
How on earth do clubs in Miami exist?

I’m going to keep this super short, how in the hell do clubs in Miami exist?

I’ve been staying here for a few weeks and I have seen some of the wildest and craziest shit. Nothing bad, no one is dying or anything like that but people are on all sorts of things beyond just booze, girls obviously have careers due to winning the genetic lottery. What’s even crazier is that cops are sometimes literally right outside the goddamn club! They don’t even do anything but sit outside watching movies on their phones.

Where I am from, these places would be immediately shutdown. Don’t even get me started on South Florida drivers, I’m surprised I’m still alive along with everyone else.


  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    So are you moving there permanently? Just sell your car and safely walk everywhere.
  • Specialj
    2 years ago
    I’ve lived I south Florida my whole life and can tell you these drivers down here are TERRIBLE. I’m honestly surprised I don’t get into, witness or hear about more car accidents in this area. Hey assholes, You are the reason we are paying so much money for car insurance. Is it too hard to follow simple traffic rules?? No text and drive. See those speed limit signs? There not just there for decoration. Sorry, just had to get that off my chest.
  • Nixur68
    2 years ago
    I am never, ever walking anywhere in Miami. This place is a goddamn death trap for anyone walking or on a bike.

    And I driven in Dallas, Seattle, LA, NYC, etc. Florida has the worst drivers.
  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    #1 Miami is not representative of all of south Florida. #2 Many of the shitty drivers in Miami are from fucking New York, or worse: Jersey. #3 There's also a shit ton of them who don't have a license or insurance and just don't fucking care.

    One good thing about Miami cops though, they do tend to focus on actual crime more than bullshit.
  • Nixur68
    2 years ago
    Every time I turn in the nightly news some parts of Miami sound like a goddamn war zone.

    Aside from bad drivers, traffic, high rent… this place is a nice tropical paradise.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^^^Drivers in Miami are pretty bad, but the majority are from Latin countries not NYC, and it’s true most of the cops in South Florida have real criminals to deal with so they don’t generally get involved in consensual behavior.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    Let’s face is most of America is boring. There are a few exceptions where it’s wild, all of the time, such a place is Miami.

    Personally great place to visit, wouldn’t want to live there. I’d rather be on the gulf side.
  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    The “U” may be best 30 for 30 ESPN ever produced
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    The crazies are the tourists
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago

    I will play along and comment on your discussion.

    Q: How on earth do clubs in Miami exist?

    A: It is not secret that Miami's Adult Industry (Night Clubs, Strip Clubs, Porn companies, escort services, etc, etc, etc,) and Police Complicity “engines” are “fueled” by Criminals and Money Laundering
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    That's not just miami
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Icee people who lived there have chimed in but you still disagree just for the sake of disagreeing
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    This is just anecdotal, but I've been hearing about and seeing more traffic accidents as the local Hispanic population increases here in Indiana. My sister just had her car hit by a Hispanic male. He couldn't speak English so after the police arrived they had to call for a translator. My best friend had his car hit a year ago by a group of Hispanic males who were taking a turn too fast which then caused them to slide on road ice. I was almost hit by a young Hispanic male when he quickly exited a street into a parking lot. I was driving slower and paying more attention, so I slammed on my brakes and prevented the accident. It's my subjective feeling that I pass more just crashed cars on the street than I used to. This may be a combination of them not understanding local traffic rules, not having experience with local weather conditions, being a younger demographic that is less experienced and just more reckless acting. It doesn't surprise me that Florida with its large Latin American population would have a lot of bad drivers.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    It's the weather conditions. I can't drive in snow. And have to be really careful in rain. But have no problem with sand storms or avoiding dust devils lulz
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    And if you're not used to ice you can panic and fuck up
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    replied in the wrong fucking thread:
    Cops worrying about criminals instead of strip clubs is a good thing.

    Leading causes of traffic congestion: illiterate immigrants, jackasses from NY and NJ, blue-haired white-knuckle snowbirds, idiot millennials and Zoomers driving while staring at the cell phone. Seems like only Gen X has their shit together, barely.

    Miami is not listed in any studies of the most violent cities in America. Do your research.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    I cannot imagine how and why drivers would be bad in an area where a huge population of foreign illegal scum lives; the criminal base of the democratic party thrives, there are millions of old people who cannot drive and tourists speaking 100 different languages. As anyone who has spent any time in Hollywood Fla knows, the worst drivers in the universe hail from Quebec.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    @Skibum: Miami has flipped red. It's not solid, but they have a Republican mayor and DeSantis won Miami. Also, Miami has not been victimized by the BullshitLM protests the way other cities have.
    Miami, like any other urban center, is going to have a preponderance of democrat party voters; but as long as there is a strong community base of Venezuelans and Cubans who understand what Communism truly is, the democrat party's worst fringe impulses will be tamped down. It is not accurate to describe Miami as a thriving democrat party base.
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    I only drove around there for a weekend, and there weren’t any instances I felt I had to be extra defensive against other drivers. Pedestrians, however, are a whole different story because those people were just going to cross the street when they feel like it and I’m pretty sure they dgaf whether they live or die.

    So I guess I’ll just have to be the dissent. The central Texas area imo is worse because there’s too many alpha males driving around their oversized trucks to their white collar jobs and they are constantly towing their ego around. San Antonio in particular has lots of locals who don’t believe in tying down their furniture, etc when they are hauling it across town and sometimes it lands on the freeways. Denver has too many people from all regions of the country with wildly different driving styles trying to coexist somehow. If one is used to other areas, driving in Miami is a vacation 😁
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Miami isn't that wild though. Sometimes tourists act up but I've seen more in Vegas or LA
  • Nixur68
    2 years ago
    I don’t get Las Vegas clubs, they seem super expensive and everyone acts all super serious. LA is okay but some clubs are total dives and just terrible.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Like Iceefag has ever been in state of Florida
    Hey faggit you can rent a yacht for cheap lololol
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Vegas is fun. La is all hustle

    20fag see you in vegas
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Only a fucking homo would live in Vegas. Burn muthafucka.
  • Nixur68
    2 years ago
    LA is definitely hustle because everything is expensive and the entertainment industry shady as hell.

    But still a great place to live and all that.
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    Florida by far has the worst drivers of anywhere I've ever driven in my life.
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    How is LA all hustle, but Vegas isn't? The one time I visited Vegas years ago, it seemed like all hustle, I didn't like that aspect.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    in my experience LA clubs are more about the hustle than Vegas. In Vegas they treat tourists as marks. In la its always about the upsell. Girls have more pressure to sell vip bottles etc
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    Every time I see something online about girls dancing in Cali they all say that cuz the clubs take so much money, you gotta hustle the tips hardcore.

    I also think maybe being employee status contributes to the hustle. THe one time I worked an employee club in Minneapolis - the managers/bouncers kinda encouraged you to hustle, but they also like helped you make money too. Cuz they rarely told u to go up to someone that wasn't trying to spend. All the other employees besides the dancers were also hustling the tips hard- probably hustling those harder than dancers themselves haha. But ye over there a dude couldn't just sit/stand all night n be a bum like some clubs where they get away with that bullshit.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    House fees are outrageous in some clubs. I know girls paying like $400 some events but they bring home like $800. Some clubs have girls sell sections and those are the ones they can dance in or they have to wait to be invited. They have to hustle hard in clubs without floor dances.

    I think the employee status helps. The clubs do anything to steal the money from girls. But if it goes to taxes it helps them be in the system. If it's for house fees it let's them earn more. And they have something guaranteed on the slowest nights. They're guaranteed to not lose money like at some clubs.

    But what I've seen in Vegas is djs call guys out who are just bums sitting and watching and not spending. I like that.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    ^You have 3 reviews you filthy cunt, stop lying about going, because you don't shithead. Just fucking kill yourself already.
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    I like when there's a club DJ calling people out on being bums and telling them to spend money. The customers should feel uncomfortable if they are being cheap and sitting/watching for free for a long time. I get that sometimes you go "shopping" and don't find what you want/like/need, but idk window shopping with the girls all day or night is just not ok behavior imo.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    St one place he'll even describe cheap customers at the stage and ask them to wit elsewhere. At another he'll tell customers he won't call girls to the stage unless they tip. The club is no place to be cheap. And they're basically stealing by not paying. And they know girls depend on tips and their money. Then they wonder why they get ignored. If a guy can't afford to tip just $5 he shouldn't be there
  • Nixur68
    2 years ago
    What clubs in LA have bottles? Most are dry with no booze. LA is about dances and VIP but regulars come first and it ain't cheap.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Only nude clubs don't serve alcohol. And clubs aren't that expensive.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    I’m not that well-travelled (never been west of TX); but of the places I’ve been; yeah Miami drivers IME are def the WORSE and it’s not close – Miami drivers are a combination of rude, and not knowing how to drive – I agree with the previous post that it’s mostly the immigrants and IME mostly the Cubans – most of these folks had never driven in their country; and the few that did, drove in a country where “traffic laws” were more like “traffic suggestions”. I grew up in Miami from age 9 to age 30 – move to Dallas and lived there from age 30 to age 40 – when I moved back to Miami at age 40 it took me like a year to get used to living downhere again (although the 10 years I spent in Dallas I’d still comeback-home for summer and Christmas vacation).

    When I lived in Dallas in the 2000s, there were hardly any Cubans – mostly Central-Americans most of those Mexicans – one thing I noticed is that besides being very-hard-workers, they def seemed to like getting-their-drink-on especially on the weekends; which seemed to cause a fair # of serious-accidents.

    In Miami, at least back in the day when I was growing-up; AFAIK the main-reason car-insurance was so-high was b/c there were so many uninsured-drivers – IME these were often Cubans that had a combination of not having high-paying-jobs thus not wanting to spend on insurance; and the concept of paying-for-insurance being something they didn’t-grow-up-with and perhaps saw “as a waste of money”.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    “… Every time I turn in the nightly news some parts of Miami sound like a goddamn war zone. …”

    Yeah – Miami does have some really-bad-parts although those-parts def felt/were worse back in the 80s and 90s (e.g. the infamous “Pork and Beans” (street-name) housing-projects which were often featured in crime-shows like “The First 48” and were eventually torn-down around 2015) – the bad Miami-parts are not as bad as they used-to-be but still those-parts are not where one wants to be if one doesn’t have to.

    w.r.t. the cops at the club; they are hired by the club so they are not gonna intervene unless the clubs tells them to.

    Miami started getting more-and-more of a party-rap starting in the 2000s – seems to me the-powers-to-be don’t wanna be too-heavy-handed since so-much of the local-economy depends on tourism, and the party-crowd; so it seems to me they let more shit slide although there’s been a fair-amount-of-pushback especially in South Beach since that area has gotten a bit too crazy and it’s a very-expensive-area for business-owners and many feel the best customers/tourists may be being driven-away by the riff-raft invading South Beach whether it’s local or out-of-towners.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    If I had my choice I wouldn’t be living downhere – I’m here for now mainly b/c of elderly-relatives that depend-on-me and me being the only single-person in our family I’ve kinda taken that responsibility on (most of my relatives in-the-area of my-generation are also male and there isn’t a female that would be able to take on that role as it’s often the case in my culture).

    Miami IMO may be alright to visit, but not live – I’d say if one is young *and* likes the-party-lifestyle then Miami is good for that, but o/w I don’t think the quality-of-life is that good to live day-in and day-out – Broward County (next county over/north) used to be an escape from Miami back-in-the-day; but seems Broward is not what it used to be in decades past although I don’t spend much time there so I’m not sure how good/bad it may be these days (perhaps the newer suburbs on the far-west-side of Broward are good?).

    If I had my choice and wanted to live in SoFlo, I’d perhaps live in Palm Beach County (2 counties over/north of Miami) – far-enough from Miami but still within-reasonable-driving-distance if one wanted to drive to Miami on their time-off – but I also don’t know how much Palm Beach County has changed in the last decade or two; it used to feel “a world away” from Miami although it’s only about an hour away.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Most of you guys don't remember the 60s and 70s when Fort Lauderdale was party central and the beach bars like the Cave and the Button were full of young college age folks the party was on A1A back then, and sex and booze was all over the beach, eventually the party moved to South Beach when the city fathers of Fort Lauderdale got tired of it, but this anything goes atmosphere has been the norm down here since the early sixties, when Annette and Frankie and Elvis started making all those beach movies, and Gleason setting up his production company and attracting the crowds of spring breakers, till the legend became a reality.

    Anyone who remembers this town in it's heyday has some great memories of the beach, and those kids who grew up in Miami during those times had one hella great time.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    It´s not dgaf it's "cuando te toca, te toca". A much stronger belief in fate than among Anglos.
  • Specialj
    2 years ago
    Papi I’ve been in palm beach county most of my life. Within the last decade or so the population has grown significantly. The drivers are a bad combination of young that drive too fast, elderly that drive too slow, lot of minorities that are uninsured/underinsured and tourists that either drive too aggressive or don’t know where the hell they are going and consequently don’t use turn signals correctly. So driving around here can definitely be dangerous. I try to be more fun f a defensive driver.
  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    The Haitians are significantly worse drivers than the Cubans. But I maintain that its just as much if not more the travelers driving shittily as it is the residents. The two groups issues feed off each other and snowball. The tourists annoy the locals, so the locals do crazy shit to get around them. Then the crazy shit the locals are doing scares the tourists into a panic and they do more dumb & annoying shit, and us Floridan's are not to be outdone, so we kick it up a notch, and so on and so forth.

    Miami is definitely not for everyone. I'd agree that it's great if you're young and like to party. I lived there in my 20's and had a blast. I could probably retire if I had the money I blew back then, but it was worth it. Nowadays, I dread Miami. I love Palm Beach, but when I have to go down to Miami for something I literally feel my pulse and blood pressure increase from just driving down I95. If the Dolphins moved to Palm Beach I'd probably never go to Miami again.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    I'm in south Palm Beach county, and I have to say the traffic situation has gotten as bad as Broward county living in Palm Beach county has gotten way more expensive as well, when I brought my house in the late 80s I paid less than 200K for a 2200 square foot home on a lake with a pool and all kinds of bells and whistles, in my neighborhood homes that cost less than my own are selling for well over 800K and in this area you'd be hard pressed to find anything for sale for less than 6-900K with the majority of new homes at well over 1.4 Million. the situation in the central and north county regions isn't much better, and I fear a repeat of what happened on Long Island in New York, where homes became so expensive young people couldn't afford to live there and as a result the growth died because it became impossible to find employees to do the things like work in service and retail industries that are needed to sustain neighborhoods.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Haven't been to either place, but, from what I've heard, the contrast between Miami and El Paso seems paradoxical. Miami has many of the same problems as Latin America, but El Paso doesn't. Even though both are Hispanc-dominated. Maybe it's because Hispanics in El Paso are mostly Tejanos? They feel distinct from Mexicans, and perhaps more open to taking what's positive from Anglo ways.

    May also be because, among Latinos, the closer they are to the coast, the more impulsive they are.

    What was Miami like pre-Mariel? It was more dominated then by the educated, entrepreneural first wave of refugees from Castro.
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