Ishmael has developed a weapon of mass destruction!

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
It could destroy TUSCL's topical organization and it could make TUSCL into a war zone.
He has found a way of locking down other people's threads.
And he seems to have weaponized it.
last commentGod bless Ishmael and fuck you creep! The definition of 'topical organization' to you is your being allowed to post your spam and BS that nobody else cares about or wants to see/read and your being able to clutter up the board bumping your old spam threads over and over again for years.
I hope Ish locks every fucking one of your threads! FUCK YOU!
@OP You are a sick scumbag, you post shit about being polite, yet you are a rude fucktard, it's way past time for founder to kick your deviant ass to the curb, you are among the few idiots that are causing me to consider quitting this site, and founder is your main enabler, until you Iceefag and Desert Turd are blocked I'm not writing any more reviews, and next year I will reconsider my membership, so fuck you Sleepy time rapist.
CIM is a malicious pos. At least the other trolls are un your face. But he's very backhanded and backstabbing.
Go Ishmael! Go Ishmael! Go-go-go-Ishmael! Lock down every last one! Tell us all the secret!
Cim is one of the worst elements here. By far the most genuinely malicious. The other trolls are just fucking idiots but he's just hateful overall
That's rich coming from you dougee, the biggest hateful vendetta poster in tuscl's history!
LOL san_jose_creep take a chill pill. Life goes on even with a few locked threads about mindless banter.
Unless of course your F2F life revolves around posting to threads about mindless banter. In that case, FREAK THE FUCK OUT!!! 🤷
“It could destroy TUSCL's topical organization and it could make TUSCL into a war zone.”
If anyone has any doubt that SJG has Down syndrome just re-read that comment. TUSCL is going to turn into a WAR ZONE because somebody locked a few threads by adding some HTML. Yep, okay, call the national guard everybody!!
Sjg is right about this. And far right trolls keep getting worse on here
^^^LOL Iceydodo trolls and posts at a faster rate* than anyone on TUSCL so course she's gonna freak out like san_jose_creep. 🤭🤡😂
(*10,000+ posts in < 2 years is more posts per year than anyone. Lulz.)
Icee is one of those guys that tries to bend over and suck his own dick because he can't find anyone else to do it for him.
SJG and Icee are just fucking total douche bags who would do humanity a favor if they would just fuck off and die already.
Skibitch does your wife douche after getting a train run on her or are you into eating creampies?
^ what a nasty cunt, truly a shitty human being
LOL in that case, Iceydodo do you like the taste of geriatric trick dick when you kiss your bottom bitch after she's put in a hard day's work of sucking it? Do you like sloppy seconds and dirty thirds with her?
20fag you couldn't even keep a wife or your kids so you spend your days trolling me. Fucking loser lulz
^ karma is a bitch you little cunt.
Skibitch you're a literalcuckold.
Iceefag you couldn’t keep a crack whore, and you have no kids, your parents must be so proud, I’ll bet if your pop was around he’d wash your filthy mouth out with soap.
One major problem with that assessment 25. iceydougee doesn't know who his dad is. Can you picture all the times he was bitch slapped over the years? After every episode he stands there dumbfounded wondering, 'was that guy my dad?'
It would be very amusing if Ishmael shut this discussion!
SJG is too obvious with his outbursts.
He was very upset when some folks were having trouble posting comments the other day.
Now he’s angry that one discussion is no longer open for his useless diatribes. I’m sure the San Jose librarian has been hearing a lot of grumbling from SJG.
" I’m sure the San Jose librarian has been hearing a lot of grumbling from SJG."
I can only imagine how Founder's DM blew up. I could be wrong, but I bet he gets more than his fair share of whining messages.
Hah! Funny that you mention that, I was having a discussion with someone yesterday and we're sure the creep complained to founder.