OT: Victim Fights Off Two Attempted Muggers In Philadelphia Shootout

avatar for Papi_Chulo
A man managed to fight off two armed assailants in Philadelphia while being shot twice.

Video from nearby buildings recorded a 46-year-old man fighting off two armed attackers in the early afternoon on Monday. The attempted muggers fled the scene in a dark SUV after the man managed to wrestle a gun from one of the attackers and fired upon the other.

The video, obtained by the Daily Mail, shows one assailant walking down a sidewalk. Another camera angle is then shown of the victim struggling with the assailant over a gun as the two collide with a stop sign before falling to the pavement.

The second assailant is seen running from across the street as the victim and the first attempted mugger struggle on the ground over a gun. The second assailant pulls a gun and appears to look for an open shot. For a moment, the victim is able to hold the first assailant between himself and the second before gaining control of the gun and exchanging fire with the second attacker.

The two men exchange fire as the second attacker drops to the ground, apparently shot. The first assailant is seen fleeing the scene as soon as he loses his gun.

The two attackers fled in a dark SUV that authorities thought to be an Infiniti. The victim was transported to a nearby hospital with bullet wounds to his buttock and left ankle.

[Video in link below]



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avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Another similar story:

"‘He Did Absolutely Nothing Wrong’: Florida Sheriff Won’t Charge Homeowner Who Fired Reported AK-47 Type Weapon At Home Invaders"

According to a Florida County sheriff, a homeowner who fired a reported AK-47-style firearm at home invaders will “absolutely not” face charges.

On July 7, 2022, three males appeared at the front door of the homeowner. When he unlocked the door, two of the men shoved him into the house, where they assaulted him while the third man waited outside with a handgun. The homeowner dropped his pistol, which was retrieved by one of his assailants, but the homeowner ran to the back of the house, picked up a reported AK-47-style firearm and fired at the intruders, forcing them to flee to the fourth suspect, who drove off with them.

Escambia County Sheriff Chip Simmons, asked if the homeowner had done anything wrong, told Fox News,“Absolutely not. If protecting your family and yourself is wrong, then I don’t know what we’re here for … He did absolutely nothing wrong.”

“When we look at whether the actions of the homeowner are reasonable, we try to think about what we would do,” he continued. “And I can tell you that if someone breaks into my front door, barges in and attacks me or my family, they are going to get shot, and I afford that same consideration to the residents of my county.”

“I don’t think there’s anything else to do; you have got to protect family, you have to protect yourself. And you have to use whatever reasonable means you have available to you … His life was obviously in danger … he certainly did what I would do,” Simmons concluded.

Da’Torrance Hackworth, 20, and Antonio Dewayne Dean Jr., 18, have been arrested on home invasion and illegal gun possession charges; Joseph Roman Sanders, 18, is still at large.

[Video in link below]

avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
There is a link to a different site. Just dismissing it as "oh it's a conservative source so it didn't happen" is a lazy ad hominem.

Philadelphia is yet more evidence of how progressive prosecutors turn cities into shitholes. Unfortunately one might be coming to Boston.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Papi chulo do you feel scared going to black clubs?
avatar for Lockjaw
3 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
"Democrats And Republicans Join Forces To Investigate Philadelphia’s Woke District Attorney"

Republicans and Democrats in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives announced a new committee this week devoted to examining rising crime rates in Philadelphia, hinting toward the recommended impeachment of District Attorney Larry Krasner (D-PA).

The “Select Committee on Restoring Law and Order” — led by three Republicans, as well as two Democrats representing Philadelphia — was created through the adoption of House Resolution 216. The legislation calls for lawmakers to investigate violent crime rates and the use of funds to prosecute offenders, and to make determinations on Krasner’s performance and suggest “removal from office or other appropriate discipline, including impeachment.”

“This bipartisan group of lawmakers understands that what residents and visitors of Philadelphia are currently experiencing must change,” House Speaker Bryan Cutler (R-PA) said in a statement. “I am confident these members will work together to find solutions and hold those in power accountable for allowing crime in Philadelphia to reach the levels they have today.”

After assuming his post in 2018, Krasner prioritized progressive changes to the criminal justice system, including lax bail policies and reduced prosecutions for certain crimes, prompting hundreds of attorneys to leave his office.

With 562 homicides, the City of Brotherly Love experienced its highest level of homicides in 2021. The most recent surge in killings began in 2020, according to Philadelphia Police Department (PPD) data. Yet Krasner has denied that violence is a growing issue in Philadelphia.

“We don’t have a crisis of lawlessness, we don’t have a crisis of crime, we don’t have a crisis of violence,” he said at a press conference last year. “It’s important that we don’t let this become mushy and bleed into the notion that there is some kind of big spike in crime.”

News of violent crime in Philadelphia has repeatedly made national headlines, however. Last month, three people were murdered and 11 wounded in a mass shooting that involved multiple gunmen in a neighborhood of Philadelphia known for its bars and restaurants. “The events that transpired last evening on South Street are beyond devastating,” Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney (D-PA) said at the time. “Once again, we see lives senselessly lost and those injured in yet another horrendous, brazen and despicable act of gun violence.”

In another high-profile incident, seven juveniles beat an elderly man to death with a traffic cone. “The teens struck the victim several times with objects, knocking the victim to the ground causing injuries to his head,” the PPD said. “The victim was transported to the hospital where he died of his injuries the following day.”

Krasner is by no means the only progressive prosecutor to face scrutiny in recent months. San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, who likewise eliminated cash bail and shifted priorities away from prosecuting shoplifters, was successfully recalled last month by the city’s voters. Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón presently faces a recall after more than 715,000 citizens endorsed a petition to begin the process, according to the Los Angeles Times.

A study from the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund recently found that George Soros — a progressive billionaire and founder of the Open Society Foundations — has spent roughly $40 million over the past decade to elect dozens of progressive prosecutors across the country. The officials preside over 20% of Americans and more than 40% of homicides in the United States.

avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago

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