Funny Money?

Dan3635Gulf Coast. I’m not your boss.
Couple of Houston area clubs offer credit card users the chance to purchase funny money or club script. I haven’t personally use this yet. I was curious if dancers have a issue with this? Do they not like it because they have to be more accurate their accounting back to the club? Is there a stigma? I’d appreciate your thoughts and opinions.
last commentAround here, clubs double dip; they charge you a fee to purchase the funny money and they charge the girls another one to change it in. I don't think strippers much care about accounting or any stigma, but they aren't big fans of fees either. As such, they'll prefer real money.
I don't recommend it, but if you're going to use credit to pay for strippers you probably will do much better getting a cash advance directly from the ATM using your credit card. You'll pay a premium to the CC company, but it'll probably be half of what the club charges and as a bonus you get real cash. The downside is the shitty in-club ATM may not support it and you generally need to have setup a PIN with your CC specifically to enable that feature, which most people don't do.
It's just an extra hassle and they charge to exchange it. Also not all dancers will accept it coz of that
As others have said, dancers don't love it as much as the real thing because they usually get charges to cash it in. Some clubs even make dancers hold onto some or all of it for a few days until they confirm that the CC charges didn't get reversed. IMHO you'd be much better off using your CC to get a cash advance somewhere - you'll pay lower fees and the dancers will appreciate it more.
Yes. The few times I worked at clubs that used funny money, it was worth about 10-20% less than actual cash.
I only frequented one club that had funny money. The dancers hated it, because the club wouldn't exchange it one for one. The club told the dancers they had to allow for credit card chargebacks.
Also - if u don't spend all your club-funny-money then you may get stuck with it unless you come back again (and good chance you may forget you have it or where you put it etc).
Club-funny-money just benefit$ the club - best thing to do is to bring enough cash with you and if u run out then at most use the club's ATM although this should also be avoided bc most club ATMs have very-high-fees but still better than using a credit-card or funny-money - strip-clubs are not like regular business - also decent chance that a club that pushes funny-money may not have an ATM.
Sounds like we are unanimous! Thanks for the feedback team. Maybe this can go in a FAQ somewhere!
The only funny money I've encountered were the $2 bills the Platinum Plus clubs used to use to increase tips. They were a little difficult to use at other businesses. So I got in the habit of always taking a lot of $1 bills with me.
Ah the $2 bill at Platinum Plus. I once stopped at a fast food place on my way out of Greenville. I paid with a few $2 bills. The older woman at the counter gave me this look that translated to "I know where you've been, you disgusting pervert" But teenager next to her was just grinning at me.
^ Same thing happened to me at the Greenville airport, lol. I was buying a few things at a convenience kiosk and paid with $2 bills. The cashier, a middle aged woman, said to me "I guess you had fun while you were here" with a little smile.
I gave whatever $2 bills I had left to the last girl I got dances from or the last girl on stage. I remember Shadowcat's story about a place not wanting to take them because they didn't have a compartment for them. Now I'm thinking about the $20.71 and change story...maybe nothing new under the sun?
One local gun show promoter gives $2 bills in change from admissions. It let's the neighboring fast food and bar businesses see their economic impact, at least a little.
magicrat - that was the Discotheque Lounge, Augusta, Georgia on my way home from PP Columbia. :)
I often pay for dances using rickbux. I get all sloppy drunk and draw a lion on a napkin in crayon. It works as legal tender if you use the magic words: gimme what I want wildebeest!
Also, spending rickbux only works if you’re a frickin’ lion. ROAR!!!
Sapphire in Vegas is in a class action for charging girls a % when they cash in their club bucks. I imagine that other clubs will catch on bc they don’t want to be sued either.
It’s like 50/50 that clubs charge us or don’t, otherwise idc if people pay me like this.
Skin Cabaret notoriously has $2 bills in change. You have to be a little funny to visit that club anyway. This is just one of the reasons to avoid this club. Although I think a stripper fought back on a liquor department investigation and won. The agent resigned/released and so did another upper level agent. So at least something good has come out of Skin recently.