
Pregnant Hooters Girl Rakes in Tips

Avatar for Tetradon
TetradonI'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.


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Avatar for Muddy

If I'm not getting jerked off, I'm doubling just doubling the tax and that's it. And I keep it moving. And btw I round down not up. Strip clubs have spoiled me beyond the point of no return.

Avatar for wallanon

She's still pretty hot even way preggo, but maybe people aren't a bunch of heartless assholes and they're trying to do something nice for a gal who looks like she could use some extra cash.

Avatar for misterorange

I have a big fat belly - maybe they wanna tip me too?

Avatar for Uprightcitizen

Hooter is now opening up a subsidiary called Preggerz

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

Instead of bragging about people's donations coz she's pregnant and working as a waitress.... she should be complaining about shitty insurance no paid maternity leave. Yhe cost of childcare and a shitty wage.

Avatar for twentyfive

^Just because you’re a miserable son of a bitch, doesn’t mean everyone else is, or even cares, that you’re a miserable unhappy son of a bitch.

She’s happy why is that a problem to you.

Avatar for Tetradon

@icee, yes, because if you don't let politics run your life 24/7, you're not "down with the struggle."

Better topic of discussion here--do you think she gets tips because some guys have a preggers fetish? Or as a congratulations/pity tip for a new mom?

Avatar for Tetradon

I struck a nerve on ol' scrubby. A tiny little nerve.

Avatar for twentyfive

What really needs to be called out is the little shrub, welcher of bets, and here on a site dedicated to the beauty of the l female body, he’s constantly fixated on his homosexual agenda, hey little turd how about paying nice spice the 10 grand you owe her then go away no one wants to hear from you, loser.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

I'm sure that she's enjoying the tips in addition to the money paid to her by the NY Post to be in the story.

Avatar for datinman

Don't you just hate it when you pop in for a quick read and then have to take the time to login to activate your ignores because scrub has polluted the thread with multiple of his raging homoerotic posts.

Avatar for TheeOSU


yup, that maggot dipshitscrub is a world class faggot!

Avatar for TheeOSU

'happy to pay her the 10g... happy to.. no big deal..'

then what are you waiting for?

problem is you don't own 10k of anything except cum shots down your throat and up your stressed/stretched out anus. maggot!

Avatar for TheeOSU

no dipshit, you bet her and lost, you owe her 10 grand of something, what's it going to be maggot?

Avatar for bang69

Congrats to her on becoming a mom. I hope her babies Daddy helps her. She is very good looking. And congrats to the person who knocked her up.

Avatar for twentyfive

Shrub you can spin anything you like, doesn't change one fact you made a bet with nice spice for 10,000 dollars you lost that bet, you owe her TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS in United States Currency, no matter how you try to spin that, you're still a liar, a maggot and a weasel, loser.

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

25 you promised to leave tuscl and still havent...so stop worrying about others breaking their promises on here and worry about yourself

Avatar for twentyfive

^ Fuck off cocksucker I never promised shit and you know that.

Avatar for nicespice

I just noticed this thread. Oh my 👀

Avatar for Tetradon

Man, watching scrub lose his shit is hilarious.

I tell him he has a small penis and he rages at me in five different threads.

Here man. You're welcome.


Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

It's weird when people who share desertscrubs views go off on him

Avatar for Tetradon

^ So people who have somewhat-similar political views have to get along, even if one is a paranoid schizophrenic.

Pimpy logic.


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