
Stripper IGs: a mixed bag.

not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
I use Instagram to follow dancers and clubs, so I can see what the talent situation is on any given day. Some PLs have been puzzled by this is the past, so I will explain. Here in Seattle, clubs can be randomly nearly empty of girls, or equally randomly heaving with them. Swings between the two can be a unpredictable, and sometimes you just don't want to go visit the two high volume high mileage 45+ year old heart-of-golder's that are haunting your local at mid day. SEA-PLs you know who I mean. I know who many of the girls are, so I can eyeball a list of dancers or a dancer's post, and have a reasonable idea of what is on the menu quality and mileage wise on a given day.

So, I go to Instagram, and try to see who is working when and where, and use this to determine whether my mid-day gambit has a chance or not. Predictably, the more intelligent and focused girls post about their upcoming schedules, and post when they are at the club. They'll even post to say its slow, encouraging last minute PLs.

Sadly, this level of focus isn't common. Even the clubs are very hit and miss with announcing the lineup, and most club manager-tards believe it is their sworn duty to never tell anyone over the phone which girls are dancing. Literally moments before they post the names on IG. As least these dunces are consistently inconsistent in their reasoning.

Occasionally I will IG IM a dancer "what time are you in the club today", but this has at best a 50% hit rate... I will get a terse "you should schedule with me ahead of time" as often as "sure, I'll be there at 11:30 AM". In one case, the dancer I was interested in had not shared her schedule, I IM'd, she gave a time that didn't work for me, I said "maybe next time" and went to the club to take my chances. Later she wrote to ask if I was coming in, to which I replied that I had already been in. She then got mad that I had "IM'd her just to say that I had given money to another girl". Ay yi yi. That slowed down my "are you dancing today" requests!

Another girl that I wanted to see and gave me the "book ahead" routine never posts her schedule, instead posting "I'm here now". Along with a ton of SW and libtard political rants, sassy tikctoks, pictures of cats, etc. I am tempted to say "if you spent 1/10th the amount of time you spend posting this stuff posting your schedule instead, you would have a purse-full of my money right now". But I am 99.9% sure that will get me chewed out and no dirty lap dances. That would make me a sad DC. It's funning that dancers think we are interested in or placated by their cat pictures or dippy social media philosophy instead of the revealing visual content that entices PLs to the club. But I guess some of it is for their stripper friends or whatever.

So... the IG method isn't quite as great as I had hoped it would be.


  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    IG I use for a few reasons, and none of them are really for schedule. I want to see what she thinks are her best looks, what stuff she's into, her friends, and which other dancers she's connected with. If she sends out pics of herself at work I'll make a note of it, but I don't usually respond to the cattle call. Some dancers I know prefer to message on IG, mostly the younger ones. I'll usually only write on IG if they write me first.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    I never reach out to dancers about their schedule. I just don't see that being worthwhile unless it's a dancer you're pretty familiar with.

    Around here several dancers (and some of the bartenders and waitresses) post their upcoming shift(s) in an IG reel and tag their club. The club then usually reposts that reel to their own feed. So, it's useful for that in terms of scheduling.

    It's also a good way to see when a dancer leaves one club and goes to another. Or when a club is hosting a special event or modifies its hours for some reason.

    Most of the clubs around here update their IG with far more diligence than anything else. So, it's usually beneficial to follow along.

    Almost all of the dancer accounts I follow are their "work" accounts, but there's a few who mix their work and personal life. That can be a mixed bag.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    When I was clubbing I was mostly a spur-of-the-moment/when-in-the-mood visitor (being single w/ no S.O./kids allowed for me to not have to pre-arrange my visits too-much).

    Dancer roll-calls are not a thing in the clubs I hit AFAIK so it has never really occurred to me to check IG for stuff like that - I'm also not into faves so I'm usually ok with popping into the club and seeing what's available since I have a rotation of clubs that are somewhat consistent and at times will hit more than one club per outing if the intial club(s) weren't doing it for me or I just didn't get-my-fill for the day.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Ig is the most useful up to date source for stripper hoe activities

    I've had luck in that clubs I go to are constantly updated. Post a lot in stories
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago

    I will play along and comment on your discussion.

    Humans (strippers included) are creatures of habit.

    It's in our human nature to seek out some consistency and avoid change.

    Even the most unpredictable people have habits.

    You should go to your “favorite” strip club regularly the same day at the same time so you can find the girls that work those days and become a “regular” and connect with them by exchanging phone numbers and move things OTC.

    You need to be patient and selective making sure you build some trust and she knows you are a safe, clean, discreet gentleman, fun, funny and that you can take care of “business” when required.

    Think Edward (Richard Gere) from the movie Pretty Woman.
  • shanny72
    2 years ago
    IG is best for the girls who don't want to share their phone number. Pro Tip: befriend a bartender at the club you like best, she knows who is working and wants you to come spend money.
  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    I've found stripper IG's to be basically useless for determining schedules. For the girls who post their own schedules, the major issues are that they rarely seem to post in advance. When they post a come-see-mee aka I'm here now kinda message it's halfway through their shift already. When they post a I'll-be-at-club-x thje day before aka book ahead, it's still a 50/50 shot they'll actually do it. Then there's the fact that clubs re-post their shit hours or even days later on their own accounts, further muddying the water.

    As far as it being the intelligent and focused strippers posting their schedule, I disagree. Intelligent and focused are traits I like. I rarely like the strippers that post on IG. I'd describe them more as mercenary and damaged. I absolutely get and respect the nature of the relationship but the immediacy of their approach and general attitudes are always a turn off for me.

    I'd also never hit a random stripper on IG asking about her schedule. I'll text a stripper I know to make arrangements to meet at the club all the time, but something feels weird about hitting them up on social media. Maybe I'm just old. Or maybe its that most of my texts asking "are you working today" are really "you wanna come over today" idk. With texting, my success rate is pretty high. I almost always get a yes/no or "I was gonna but if you wanna hang I can come over instead" but that presumes a certain level of familiarity and knowledge of her general schedule. Texting a girl at 9am who I know doesn't get out of bed before noon will always result in a non-response, just like texting her at 5pm when the club is probably busy will. I have to know she gets up at noon and goes in to work by 3, and text in that window.

    It is good for finding out a when a stripper moves clubs, or when a club has an event or party. I tend to avoid parties, which is probably not while they're advertising, but I'm probably not their target market so maybe it's the best for both of us.
  • groundball
    2 years ago
    I think strippers' instas are pretty worthless here in Baltimore. If she only gives you her insta, she's just not that into you. Now if you get the cell phone number? That is a good indication that she'll reach out to *you* when she'll be at the club. Your mileage may vary, I'm not familiar with Seattle.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    I generally use text messages if I’m interested in finding out if a dancer (I’ve gotten dances from before) is going to be working on a specific shift.

    Unless the club reliably posts dancer schedules on the club site - or Instagram - the use of Instagram might be unreliable at best.
  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    I just want to add that the one club here that does an online role call recently fucked it up royally. The Rhino did it, as part of their national website or franchise agreement or whatever. It used to be a simple text list of the stripper-names of the girls working that moment. It was cool, even if you had zero idea who those girls were you could tell if there was 3 girls or 30. Now, they tried to get fancy and each girl has a little profile with pictures and Playboy Centerfold like "likes & dislikes" type shit. Seems very few of the girls who work regularly are inclined to participate. So if you check their role call now, you see a bunch of profiles for girls who seem to never be there, and even on the busiest shifts it looks like there are less than 5 girls on duty.

    Point is, it's not just IG's that are a mixed bag, it's club pages too.

    Not like any of that is keeping me out of the club though.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ I haven’t been to the Spearmint Rhino since before Covid, the changed their hours and days of operation plus they started that stupid wristband thing, IMHO the only club worth going to in WPB is Cheetahs now, and maybe Scores but I haven’t been there in even longer.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    There was one day when I checked my regular club's story feed and saw that a CF and two dancers I'd been interested in were all going to be on shift that day. Guess where I was that afternoon?

    Is it absolutely reliable?...no. But it has helped me make decisions and have fun. So, worthwhile for me.
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