I always maintain a couple of "friendships" at any point in time, but for quite a while here my options had become more limited. COVID completely changed the complexion of the local club scene. The single Moms of yesteryear were replaced by Day Job Girls and others who were not as motivated to make each night count. This made new "friend" sourcing much harder than it used to be, especially because I am rather picky.
But over the past couple of weeks, the tide has been turning. The combination of never-ending price increases on basic needs like food and electricity, coupled with sharp decreases in club attendance numbers, are finally having an impact. I've now setup OTC meets with a couple of very nice girls who had historically declined my invitations.
I know that I often comment about making new friends during the holiday season, when girls are extra motivated to buy presents for their loved ones. But I have to say that it's starting to feel like Christmas already now. Recently my rotation was thinning out due to natural attrition and because I'm not willing to settle for higher volume and/or less attractive girls. I'm sensing that my roster will soon be in a healthy place again for the first time since COVID hit.
Same here. Seeing more motivated girls and they will start with higher contact immediately instead of waiting to turn it up after a song or two. I don’t have time to otc but the option is being hinted that it is available.
At least you know you can go to TJ to lose your virginity. You should get ahold of some film producers. Maybe they can do a sequel to The 40 Year Old virgin and make it The 60 Year Old Virgin
^ nah he’s bragging that he got a new suit, your the creep that has to find desperate Coke addicted whores to fuck, mainly because no normal girl would give you the time of day.
@ RD The more that shit posts the more fun it would be to take a run at the little motherfucker, and teach him some manners, and believe me if any of us were in his vicinity he’d straighten up quick
They seem friendlier in the club recently. I go to a health food store and then after it closes to a nearby strip club and sit for an hour and a half until my regular shows up about ten. Last Friday she offered to give me her phone number and said if I got there early to call her and she would come into the club early. In 12 years, I've never had a stripper offer to come into the club early when I showed up early. Another regular at another club ran across the room and started hugging me when I walked in the door. There are definitely more desperate girls having trouble making ends meet with the high inflation. The local customers are spending less too. Lots of guys are just sitting around drinking.
Icee youre going after girls desperate for loyalty and commitment because they struggle to find it. Youre doing the same thing, just different payment method
I think we are on the verge of some interesting times, ala 2008-2009. Maybe just in the beginning phases, but I think the next few years are going to become interesting. My only hope is that it doesn't kill off too many more clubs.
I’m finding the better looking girls are sticking out being a stripper, and they’re crowding out the less talented ones. They know that the day job grind of 9-5 listening to the minutia of a boss while getting paid $15-$20 an hour is harder than putting in a few hours at the club and taking home $500+ cash in one shift. It’s a change for the better.
20 posts since the middle of the night when dugan was basking in the glow of something new? Get your popcorn ready.
Not for nothing, but I called this scenario the rest of 2020 after the clubs shut down. Think desertscrub called it "buying groceries". Other guys called it months and months of not getting stripper goodies because they didn't have a way to contact their faves (and they learned from that). Or not. One guy I donated a number to because I wasn't going to that town anytime soon reached out to her, but so far as I know never pulled the trigger. Teach a dude to fish as they still might starve, lol.
But anyway, good for you rickdugan. Have fun with the windfall.
For fucks sake half the people on this thread are retarded.
Rick is saying - a year ago because of stimulus checks and tons of unemployment strippers wanted $75 a lapdance and $800 to go to VIP. They weren’t motivated.
Now that all that $$$ has run out these strippers have to put a little effort in, and pricing is starting to go back to pre-pandemic levels. Rick is optimistic it may even go LOWER than pre-pandemic levels.
Whether you want to insult the OP or not if you’re on a strip club forum because you like to go to strip clubs then this should be good news to you unless you’re too stupid to understand the somewhat eloquent way Rick said it.
We all like to pay less for things whether it be buying groceries or getting blowjobs in a club.
"then this should be good news to you unless you’re too stupid to understand the somewhat eloquent way Rick said it."
Having a bad day? It may be possible that people understand exactly what was said and just took it for information. Continuity around here is a bitch, so for those who weren't around or can't remember last week it's worth noting that the pandemic ride has not been the same across the board.
Like wrestling territories, the strip club scene is very regional. Maybe some places around the country have been generally back to "normal" in the clubs for a while now. Pricing, too. But either way, during the pandemic I made a killing in the clubs when they reopened because so much customer money stayed away.
I wasn't on the boards talking about it because there were so many sad dudes on here moping around with their dicks in their hands. Whatever you guys say about where you're at I'll take at face value. I'm not there, and it's pointless to criticize someone else's experience if what they're sharing is their genuine perspective.
When you guys have a good run, that's great. That's the whole point. Let's just leave it at that.
===> "Now that all that $$$ has run out these strippers have to put a little effort in, and pricing is starting to go back to pre-pandemic levels. Rick is optimistic it may even go LOWER than pre-pandemic levels."
Actually shailynn my comments were solely addressing the willingness of a couple of club favorites to meet OTC. I don't remember opining on pricing. Tbh I doubt that pricing will ever go back to pre-pandemic levels, especially around these parts.
No sorry rick that's not my style. I was reaffirming what I've seen as countless clues that icey is dougster. Now if you disagree or don't understand that's fine but don't try sticking your tongue in my ass!
Ok you don't care, that's your opinion. My point is dougee is still posting here as icey. There's so much trolling on this site I've decided to expose them when I can. You don't care about that either, that's fine.
Now from my perspective I argue with enough people here, I wasn't looking to add you to the rotation but I guess how this goes forward is up to you. If you feel the same all you have to say is you don't want me to comment in your threads and I will honor that.
I've shown you respect here, never took a dig at you except way back when you came at me once and I repaid you but if you want to start shit and throw insults at me expect them back in triplicate.
Being a hoe doesnt mean broke. It could mean they love money. Some of these “broke hoes” are driving luxury cars, living in fancy apartments. You cant maintain that on a $10 to $20 an hour job. The other options are drug dealing or robbing people. Robbing people isn’t really a sustainable, long term approach to make money.
Where the hell are you guys meeting these dancers at because 2022 has been absolutely terrible. I can’t find anyone I find attractive, my old favorites retired and newer talent is severely lacking. I can’t even get a basic lap dance that’s good!
For what it’s worth, I’m in SoCal. I haven’t been to Vegas or Tijuana yet.
Well hey most of us predicted this a year or two ago now here it is I guess. The question is...do you out there have the money to partake in the festivities or you struggling too.
last commentI'm not bragging at all - more celebrating. But 25 is right on the money about Icee's crack ho.
The more that shit posts the more fun it would be to take a run at the little motherfucker, and teach him some manners, and believe me if any of us were in his vicinity he’d straighten up quick
Rick you're the one waiting for addicts and high volume hoes to be desperate enough to take your money. Then go home to your wife and kids
Not for nothing, but I called this scenario the rest of 2020 after the clubs shut down. Think desertscrub called it "buying groceries". Other guys called it months and months of not getting stripper goodies because they didn't have a way to contact their faves (and they learned from that). Or not. One guy I donated a number to because I wasn't going to that town anytime soon reached out to her, but so far as I know never pulled the trigger. Teach a dude to fish as they still might starve, lol.
But anyway, good for you rickdugan. Have fun with the windfall.
Rick is saying - a year ago because of stimulus checks and tons of unemployment strippers wanted $75 a lapdance and $800 to go to VIP. They weren’t motivated.
Now that all that $$$ has run out these strippers have to put a little effort in, and pricing is starting to go back to pre-pandemic levels. Rick is optimistic it may even go LOWER than pre-pandemic levels.
Whether you want to insult the OP or not if you’re on a strip club forum because you like to go to strip clubs then this should be good news to you unless you’re too stupid to understand the somewhat eloquent way Rick said it.
We all like to pay less for things whether it be buying groceries or getting blowjobs in a club.
Having a bad day? It may be possible that people understand exactly what was said and just took it for information. Continuity around here is a bitch, so for those who weren't around or can't remember last week it's worth noting that the pandemic ride has not been the same across the board.
Like wrestling territories, the strip club scene is very regional. Maybe some places around the country have been generally back to "normal" in the clubs for a while now. Pricing, too. But either way, during the pandemic I made a killing in the clubs when they reopened because so much customer money stayed away.
I wasn't on the boards talking about it because there were so many sad dudes on here moping around with their dicks in their hands. Whatever you guys say about where you're at I'll take at face value. I'm not there, and it's pointless to criticize someone else's experience if what they're sharing is their genuine perspective.
When you guys have a good run, that's great. That's the whole point. Let's just leave it at that.
Actually shailynn my comments were solely addressing the willingness of a couple of club favorites to meet OTC. I don't remember opining on pricing. Tbh I doubt that pricing will ever go back to pre-pandemic levels, especially around these parts.
Now if that isn't a blast from the past ongoing dougster quote I don't know what is!
Now from my perspective I argue with enough people here, I wasn't looking to add you to the rotation but I guess how this goes forward is up to you.
If you feel the same all you have to say is you don't want me to comment in your threads and I will honor that.
I've shown you respect here, never took a dig at you except way back when you came at me once and I repaid you but if you want to start shit and throw insults at me expect them back in triplicate.
For what it’s worth, I’m in SoCal. I haven’t been to Vegas or Tijuana yet.