Dancers on the stripper subreddit actually don’t seem to claim this generally. There’s all kinds of posts there regarding liking certain clients.
This was on a popular website which interviewed an anonymous dancer. Also, there’s other subreddits like explainlikeimfive which had a dancer being interviewed.
Both of these dancers claimed that they have little to no attraction to their clients because they receive payment for their dances and get to control all aspects of their dances and what’s allowed and not allowed. One of the dancers even bragged that if she can sell a 30 minute VIP, she gets to spend most of that time sitting and talking.
It sounds like nonsense. Plenty of strip club customers are overweight or ugly or very old but these interviewees were implying that the very act of someone being a strip club customer makes them lose all attraction towards them. It sounds like something someone would say to their SO so they don’t feel insecure about the job.
SJG off topic but some clubs take credit card payments usually with a big service fee charge. Otherwise most dancers escorts etc are getting most income in cash. Can they evade taxes entirely since the income is in cash?
BigThirdEye is asking all of us why dancers are having no attraction to HIM even after spending tons of money on them? Funny. Honestly Dancers are attracted to many customers. May be you need to do research why you are an exception?
Remember, the IRS goes after people when the living costs that can't be hidden exceed their reported income. Dancer I was friendly with got in serious trouble with the IRS such that they threatened to take her house. Another one was asking me all kinds of questions and I looked up a lot of reporting threshold info for her and she wanted me to do her taxes.
So clubs take the dance money in via reverse ATM machines. THis was probably because they had trouble with the IRS. Not a good set up.
And you don't ever take any kind of plastic into strip clubs.
I think spending money on a girl without expecting much in return can cause her to lose respect for you. When I was younger and dumber, I regularly took a pretty girl in my office who I was friends with out to lunch. After a while she started to seem less friendly and acted like she was doing me a favor sitting across the table in a restaurant with me. I stopped doing that and since then there have been no free meals for women.
If you spend too much money on strippers while expecting little in return, as many strip club customers tend to do, strippers will see you as a loser who can't get women without throwing lots of money at them. Females are not sexually attracted to men they see as losers. I never offer stripper regulars lots of money to see them outside the club and when they realize I'm not interested then they suddenly seem more eager to see me outside the club. Women are strange creatures. They throw themselves at guys who don't care about them while snubbing guys who want them.
Go after the ones you want to be waking up in the mornings with. And that way you won't need to go to strip clubs very often. These girls will keep you busy.
Women don't value physical attraction as much as men do, especially in a club setting we understand that YOUR appeal to us is how we look, but it's not the same for us. Of course some customers are attractive, but it's much more attractive when men understand the rules and atmosphere at the club, don't have a stick up their ass, and have fun. As soon as you say " how can I get you outside of the club " immediately I want to walk away because you're telling me my service is not entertaining enough and that you're needy and hard to satisfy.... Just from my perspective everyone is different!
^ Well with due consideration to the above, I still say you should not use strip clubs for regular gratification, and you can also do very well seeing the women outside. And most will really like that.
ChampPhilly I’m a younger guy and these strippers were interviewed online. You didn’t read the OP.
Icee these strippers claimed that the very act of being a customer made them have little to no attraction. It doesn’t really seem believable. But like docsavage mentioned it could be related to some customers who spend a large amount for little in return.
Sukki if youre in a non extras club those guys are basically asking about sex. It seems like a common thing they’d ask for? Why is it needy
Docssvage the guys who dont care about them, are showing they’re not needy, and showing they possibly have lots of other options available. It’s about the implications and subtle interpretations of the guys behavior. It ties into why some people play the intentional ignoring text game
Sukki. Women are just as superficial as men if not more. Looks matter.
And a guy saying he wants to see you out the club means he likes what you offer and wants more or wants to get to know you. Take advantage of it. Lead him on to get him coming to the club. Milk him for what he's worth
You can often get a date with a woman in a bar, through mutual friends, at work, etc. You can rarely get a date just walking up to a woman who's a stranger to you on the street. For actual dating purposes, the strip club is just more like the street. Strippers don't ignore you in the club like they would on the street. But they're ignoring you as a person, they're interacting with you to get the $. What they want to know about you is mostly what makes you give them money, and not much else.
If your appearance and/or manner can turn a lot of women's heads, you can get a date in the club (or on the street). But, if we had that, we wouldn't regularly go to strip clubs.
Icee you’re advising her to lead guys on why? No need to lead anyone on.
You said it’s about money but you’ve also said strippers like some clients.
I’m not sure women care about looks like men do. Or even if all guys do. There’s all those examples of ugly guy with hot girl, or ugly girl with hot guy?
The one nice thing about being "old" (by nicespice's definition) is that I don't spend much time thinking about this anymore. The hurdles I have to clear are simply being normal enough and looking good enough that she isn't downright repulsed at the thought of being in a hotel bed with me for money.
I will never fool myself into thinking that a girl 2 to 3 decades younger than me is creaming her pants at the mere thought of me and I'm perfectly fine. I had my spring time romances, it's not my turn anymore. It's their turn now - the young with families, joys and heartbreaks all ahead of them.
^^^ remember you are in the same category as SJG and BTE. It’s been my tagline for a long time. Pot, meet the kettle. And I don’t mean the kind you smoke.
I am sure most they do not find attractive but some they do. I knew a dancer who met their long term boyfriend who was their customer. She also had no problem telling me that she would not date me no matter what lol
Icee your posts were worded in a concrete way. You claimed dancers only care about money but randomly in another thread you’ll say dancers can be picked up just like regular girls.
Rick dont you need to also perform well in the otc. Also there are guys in their 50s who look incredible. Muscular, still have hair on their head, etc.
Shrubby we know you’re a sleazy lowlife, we know you don’t pay your gambling debts, we also know you’re a cowardly liar, and a weasel Come out here and say this to my face or shut the fuck up.
BTE, yes to listen to some of the dancers who post here, it does sound like no attraction.
But really that is just a mode they have put themselves into, an on the job persona, and it is also because the vast majority of guys treat them like vending machines.
Under the surface these are still very ordinary girls and they can be gotten gotten to in exactly the same ways. It all starts when you learn not to be taken in by their on the job personas. Play along with them but always treat them as you would any other woman, and very often they will transform before your eyes.
I learned this in my first visits to a strip club, the Sunnyvale Brass Rail, going from "*I* don't go out with customers", to seeing that I was not trying to set up pay for play, to becoming apologetic, "You don't understand, I get hit on by 50 guys a night", so that when I got home at 10pm the next night there is her voice on my answering machine.
^^ answering machines went out over 20 years ago, so your story is as outdated as your qualifications on how to lock up women. You’ve never been a committed man ina steady relationship have you SJG? We know you’ve been committed, but that was institutionalized commitment where straight jackets were involved.
It's really hard to see customers as a prospective husband or dateable when we're able to read reviews here and on USASG and know how heavily we're judged by y'all.
When it comes down to it, what makes a monger so entitled to call us fat, heavy, past menopause, call our breasts bolt ons or tits, complain about cellulite, bitch about us taking a break at work and not talking to customers, expecting us to read customers's minds, question our boundaries, or even try to negotiate or barter our prices and then fucking complain about it like a whiney entitled bitch on a review site... Then have the audacity to question if we are attracted to said mongers? You would have to be 100% retarded to expect us to be attracted to customers from our SALES JOB.
^^ god you’re a goofy bastard! More proof why nobody believes you have anyone else besides yourself in that organization you say you’ve been building for the last 10 years.
Icee i was just taking your posts as you stated them.
I think there could be many, maybe even a majority of strip club customers are unattractive due to excess weight or age or facial features or behavior. these dancers were ignoring that and saying theres little to no attraction because they have full control of the situation and the dance. Even that isn’t really true, cause they can set the rules but the customer chooses whether or not to pay.
There are plenty of jobs where people are attracted to their coworkers or clients. Usually the feelings are kept in check for professional reasons. The statement of no attraction to clients seems false. It’s like a politically correct thing to say or something someone in a relationship would say.
SJG said "As far as life on the ground for me I am very busy 7 days a week and every waking hour."
You spend a minimum of 30 hours per week [1] shoveling incoherent crap onto a nearly 46K post pile almost entirely composed of archaic, theatrically esoteric topics, spamming other people's thread because you're triggered (shhhh... no one say "autism"), and telling guys who love strip clubs to not buy dances [2].
While it might be true that you're busy, you're not building anything coherent or real [3], and that includes a crazy-pants rape cult.
"Things are good."
Not for the San Jose Public Library librarians.
[1] Unless it's a week where the San Jose Public Library system is closed for a holidays...
[2] And that we're all having fun wrong.
[3] Except perhaps a scrap book of restraining orders.
Wow SJG, youve got 45000 comments on here! Thank you for dedicating the time to advise us on these topics. That’s a lot of time and hard work you’ve put into it, all free of charge for us.
Most dancers aren't attracted to most customers. And women on the whole are really good at "I never do X" but then having an excuse for every time they in fact do X
“I learned this in my first visits to a strip club, the Sunnyvale Brass Rail, going from "*I* don't go out with customers", to seeing that I was not trying to set up pay for play, to becoming apologetic, "You don't understand, I get hit on by 50 guys a night", so that when I got home at 10pm the next night there is her voice on my answering machine”
So what happened what did she say regarding being apologetic? What was on your answering machine?
Bubbleyum the boundaries often arent based in any form of logic. For instance some dancers believe anything in the club is fine but outside the club even texting or light flirting is cheating.
Look at it 8n other scenarios. How often do waitresses get hit on v how many dates they accept from customers. And they're also nice about rejecting guys.
Truth is nowadays much doesn't matter. Women are very impulsive. It doesn't matter if she's working has a boyfriend or whatever. If she feels a connection to you she'll act on it. If she doesn't she won't. A woman who is interested doesn't leave you wondering. You'll know it.
Icee doesnt it depend on if she’s seriously attached to her boyfriend or husband.
Thats true on waitresses. But theres no rule that they cant or wont be attracted to someone just cause they’re a customer. Attraction isn’t necessarily a choice either.
Its interesting there’s also waitresses who have done OTC, with older guys as well. I think someone posted here how he got otc from a waitress. Who would have stripped but didn’t want the negative connotations of the job. There’s a whole area of civvie type girls who for different reasons dont want to work as an escort stripper or post on sugaring sites, but would still be open to discreet otc
BTE, does t it depend on whether the girl is hyper sexual or if she is frigid? I know some girls can’t wait to put my erect penis inside of her because she wants sex 24/7.
Lol most women have impossibly high standards... But if tipping her makes her play with your dick what does that really tell you about those standards?
I don't understand why it's so hard to believe they aren't attracted to any customers. I very much doubt that any stripper starts her shift thinking, "I hope I meet my soulmate at work today."
The customers are just and endless line of anonymous faces. The only ones that stick out will be the ones that throw around excess money or the ones that are really obnoxious.
Anyone know or met a hyper sexual dancer? She’ll tell you why she chose to be a stripper, and will also tell you that customers aren’t the only ones with fantasies. Like SJG says, get them off script and they will reveal a lot about themselves, but of course they lie about how sexual they really are just to keep the fantasy going about how you’ve encountered a nympho stripper in hopes she’ll fuck you.
What is their type icee? Their type depends on themselves i dont think theres one type of guy whos all strippers type. Some strippers seem to like the fratboys or gym rats. There was a thor look alike once and I could tell the dancer liked him
Bgsd for the same reason anyone at any job can be attracted to customers or clients. Grocery store gym etc. keep in mind in larger cities the strip clubs will have college kids and possibly professional people there for work dinners, or people out for birthdays etc. Not all customers are the stereotypical super ugly or super old regular as some people imply.
"And women on the whole are really good at "I never do X" but then having an excuse for every time they in fact do X" !!!
Most women that are not seriously attached can be gotten to. But just don't approach them or treat them as Pay4Play. Don't talk to them that way in any situation. Even if they are talking to you that way, you don't talk to them that way.
I like to keep both separate. It’s not necessarily the act itself(although a lot of people show their true character when engaging with strippers) but also hearing the same shit all the time over and over. It doesn’t impress me. It’s all the same, and it starts to blend together. Some people are attractive yes, but I don’t like to go down that route. I don’t think it’d be a good start to anything. If they regularly come there, then you’d have to see them afterwards. If you end up dating, both would prob have trust issues. If I give a crush enough time, i eventually don’t find them attractive. So all around bad business practice imo to act on any attractiveness lmao.
So I would say no we’re generally not attracted to the customers for whatever reason. It seems like when people think of stripping they assume that we are, but sometimes even the job itself can wear down your sexuality because it can be very draining. It’s just a job, although some dancers will fuck someone on a case by case basis.
Aaaaaaa but it seems a lot of dancers fuck for money. Is it really a case by case basis id imagine the case by case would be someone they met once and started seeing outside the club for free. The sex for pay seems somewhat common. I think its due to the fact the lapdance itself is already somewhat sexual so some dancers are willing to take that extra step to make more money.
Actually it seems like escorts and otc dancers are more business savvy. Escorts don’t play games the way some civvies and dancers do.
BTE, younger is fine. But your comments and questions seem to be immature. May be that is the reason why dancers are not attracted to you. This stupid topic is CLOSED*
Icee youre mistaken and you’ve alternated between calling me dougster and cacsplop. Months ago you were saying sjg and nicespice were welcoming me to the forums as dougster and now today you clsimed they welcomed me as cacaplop
last commentThere’s dancers who can cut it off.
But this is not always true.
Remember, the IRS goes after people when the living costs that can't be hidden exceed their reported income. Dancer I was friendly with got in serious trouble with the IRS such that they threatened to take her house. Another one was asking me all kinds of questions and I looked up a lot of reporting threshold info for her and she wanted me to do her taxes.
So clubs take the dance money in via reverse ATM machines. THis was probably because they had trouble with the IRS. Not a good set up.
And you don't ever take any kind of plastic into strip clubs.
If you spend too much money on strippers while expecting little in return, as many strip club customers tend to do, strippers will see you as a loser who can't get women without throwing lots of money at them. Females are not sexually attracted to men they see as losers. I never offer stripper regulars lots of money to see them outside the club and when they realize I'm not interested then they suddenly seem more eager to see me outside the club. Women are strange creatures. They throw themselves at guys who don't care about them while snubbing guys who want them.
(or she was blind, IDK)
That said it's easy to hook up if there's attraction and you have things in common. If she's the same type you'd get as a civvie I possible.
THe ones who post about it on the internet, they may be a little different.
Icee these strippers claimed that the very act of being a customer made them have little to no attraction. It doesn’t really seem believable. But like docsavage mentioned it could be related to some customers who spend a large amount for little in return.
Sukki if youre in a non extras club those guys are basically asking about sex. It seems like a common thing they’d ask for? Why is it needy
And dancers don't really think about customers. It's about money.
And a guy saying he wants to see you out the club means he likes what you offer and wants more or wants to get to know you. Take advantage of it. Lead him on to get him coming to the club. Milk him for what he's worth
If your appearance and/or manner can turn a lot of women's heads, you can get a date in the club (or on the street). But, if we had that, we wouldn't regularly go to strip clubs.
You said it’s about money but you’ve also said strippers like some clients.
I’m not sure women care about looks like men do. Or even if all guys do. There’s all those examples of ugly guy with hot girl, or ugly girl with hot guy?
I will never fool myself into thinking that a girl 2 to 3 decades younger than me is creaming her pants at the mere thought of me and I'm perfectly fine. I had my spring time romances, it's not my turn anymore. It's their turn now - the young with families, joys and heartbreaks all ahead of them.
Also there are guys in their 50s who look incredible. Muscular, still have hair on their head, etc.
Come out here and say this to my face or shut the fuck up.
But really that is just a mode they have put themselves into, an on the job persona, and it is also because the vast majority of guys treat them like vending machines.
Under the surface these are still very ordinary girls and they can be gotten gotten to in exactly the same ways. It all starts when you learn not to be taken in by their on the job personas. Play along with them but always treat them as you would any other woman, and very often they will transform before your eyes.
I learned this in my first visits to a strip club, the Sunnyvale Brass Rail, going from "*I* don't go out with customers", to seeing that I was not trying to set up pay for play, to becoming apologetic, "You don't understand, I get hit on by 50 guys a night", so that when I got home at 10pm the next night there is her voice on my answering machine.
Top 40 Clean Guitar Riffs Medley…
When it comes down to it, what makes a monger so entitled to call us fat, heavy, past menopause, call our breasts bolt ons or tits, complain about cellulite, bitch about us taking a break at work and not talking to customers, expecting us to read customers's minds, question our boundaries, or even try to negotiate or barter our prices and then fucking complain about it like a whiney entitled bitch on a review site... Then have the audacity to question if we are attracted to said mongers? You would have to be 100% retarded to expect us to be attracted to customers from our SALES JOB.
And I worked very hard for a long time to make a marriage work.
Now I have different ideas.……………………
As far as life on the ground for me I am very busy 7 days a week and every waking hour. Things are good.
I think there could be many, maybe even a majority of strip club customers are unattractive due to excess weight or age or facial features or behavior. these dancers were ignoring that and saying theres little to no attraction because they have full control of the situation and the dance. Even that isn’t really true, cause they can set the rules but the customer chooses whether or not to pay.
There are plenty of jobs where people are attracted to their coworkers or clients. Usually the feelings are kept in check for professional reasons. The statement of no attraction to clients seems false. It’s like a politically correct thing to say or something someone in a relationship would say.
You spend a minimum of 30 hours per week [1] shoveling incoherent crap onto a nearly 46K post pile almost entirely composed of archaic, theatrically esoteric topics, spamming other people's thread because you're triggered (shhhh... no one say "autism"), and telling guys who love strip clubs to not buy dances [2].
While it might be true that you're busy, you're not building anything coherent or real [3], and that includes a crazy-pants rape cult.
"Things are good."
Not for the San Jose Public Library librarians.
[1] Unless it's a week where the San Jose Public Library system is closed for a holidays...
[2] And that we're all having fun wrong.
[3] Except perhaps a scrap book of restraining orders.
BTE, you lose everything by buying dances, you don't want to deal with them that way. You want them to follow your lead, not to give your service.
Remember, never take women at face value. Watch what they do, as what they say is usually unimportant.
“I learned this in my first visits to a strip club, the Sunnyvale Brass Rail, going from "*I* don't go out with customers", to seeing that I was not trying to set up pay for play, to becoming apologetic, "You don't understand, I get hit on by 50 guys a night", so that when I got home at 10pm the next night there is her voice on my answering machine”
So what happened what did she say regarding being apologetic? What was on your answering machine?
Bubbleyum the boundaries often arent based in any form of logic. For instance some dancers believe anything in the club is fine but outside the club even texting or light flirting is cheating.
Truth is nowadays much doesn't matter. Women are very impulsive. It doesn't matter if she's working has a boyfriend or whatever. If she feels a connection to you she'll act on it. If she doesn't she won't. A woman who is interested doesn't leave you wondering. You'll know it.
Thats true on waitresses. But theres no rule that they cant or wont be attracted to someone just cause they’re a customer. Attraction isn’t necessarily a choice either.
Its interesting there’s also waitresses who have done OTC, with older guys as well. I think someone posted here how he got otc from a waitress. Who would have stripped but didn’t want the negative connotations of the job. There’s a whole area of civvie type girls who for different reasons dont want to work as an escort stripper or post on sugaring sites, but would still be open to discreet otc
The customers are just and endless line of anonymous faces. The only ones that stick out will be the ones that throw around excess money or the ones that are really obnoxious.
Strippers sell a fantasy and they're at work to get money. If it happens it happens but customers in strip clubs aren't generally their type anyways.
There was a thor look alike once and I could tell the dancer liked him
Most women that are not seriously attached can be gotten to. But just don't approach them or treat them as Pay4Play. Don't talk to them that way in any situation. Even if they are talking to you that way, you don't talk to them that way.
Free - All Right Now…
When they like you they show you their civvie side and try to veer away from their stripper persona as much as possible
But they will still probably expect, and it will all be helped along by still demonstrating generosity.
So I would say no we’re generally not attracted to the customers for whatever reason. It seems like when people think of stripping they assume that we are, but sometimes even the job itself can wear down your sexuality because it can be very draining. It’s just a job, although some dancers will fuck someone on a case by case basis.
Aaaaaaa but it seems a lot of dancers fuck for money. Is it really a case by case basis id imagine the case by case would be someone they met once and started seeing outside the club for free. The sex for pay seems somewhat common. I think its due to the fact the lapdance itself is already somewhat sexual so some dancers are willing to take that extra step to make more money.
Actually it seems like escorts and otc dancers are more business savvy. Escorts don’t play games the way some civvies and dancers do.
Most women not seriously attached can be gotten to, but not by guys who just want a vending machine.
Find the one you want and think about how she would want to be approached.
School of Rock…
School of Rock…
School of Rock…
But then get them out of the strip club and into your own bed. Or if you are traveling, a motel room.
School of Rock…
William S. Burroughs
School of Rock…