
Death...& a Question about Facebook Messenger

from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
Wednesday, September 7, 2022 5:42 AM
So, a lady friend of mine passed away very suddenly from natural causes today around noon. I didn't find out until around 8pm by chance when looking at Facebook, randomly. So, I found out about 8 hours later (around 8pm) that she passed earlier today (around noon). Yes, she's a friend, but I didn't know her too personally. Here's my question. Around 11pm tonight, roughly 11 hours after she died at around noon I notice her Facebook messenger says "Active 20 min ago". At 11pm. What do you think it means? I don't know for a fact she passed. I mean, I just see gangs of tributes on Facebook. Starting around 1pm. I can't see her faking this or this as a prank. By now, more than 11 hours later, it'd be some resolution. Is a family member just jumping in her Messenger and responding to folks? If so, why not ALSO just answer on her Facebook page? It just seems mad creepy that her Facebook messenger says "Active 20 min ago" some 11+ hours after her death.


  • gothamyte
    2 years ago
    Forgot to mention: as far as I know, she's single, no kids and lives alone. So I can't figure out who'd be responding to any Messenger stuff on her behalf. I'm wondering if "Active 20 min ago" could also mean Incoming correspondence? Not just outgoing. But I sent her messenger three question marks when I saw it said "Active 20 min ago" That seems unread and that didn't change her active status to include the three ??? question marks I sent.
  • ljap1
    2 years ago
  • gothamyte
    2 years ago
    I know, I know it seems super obvious. It's probably a family member or friend. Sorry, but I'm old-school. I don't think folks regularly give out their Facebook passwords. That's why I'm asking. Especially since she passed so suddenly of natural causes. And I'm thinking if it's a friend or family member, why not put a general statement on their FB page saying "Yeah, this person passed today. Thnx for the condolences. Don't send messenger stuff, etc".
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Setting aside the small dancer contingent, this site is predominantly populated by guys who are older, don't like or use social media, and are not employed by Facebook. Honestly, you'll have better luck searching on Google. But the reality is that you'll probably never know without being on the operator side of that deceased person's account. You could also send a message to see if you get a response, but you may not be *that* curious.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    I've never been on facebook or anything like it. If someone I care about dies, I'll get a phone call from someone who is.
  • iknowbetter
    2 years ago
    I tried FB about 10 years ago. I quickly grew tired of it and have not been active on FB for years. But despite several attempts by me (and my tech savvy kids), I have not been able to completely delete my account. My wife is a regular user of FB, and she tells me that there are still active accounts for people who have been deceased for years.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    Jesus christ you guys are old. Facebook has been around 15 years. Gotham: the have a process for managing a deceased relative's account: [view link] its very common for loved one to use a fb page as a
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    memorial page. My friend's wife did just this a few months back. Sometimes this is the best way to contact their friends as a spouse may not have access to all their contacts.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    It could show she's active if she never had tge chance to log out. Cim stop pretending like you speak for everyone
  • PhatBoyHell
    2 years ago
    Yes cmi you need to be more like is beaners
  • PhatBoyHell
    2 years ago
    Us beaners
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    @gothamyte: It just means her PC, tablet, or phone is logged into the app, and that someone was using it. Doesn't have to have been her.
  • dogchain
    2 years ago
    I'm thinking it is her ghost.
  • sideshow_bob
    2 years ago
    I received birthday reminders for a classmate who died in a strange and tragic manner for years. I couldn't stop them because they were attached to a university email account I no longer controlled. Eventually I worked it out, but it was disturbing to have to randomly remember it every year.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    I know a guy whose buddy went out on a golf course and killed himself. The cell phone was out of range, and they found his body out there after a day or so. Next of kin were notified etc. Then the phone was either plugged in, brought into range, or something, bc all the goodbye texts he had been writing out on the golf course started coming to people, a day AFTER he died. My friend was properly freaked out!
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    First, sorry to hear about your friend. Second, either someone was on her account at the time, or someone was on her phone. If she was logged into the Messenger app on her phone, it'll say the user is active if they are on the phone doing anything at all. They don't even need to be on Facebook or Messenger for it to say they're active.
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