
My New Favorite College Sport

Anywhere there are Titties.
Saturday, January 14, 2023 12:09 AM
Forget football or basketball. I am flipping channels tonight and turned on ESPN2 to see what game was playing. Say Hello to my new Favorite Sports Star : [view link] [view link] [view link] 99% of us, the only time you ever watch gymnastics is during the Olympics. Those are young, teenage girls. 13-15 year olds. 17 is over the hill in this sport. But guess what. Because of Title IX, most colleges view women's gymnastics as an economical way of giving away women's scholarships. And watching 20-22 year old girls wear the same tights looks a lot different. I do think it's funny that ESPN was trying to capitalize on Livvy's popularity. The completion on ESPN2 was a meet between LSU and Kentucky. Livvy was hurt and didn't even compete. Some reports have said she earned around $2MM in NIL endorsements last year.


  • Muddy
    a year ago
    Yeah that girl is super popular. She's got to eat a few cheeseburgers before I'd be interested though.
  • TheeOSU
    a year ago
    She's cute and obviously in good shape and I'd be all over that if the chance presented itself *though obviously it never will* but I can't help thinking in the back of my mind that she's too young.
  • Warrior15
    a year ago
    ^ She's 20. How many 20 year old strippers have you de-flowered ?
  • TheeOSU
    a year ago
    When they're strippers they're usually already deflowered, but a few civies including a couple under 20, but they were in the past when I was still older but closer to 20 than I am now. Anyway like I said I'd be all over her but that doesn't change the fact that my usual cutoff is a couple to a few years older than 20. I just feel more comfortable with mid 20s on up but hey I'm not judging, you be you, it's all good.
  • Warrior15
    a year ago
    ^ I dont' disagree. My bet is that ESPN will eventually hire this girl. Then we will be able to see the 25 year old version in a few years. And I can't wait.
  • Muddy
    a year ago
    Hey how about that OSU fan girl with those crystal blue eyes. They called her like the peach girl or some shit. She was pretty cute.
  • mike710
    a year ago
    A friend that I've had since grade school has a daughter that played basketball through college and was a decent point guard. I used to joke with him that all the hot tall girls played volleyball instead of basketball and he agreed. Since his daughter was part of the scene he asked her once. She said that the pretty straight tall girls didn't enjoy the contact in basketball. Makes sense. His daughter is a tomboy but she likes her boys.
  • Studme53
    a year ago
    Yes ! I think gymnastics is ridiculous at the Olympics but my SO loves it so I watch it with her. Any sport little 14 yo girls can dominate has something wrong with it. But we were out at a bar/restaurant one recent night and college gymnastics was on the TV. My SO was into for the right reasons. I liked it because they all had great bodies. Full grown women. Not an ounce of fat, high, tight perfect asses, lean but shapely legs with perfect tone and muscle. Really my type. And oh yeah, incredible athletes!
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Is there professional gymnastics, like a career after extracurricular competition? Some go on to Las Vegas or Cirque du Soleil, but is there a national or glabal league where they get paid to compete? Sort of rhetorical, I assume if there were, we would know.
  • Warrior15
    a year ago
    ^ Not any that I am aware of. The elite are 13-15 year olds. After college, most of the girls lose the ability to do most of the events. Agility and flexibility are very important in the sport at it's highest level.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    She's very hot. If she danced (meaning in a club), I'm sure that she'd rake in a lot of money. And, let's face it, her time on stage would be memorable. As far as favored women's athletics are concerned, I've always had a thing for volleyball and swimming.
  • Cashman1234
    a year ago
    I agree she’s a hottie with a great body. I am impressed with her earning ability too. I’m glad they changed the rules to allow college athletes to make money, as they can make good money. As far as my favorite sport to enjoy with my pants around my ankles - it’s still women’s beach volleyball. Those teeny bikinis are great on those hot tanned bodies!
  • Hank Moody
    a year ago
    She’s hot but the out of control fan obsession is very creepy. People can look at pictures without getting stalkery. That shit can be scary.
  • Cashman1234
    a year ago
    I agree with JimmyMcNulty regarding the levels of creepiness of some fans. That is not a healthy thing. She makes more money with a growing base of fans, but some of those fans seem to be too involved in following her.
  • Hank Moody
    a year ago
    I’ve known more than a few strippers who have customers get stalky to the point where they have to change names or clubs or stop dancing. I don’t know how someone gets to that level but it does make me treat strippers with more respect. The stripper job/life is hard enough without adding actual danger.
  • Cashman1234
    a year ago
    I agree. I know strippers who have dealt with stalkers as well, and it is frightening to hear the levels of creepiness some guys will go to. Whether a customer is a creepy stalker - or a creepy stalker with sinister desires - is impossible to know until things go too far.
  • rickmacrodong
    a year ago
    If you like her, you may like olivia fox in houston. She’s available for $600 to $700 an hour. Looks like an amped up version of this girl
  • rickmacrodong
    a year ago
    Imo shes not hot, just cute. Id pay $200 or less for her. Id pay $600 for olivia fox
  • wallanon
    a year ago
    "How many 20 year old strippers have you de-flowered?" I got offered a chance to "break in" a young waitress the other day by a manager. Declined. Years ago in Vegas I let a dancer convince a new waitress to do a VIP with us and it was pretty awkward and horrible. I know that's not what this question was getting at, but I'm not doing anything these days with a dancer or anyone unless it's a clear "yes".
  • motorhead
    a year ago
    I think more are gonna try to cash in like Livvy Check out the Cavinder twins if the U of Miami basketball team [view link]
  • PredragDr
    a year ago
    Cavinder twins are mid. Fresno 10's, but a Miami 6.
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