
Is male sadism really the norm?

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Saturday, August 20, 2022 2:08 AM
My fav told me recently about 6 out of 10 PLs are too rough (grabbing/squeezing much too hard). I knew this was a problem, but never imagined it was most PLs. She is no snowflake. She encourages me to dig my fingers in pretty hard when I massage her back. I'm in my sixties, but some of the porn she's into, I feel too underage to watch. Back when I was young (and dinosaurs roamed the Earth), sick attitudes about domestic were common. Like, the man was the authority in the family, and he could/should back it with whatever means he deemed necessary. It was somewhat acceptable to pick a fight with another guy, especially if he was at least your size. But people claimed it was the lowest of the low to rough up a woman, especially if you did it for fun, and especially if she wasn't "yours". Was this just always bullshit, and I was too young and dumb to see through it?


  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    BTW I've seen this fav average 4+ times a months for about 5 years. Very unlikely she'd see any need for any "you're special" SS.
  • GoVikings
    2 years ago
    wait...you've visited your fav 4 times per month for 5 straight years?
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Yup, on average.
  • GoVikings
    2 years ago
    and here i thought going twice a month was a lot lol they better be giving you free admission at that club
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    I haven't visited a stripper weekly for five years, but I have had one who I knew for five years and some others I've known three years. You will never really know what they think about you personally because they want that steady source of income to continue but they do tend to become more honest over time about customers in general. I think your fav is being honest. There's a lot of things strippers don't like but put up with as part of the job and guys being too rough is one of them.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    @Go we do OTC but I keep it in my pants.
  • rickthelion
    2 years ago
    Well Illby Ape or whatever the fuck your name is, let this rick blow your ape mind. Males hairless apes lie! As a lion I can be pretty brutal, especially to the wildebeest of the world. But the same is true about the female lions. Hell, we male lion have frickin’ spines on our penis. But don’t worry - the female lions like that shit. And this rick has discovered that some female hairless apes like it too. Anyhoo…this whole discussion gets to the reason why you damn dirty apes are down on the dugan from time to time. Most male hairless apes are actually into shit that would appall us ricks. But they lie about it. We ricks are too frickin’ honest. ROAR!!!
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