
Cities / Countries we have visited Strip Clubs

Avatar for BuckMcNutter
BuckMcNutterDo you have a little Italian in you?

Recently I started jotting down this list so that when I lose my memory I would have a hard copy of cities i mongered in. I believe the total was 79.

Would love to see some of your lists !


Hallendale Beach

Fort Lauderdale


West Palm Beach






Fort Myers

Delray Beach

Newark NJ

Lawrence Harbor

Perth Amboy



Tom’s River

Atlantic City







Stamford Ct

Manhattan NY









Providence RI

Philadelphia PA

Baltimore MD

Fairmont Heights

Raleigh NC




Myrtle Beach SC




Atlanta GA

Flint Michigan


St. Louis

Denver CO

Los Angelas CA

San Francisco


Las Vegas NV

Houston TX


Seattle WA

Honolulu Hawaii

Toronto Canada



Sydney Australia

Surfers Paradise



HOng Kong

Phuket Thailand

Prague Check Republic


Kiev Ukraine


London England

Paris France

Berlin Germany


Mexico City



last comment
Avatar for Dan3635

Dang. You might be in the top 1% of all strip club visitors.

Avatar for Muddy

You know what it's too much work to list out but the only big city I really haven't checked out the strip club scene in the US is Seattle. I was actually there last year but I passed on clubbing for being a tourist.

Avatar for doctorevil

I count 83. Pretty sure I’ve missed a few. Most of the overseas locations really didn’t have strip clubs per se, more like hostess bars or pretty much straight up brothels, but I think it’s within the spirit of this post.

Birmingham, Alabama

Huntsville, Alabama

Mobile, Alabama

Anchorage, Alaska

Phoenix, Arizona

Los Angeles, California

Denver, Colorado

Washington, DC

Pensacola, Florida

Fort Walton Beach, Florida

Panama City Beach, Florida

Tampa, Florida

Clearwater, Florida

Plant City, Florida

Orlando, Florida

Jacksonville, Florida

Daytona Beach, Florida

Melbourne, Florida

Cocoa Beach, Florida

New Smyrna Beach, Florida

Hudson, Florida

New Port Richey, Florida

Tarpon Springs, Florida

Key West, Florida

Miami, Florida

Pompano, Florida

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

West Palm Beach, Florida

Atlanta, Georgia (including various suburban cities)

Savannah, Georgia

Brunswick, Georgia

Columbus, Georgia

Honolulu, Hawaii

Chicago, Illinois

Indianapolis, Indiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

Baltimore, Maryland

Boston, Massachusetts

Detroit, Michigan

Dearborn, Michigan

Inkster, Michigan

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Jackson, Mississippi

Kansas City, Missouri

Toms River, New Jersey

Buffalo, New York

Fayetteville, North Carolina

Raleigh, North Carolina

Portland, Oregon

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania

Providence, Rhode Island

Cumberland, Rhode Island

Columbia, South Carolina

Charleston, South Carolina

Hardeeville, South Carolina

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Greenville, South Carolina

Nashville, Tennessee

Knoxville, Tennessee

Memphis, Tennessee

Dallas, Texas

Fort Worth, Texas

Houston, Texas

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Montreal, Canada

Niagara Falls, Canada

Paris, France

Hamburg, Germany

Frankfurt, Germany

Berlin, Germany

Munich, Germany

Nuremberg, Germany

London, England

Okinawa, Japan

Tokyo, Japan

Seoul, South Korea

Pusan, South Korea

Suwon, South Korea

DMZ Area, South Korea (lots of small villages)

Bangkok, Thailand

Pattaya Beach, Thailand

Phuket, Thailand

Avatar for Jascoi

the last five years...

City of industry

Anaheim CA

Tijuana MX

I'm a novice.

Avatar for caseyx


San Francisco, CA

Sunnyvale, CA

Lennox, CA (OK, this is really just LA)

Hawthorne, CA (LA again)

Los Angeles, CA

City of Industry, CA

Upland, CA

Anaheim, CA

Phoenix, AZ

Tucson, AZ

Denver, CO

Las Vegas, NV

Houston, TX

Tulsa, OK,

Springfield, MO

New Orleans, LA

Des Moines, IA

Inkster, MI (Detroit)

Romulus, MI (Also Detroit)

Columbus, OH

Cleveland, OH

Atlanta, GA

Tampa, FL

Largo, FL

Holiday, FL

Port Richey, FL

Miami, FL

Fort Lauderdale, FL

New York, NY

Missiaqua, ON, CAnada

Toronto, ON, Canada

Montreal, QC, Canada

Barcelona, Spain

Paris, France

Vienna, Austria

Prague, Czechia

plus a few more if you count FKKs that are listed as "strip clubs" on this site. Good times.

Avatar for Dan3635

Somewhere, out in the wild, is a man on earth who has bought more lap dances than any other man on the planet. I wonder who he is?

Avatar for misterorange

^^ I think his name is doctorevil and he lives in an evil lair.

Avatar for RTP

I am pretty sure that I don't want my list recorded anywhere. All in North America. My list is about 60. Depends how you break up cities and suburbs.

Avatar for Warrior15

There are some pretty impressive lists above. Mine isn't near as complete.


Las Vegas, NV

Denver, CO

Amarillo, TX

Dallas, Tx

San Antonio, TX

Houston, Tx

Corpus Christi, Tx

OK City, OK

New Orleans, LA

Memphis, Tn

Nashville, Tn

Knoxville, TN

Chattanooga, Tn

Atlanta, Ga

Tampa, Fl

Ft Myers, Fl

Pompano, Fl

Miami, Fl

Orlando, Fl

Cocoa Beach, Fl

New York, NY

Chicago , IL

Detroit, MI

Other Countries? Only Mexico

Nuevo Laredo



Avatar for skibum609

After 47 years I couldn't possibly list them. It took me 4 hours with a road map last year to figure out I have skied 54 places. I have way more strip club cities and stopped listing the golf courses I have played at 36 states and 250+ courses.

Avatar for londonguy

Fair play to you comrade Buck. A pity you went to clubs in London, they must rank amongst your most disappointing experiences

Avatar for WiseToo

"Somewhere, out in the wild, is a man on earth who has bought more lap dances than any other man on the planet. I wonder who he is?"

Did you check the recent edition of the Guinness Book of Records?

Avatar for loper

Countries: U.S., Canada, Greece. I know. Mexico should be an easy one.

Avatar for 8TM

When I was in Europe, I got the impression that big cities like Amsterdam had one American-style strip club for the tourists and that was it. Of course there were plenty of brothels that might happen to have a stage for the girls to dance on.

I’m surprised to hear that any strip clubs exist at all in South Korea or Hong Kong or Japan. Are these just hostess bars with bikini girls that guys are lumping in to the strip club category?

Avatar for Warrior15

^ 8TM. The OP's headline says strip clubs. But in the body of his initial post, he is asking about places we have "mongered in " . So I think guys are listing all of the above in their places. I know I did.

Avatar for rickdugan

Listing individual US towns/cities would take forever. In many of these states Ive clubbed in multiple areas and tbh I can't remember them all. So instead I just copied and pasted a list of the 50 states, deleted the names of the ones I never clubbed in and indicated whether it was a single city/town or multiple.

Arkansas (Little Rock)

California (Los Angeles)

Connecticut (multiple)

Florida (multiple)

Georgia (multiple)

Illinois (multiple)

Indiana (multiple)

Kansas (multiple)

Kentucky (multiple)

Louisiana (New Orleans)

Maine (can't remember the town)

Maryland (multiple but mostly B'more)

Massachusetts (multiple)

Missouri (KC)

Nevada (Las Vegas)

New Hampshire (can't remember the town)

New Jersey (multiple)

New York (multiple)

North Carolina (multiple)

Ohio (Cleveland)

Oregon (Portland)

Pennsylvania (multiple)

Rhode Island (multiple but mostly PVD)

South Carolina (multiple)

Tennessee (Memphis)

Texas (Dallas)

Vermont (can't remember the town, but I don't think the club is there anymore)

Virginia (multiple and they all sucked)

Washington DC

West Virginia (multiple)

Wisconsin (Milwaukee metro)

I've done much less international, but they include:

Tijuana, Mexico

London, England

Province of Quebec (various)

Anyway there it is.

Avatar for Muddy

I lied I still have to hit DC, Vegas, Salt Lake City and Portland although I’m not really stoked on those but I’d like to one of these days just check it out. But every other big metro I’ve hit.

Avatar for rickdugan

===> "I lied I still have to hit DC, Vegas, Salt Lake City and Portland..."

I suppose one should experience DC and Vegas clubs at least once, but as someone who has clubbed in both places multiple times, I'll just advise you to manage your expectations and keep your powder dry for better locales.

Avatar for gSteph

Fairbanks, AK

Eugene, OR

Springfield OR

After rickducan, someone had to hold down the other end of the list 🙂

Good memories from each though.

Avatar for Nixur68

I've been all over Miami, Dallas, Austin, NYC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Bangkok, Zurich, Amsterdam, etc.

But honestly the best place for actual Strip Clubs is Miami.

Avatar for gSteph

Wait a minute, I forgot:

Las Vegas

Cool, that makes 4. 😎

Avatar for rickdugan

Compiling the data for this thread has really jogged my memory re: the depths and longevity of my degeneracy. I had to grab a list of the U.S. states and back into it from there. I just couldn't remember them all without the memory cues. I've been visiting clubs for over 25 years, when I first started traveling for work. 30 states + DC, too many towns/cities to remember and easily over 300 clubs. Fuck.

What I find so much fun about travel clubbing, besides the obvious hunt for new fun, is all of the little unique differences that one can find from one region to the next. For example, Portland OR clubs were rocking the tatted alt goth girls for many years before tattoos and piercings became more common elsewhere. Another example was visiting the Outhouse in Lawrence KS and watching guys flop themselves on their backs on stage so the girl could pick the ones up with her pussy. I could go on. The different accents and attitudes of girls in different regions are also interesting.

With that, I think I'll leave further nostalgia for another time, lol.

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