his benefit. But, what if instead of Obama controlling them, the bureaucrats in those agencies controlled him all along ?

Even the wildest conspiracy theories seem to be coming true.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
A quick Arizona spin on this.

Kari Lake has been given a new, 2 day trial to prove election fraud in her bid to become Governor. So far, her lawyers have proved

1. Maricopa County intentionally skipped signature verification of 170,000 mail in votes. Against the rules, verification was done in private by 11 people who approved each signature at a rate of 1 to 3 seconds per signature. Most of the signatures approved are just a squiggle or X.

2. The day of the election, a team of “ technicians “ visited about half the polling places in Maricopa County ( in Republican districts ) and changed the ballots printed to be 19 inches instead of 20 inches, causing them to be rejected. These technicians have yet to be identified.

The judge has already proven himself to be a partisan Democrat, so I don’t expect justice.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
As background, the Arizona election was controlled by the Secretary of State Katie Hobbs. She ran the election.

She was also the Democrat candidate for Governor and defeated Kari Lake. Or, so it appeared.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Where's the evidence of Obama interfering ?
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Obama is simply a cunt, but to be fair his followers comprise the single largest group of cum swallowing losers on earth.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
As far back as J Edgar Hoover and JFK, the FBI blackmailed and tried to control Presidents. Here is the history:


This is still going on today. Gee, what could the FBI possibly have on Biden and his family ?
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
Three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead, and the survivor is the guilty person.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
The FBI doesn't need to control Biden. Their leadership are the same card- carrying globalist swine as the rest of the democrat party. This is the managerial class of the ruling elite which spent four years trying to undo a lawful election. Now that one of their own -a demented clown who can't make his own decisions- is in place, they are able to resume the work of destroying America and our heritage as part of a restorative justice and equity plan to punish Americans for actions occurring generations ago. All of this is being done in concert with a UN which is controlled by China.
avatar for Studme53
2 years ago
Do not trust or support the FBI.

Their leadership are political hacks and the agents are more like pencil-pusher accountants and half-ass lawyers than cops.
They need a swat team to arrest a soccer mom who protested at a school board meeting.
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