avatar for shadowcat
I know there has been a lot of kidding going on about this over the years but today I actually saw it happen. She looked to be in her 20's, a little chubby. I'd rate her about a 6. He was old, fat and ugly IMO. On top of it all she was jacking him off while doing it. From where we were sitting, we couldn't tell if she had his dick out or not.


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
Just like there are all kinds of PLs, there are all kinds of dancers - i.e. although IME the vast-majority-of-dancers don't like kissing; there are always exceptions.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Did he give her money not for sex but as a pure show of generosity that somehow primed her for sex?
avatar for RockAllNight
2 years ago
I guess it’s all about what you like. Just like the vast majority of strippers don’t prefer FRMOS, some PL’s like me aren’t a fan either. Given that I’ve never been the initiator, I’ve backed away from a number of dancers attempting to kiss me on the mouth. Not sure why, but my neck is OK and my dick is even better.
avatar for RockAllNight
2 years ago
Shadow - was this at Vivide?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
It's not about looks. It's his charm and generosity. He saw her wanted her and had her.

Was she wearing a slut uniform?
avatar for mike710
2 years ago
I have a friend/acquaintance that I would call a "stripper whisperer". I've seen him making out with different strippers more than once. I was sitting at a table with him when it happened once. Other times, it's been across the room or sitting near me at the bar.

Usually, when I get a kiss from a dancer, it's in private. But, one in particular, doesn't worry about planting a kiss on the lips when I go up to tip. If I get tongue without being in VIP, even I get surprised by this.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
If you don't get it free, you are not SJG level ninja.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.

avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
Only had one FRMOS in 15 years at sc’s with a few pecks here and there along the way. She was quite attractive aside from being a little thin and slutty looking. She was fun gave Very high mileage dances and I’ll bet she was down for Anything in the campaign room.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
"...and I’ll bet she was down for Anything in the campaign room."

If you can afford to find out, find out. Otherwise you'll just be wondering about it later. Maybe years later. Fail fast (or not) and save yourself the trouble.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
I've had three regulars give me unexpected kisses over the years. I actually don't like it. It's not the kissing part I dislike. I don't like surprises so it's the unexpected part I don't like.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
The campaign room? Did she file with the FEC for you? Are you Mike Pence?
avatar for jmiddle30234
2 years ago
Wth is frmos
avatar for crazyjoe
2 years ago
^ Front room male out session
avatar for crazyjoe
2 years ago
Make out session
avatar for Rod84
2 years ago
Hey, CJ - if not pics or vids, do witnesses count?... 😉

I'm the one who pointed her out. That arm action is unmistakable. Plus, I was with her a little earlier, so the other guy was getting sloppy seconds. I forgot about her kissing though, and didn't attempt it. But yeah, it's a full-face plant and nothing's off limits. While not the hottest chick in the club, still a solid-7, and she put a smile on that guy's face.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
It's a girlfriend audition.

And there's nothing wrong with handing women money. Especially when they're in alut uniforms.

But we need to move to the private party model

Or the retarded commandos will get you

It's not the same here without sjg
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
I’m surprised that a club manager would allow that type of activity in a club front room. There is still a veil of secrecy regarding what happens in the dark confines of strip club back rooms - so this type of open kissing and stroking can turn off some customers (from getting dances from that girl).

Maybe that explains SJG’s absence? He’s been busy pedaling out from San Jose to enjoy the Atl strip club scene. His charm is overwhelming the dancers in Atl!
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
A lot depends on the girls relationship with management. If management gets a cut pretty much anything can slide.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
"It's not the same here without sjg"

I know!

Old ass forgotten threads aren't getting bumped.
Pointless "I have no friends so I need to post everything I read on the internet today" threads aren't getting created.
No one is making graphic threats and sucking Founder's nuts to get away with it.
No one is constantly threatening to mutilate other male TUSCLers' anuses.
Political discussions are _slightly_ less dumb than usual.

It's awesome not having SJG here!
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ I hope to hear or read the words “it’s just not the same without Iceefag here”
That would be awesome.
avatar for 623
2 years ago
Icee and ilibbc are cut from the same cloth. maybe the same person. Thinking everything needs to be pre negotiated and signed off on by all parties. Surprises are some of the fun of strip clubs and clubs when a dancer decides to stroke the chicken at the table I’m riding the train to see where it goes.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
founder should buy as an alias for .
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
Lol gammanu95. Champagne room
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