Most Pointless Professions

They never tell you what you need to know.
What are the most pointless professions?
What I mean by that, almost all jobs have some sort of purpose, but many jobs or at least the people holding those jobs think their self worth is way more than it really is.
For example I know some professions where the majority of people working that job think they are gods, but really a drunk teenager could perform their job just as effectively. We all know they are really hard jobs that don’t pay squat and some easy jobs that some employees get lucky and are paid well.
I’ll refrain from giving my opinion to start because I bet someone else will immediately call out the professions I’m thinking of.
What I mean by that, almost all jobs have some sort of purpose, but many jobs or at least the people holding those jobs think their self worth is way more than it really is.
For example I know some professions where the majority of people working that job think they are gods, but really a drunk teenager could perform their job just as effectively. We all know they are really hard jobs that don’t pay squat and some easy jobs that some employees get lucky and are paid well.
I’ll refrain from giving my opinion to start because I bet someone else will immediately call out the professions I’m thinking of.
Movie actors.
-those pieces of shit that are teaching the kids in school that 1+1 does not equal 2 but instead equals one big 1
-presently being a security guard at a chain retail outlet in certain parts of the country
-in the past year or so the token/subway card sales clerk behind the booth. i'm not sure if this is happening in other cities but in nyc these clerks have been getting phased out. the last time i attempted to purchase a transit card i handed my $20 to the clerk she gave it back and then said that purchases can only be made through the machine
Real estate agents. Again, for just a small amount of time invested you can exclude yourself from the high fees they take to market your home. The markets are what they are, and you can negotiate your own price and go to a title company to make the transactions. Most people don’t have time or are fearful of the transaction, which is why the pay a real estate agent who might be a hot young lady with god given talents of attraction.
Insurance agents, although a necessary part of personal finance, someone with basic knowledge of math can buy direct and save themself hundreds a month or thousands each year by doing this. Most people can bundle with a reputable company for insurance needs and have employer benefits to supplement l. On top of the basic needs, I can search directly for a policy on my own and pay fractions what an agent will charge retail for a term policy in addition to my basics. No thanks, I’m good!
Finally, a lawyer, more specifically a divorce lawyer. If you’re in need of these services your life was a shit show way before you needed an attorney. Most people never need a lawyer until they find themselves in a jam, so don’t make stupid decisions to get yourself into a jam and you can avoid the scams perpetrated by losers like an attorney in family law. Again, most people know this but mostly stupid people need attorneys.
Politicians aren't my favorite, but we live in a world where the average person needs to be led. You can be a survivalist or a criminal, but otherwise you're buying into some social structure that involves politics. I put lawyers in the same category. If people have the luxury of time to do their own lawyering then good for them. I'd rather just pay someone.
My take is if there's someone out there willing to pay for a good or service that helps someone else earn a living, then good for them.
Aside from people who are too old or just don't want to figure out online travel bookings, I have no idea how the few remaining travel agents with brick-and-mortar shops stay in business.
That’s not to say all people who work in these professions are qualified or even competent, but if you’re a smart consumer you should know when it becomes beneficial to avail yourself of their services
perspective. women love them. their soon to be exes all think they should fucking die.
A bunch of roided-up crybabies who want to be paid millions to play games for their adult life.
IRS Agents/Accountants
a flat tax would be more fair and obsolete what may be the most bloated, overpowered, and hated government agency; alternatively a universal consumption tax
Modern journalists
They decide what the truth is and then report their beliefs, as opposed to interviewing multiple sources, drilling down, and researching facts
Modern pop "musicians"
My new truck has Sirius XM, and I've been listening to modern pop and top 40 stations. What the fuck?
This looks like a great topic starter for the political forum.
They decide what the truth is and then report their beliefs, as opposed to interviewing multiple sources, drilling down, and researching facts"
Which point in history would you point to as being the greatest era of honest journalism? Is the increasing perception of confirmation bias and taking sides in journalism due to less integrity or the ease in which supporting "facts" can be gathered?
Just look at how much evidence a bunch of perverts on a titty bar forum can find to back up their views on the hobby.
I've had too many colleagues over the years about whom I've said "I couldn't tell you what Bob does all day." Good or bad, I just couldn't tell you.
And there are the ones like most celebrities who others value but I wouldn't miss for a second if they were gone.
Of course a lot of politicians and activists, not to mention social media companies, are actively causing society to regress and making people meaner and dumber.
Mutual/hedge fund portfolio managers, too. 90% can't beat the market.
The 5 types of bullshit jobs:
Flunkies: Flunky jobs, like receptionists, administrative assistants, and door attendants, are created because those in powerful positions in an organization see underlings as badges of prestige.
Goons: Goons are hired due to a dynamic of one-upmanship (if our rivals employ a top corporate lawyer, then so, too, must we). Goons, like lobbyists, telemarketers, and PR specialists exist to fight fellow goons hired by other companies.
Duct tapers: Duct tapers are responsible for temporarily fixing problems that could be fixed permanently instead, like programmers who repair shoddy code and airline desk staff who calm passengers whose bags don’t arrive. These positions are created because organizations sometimes find it more difficult to fix a problem than to deal with its consequences.
Box tickers: Box tickers create the guise that something useful is being done, when in reality it isn’t. These positions, like survey administrators and corporate compliance officers, exist because many large organizations see paperwork attesting to the fact that certain actions have been taken as more important than the actions themselves.
Taskmasters: Taskmasters exist to manage or create more work for workers who don’t need it, like middle management and leadership professionals. They’re basically side effects of various forms of impersonal authority.
A lot of sales jobs are pretty worthless too.
Politicians with speak with forked tongue
Opinion Hosts on radio/cable/tv/publications/SM/YouTube/ect, “journalists” who create news.
People who are me me me - ready my autobiography, I need the attention and money even through past even the Back 9.
Important jobs that are ignored that we 100% depend on: plumbers, electricians, concrete/flat workers, janitors, trash collectors, sewage treatment plants, welders, farmers/pickers, miners, petro engineers/wild cats/Rough Necks, soldiers (colonels and below), cops – you can add more.
I do like salespeople when they bring me gifts and pay for happy hour and some are really nice people.
Years ago I set up a blogger site because I thought I was going to post all kinds of shit about my club goings as I went around the country. Maybe I did three posts lol. If I was years younger and not as big into keeping my fun under wraps, I'd be doing that now because it's easier to monetize now. Is that a not pointless side-gig for a guy like Muddy?
I'm too jaded now to keep it interesting, plus the stuff I'm into now I'm not posting without a paywall lol.
Average "Psychologists"
Sociology teachers/lgbtq w/e studies teachers. College assistant teachers/lab assistants
Social media influencers/socialites with literally no talent or brains paid for being dysfunctional cuz even more stupid people look at their shit
All these extra sales associates who are just there to see if ur stealing but stand and do nothing 90% of the time
Most security guards. (They literally can't legally do shit without getting into deep shit if something big happens)
I met a waitress whose husband had a worse job - and one that could have been considered pointless - as he cleaned a porn theater after hours. This was back in the old days when they had theaters showing porn films. I can only see it - you start cleaning the floors and they are sticky - and you finish cleaning the floors and they are still sticky…