Creating a safe space for strippers
Well it looks like the bully strippers are at it once again coming down on and judging other strippers and they way they live.… I would just like to state TUSCL is a sanctuary for all strippers that do extras. We do not slut shame at all, in fact we celebrate it here. Think of us as an online Amsterdam. Any stripper is welcome to post and say whatever the fuck they want. And if online doesn’t work, I’m willing to be a shoulder to cry on. I’ll be in the trench coat in the dark corner of the club. Although to be fair my dick might be out, don’t judge me just tell me to put it back if you must.
And Icee honestly from the first time I went to clubs I've recognized that sex work is very broad. Only in this puritanical country can sex for money be demonized. It's just a damn orgasm. And it's just green paper. Relax. It's a business arrangement like buying a steak or choosing the softest brand of toilet paper
no use for thieving/trolling cunts, though.
"For each downvote I get, I will suck a dick at a reduced price. A Reddit downvote special since the income and pricing of extras services need to be everyone's business anyway. 🥰"