Back on Seeking

avatar for Warrior15
Anywhere there are Titties.
Thank you Subraman. About a month ago, I started the following thread about getting banned from :…

They said I was soliciting, which I was not. But I do think I figured out why I was kicked off the site. At the time, I really didn't care as I had just started trying to go exclusive with one girl. ( I know, being faithful to s sugar baby and not my wife. Stupid, huh ? ). Well that that relationship quickly went south, so I started getting out old numbers. I started a thread about my " Rolodex " and did reconnect with some former acquaintances . A couple of which I may continue seeing. But I just had the urge to get some fresh sugar. So I decided to follow Subraman's suggestions and see if I could set up a new account on the best Sugar site.

I got a new gmail account. I used a different credit card, although the card is in my name. I used a different device to set up the account so they could not track the IP address. I used a different profile name and different photos. The make up of the profile is totally different. And Thank Goodness, it worked. I am in. Set up the profile , they took my money , I am now shopping for a new sugar baby. I did notice they increased the cost by about 25% in the past 3 months. WTF ???

I am almost certain that I got kicked off because of the use of the phrase PPM. If you are not familiar , that is the abbreviation for Pay-per-meeting. I would simply tell the girl I was willing to do a PPM. I did not mention amounts and I did not say what was expected during this PPM. I just said I was willing to do it. When I set up the new profile, it asked me to certify that I would not do any specific activities and even mentioned PPM as something you cannot do. SOOOOOOOO I am not going to use those 3 letters together again. I'll have to dance around that. I'll just need to move the conversation off-line to cell phones just a little quicker.

I've been back on less than 24 hours. Had about 30 girls message me and another 30 have Favorited me. Already exchanged phone numbers with two girls and set up a date with one. I remember this from the first time I set up a profile on the site. Seeking promotes the new profiles a lot so you get excited about the website when you first get on. So the girls THINK I'm the fresh meat. :-)

Time to satisfy my SWEET tooth.


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avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
I made a big fart
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
OK. Had an attempted scam already. What looked like a knock-out honey was all excited to meet me. We exchanged phone numbers. In her 2nd text to me, she asks for $20 to help pay for her groceries. ARGH ! That means it was some pinhead in his mother's basement that had copied some girls IG photos to create a fake profile and scam pool PL's out of small amounts of money.

I've now noticed that profile is no longer on the site so somebody else has reported it. Some things don't change about the site.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
I guess the moral of the story is - while communicating on Seeking, treat Seeking as if it was a regular dating site.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
^ Yep. If you treat it like an escort site, you won't have much success and won't be on it long.
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
Stop trying to hit on little boys
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
^ Nah. I'd rather hit on little Filapina's with multiple personalities ! :-)
avatar for Subraman
3 years ago
" SOOOOOOOO I am not going to use those 3 letters together again"

Congrats on getting back on! It's not just those 3 letters -- just refuse to have ANY financial discussions on Seeking. The moment she says she wants to talk about finances, suggest switching to texting. If she refuses, move on, not worth the risk. Even any kind of innuendo can result in a ban. No financial discussions on Seeking, end of story.
avatar for sinclair
3 years ago
Seeking is advertising like crazy on Snapchat right now. The ads are making it seem like it is a dating site where the 18-25 demographic can date older, richer guys. I think alot of the young ladies who are signing up nowadays get a shock when the men on there don't want to spoil them with dates and shopping and trips, but just use them as a fuck toy.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
Maybe that is why I do well on the site. I do like the dating part of it. Don't get me wrong, I'm going use them as a fucktoy. But I do treat them nice.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I went on there before to see what it's about. Lots of hookers and delusional girls... like girls wanting their bills paid in exchange for texts. Snd lots of out of town girls just wanting contacts for when they're in town.

If you like the dating aspect. You can get better quality on Instagram going for the girls who "don't fuck for free"
avatar for psycho_trick
3 years ago is still available. hmm.
avatar for psycho_trick
3 years ago
FT review by lilmissfukmenow:

signed up on for a quick lay by some geezers, but they all wanted to take me on dates and shopping instead. wtf.
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
30 messages in 24 hours. Jesus. Net worth must be maxed on warriors profile. Or he’s just so god damn handsome these SBs can’t help themselves
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
Mud, my only public photo is me standing in the mirror with my phone covering my face. And I don't want to put down too big a Net worth. That's like wearing expensive clothes in a strip club. The girls start asking four figures for the ppm.
Nah, it's just being new. It will slow down.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ you’re just being modest, those seeking gals are seeking you buddy. 😷
avatar for Subraman
3 years ago
First couple of weeks of a new profile, the contacts are overwhelmingly scammers and escorts. I wouldn't get too excited yet 🤣
avatar for Subraman
3 years ago
In fact, best thing you can do for yourself is just hide your profile so no SB can see you unless you message them first. That at least means all the scammers and girls from different continents can't message you
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
^^^That’s what I do. Because how many times has it worked for me when the girl messages me first, not much tbh.
avatar for Subraman
3 years ago
Same with me. My initial contacts are scammers, uggos, online only girls, girls from the Philippines, escorts... and the occasional really hot prospect. But I would have found the hot prospect via search and contacted her myself anyway, so no gain for having profile visible.
avatar for iknowbetter
3 years ago
Glad you were able to get back on Seeking. Let us all know how it works out. I did the SA thing pre-Covid, with mixed results. I ultimately decided it was too much effort, but I’m occasionally tempted to go back. Interesting to hear that new profiles get so much attention. Must be flattering to be so popular.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
Yes, there are a fair number of ones from other countries. Venezuela , Phillipines, Ukraine. It's real easy to hit the HIDE button on those. But I think it must depend on what city you are in. I'm lucky that I'm seeking in cities where the Baby's outnumber the Daddy's. But you probably are right. The best relationships I have had are the ones where I started the contact. It's just nice to being the one that is being pursued . It gives an old guy an ego boost.
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