So Texas feels like seceding (again!)
Texas Republicans want the state Legislature to pass a bill in its next session "requiring a referendum in the 2023 general election for the people of Texas to determine whether or not the State of Texas should reassert its status as an independent nation."…
So making this thread is probably a bad idea. But for those on this board who politically lean more conservative: if seceding were to actually happen, would that make Texas a more or less attractive place to live? And why? I’m just curious what the answers would be.…
So making this thread is probably a bad idea. But for those on this board who politically lean more conservative: if seceding were to actually happen, would that make Texas a more or less attractive place to live? And why? I’m just curious what the answers would be.
My views tend to run the gamut of the spectrum so I'm not sure if your question applies to me, but it would make me somewhat less likely to want to move there. But it's really impossible to know without details. Simple things like what is currently interstate travel become international travel. How simple would crossing that border be? Would I have to give up my US Citizenship to become a Texas Citizen? Would we extradite? How would my assets outside of Texas be treated? I'm guessing my employer wouldn't be Texas based, so I'd have to deal with that mess. Fuck it, Texas isn't that much different than Florida, wtf would I move?
So far I’m only thinking you guys eat alligators and Texans eat armadillos are the only differences.
Would I live there? It would still be hot, dry, dusty, flat and foreign to me, a skier, so FUCK NO.
The most interesting part of their resolution was the explicit declaration that the 2020 election was stolen, and that Biden is NOT the president.
IDK enough to know how it would work out for any state to go at it alone - off the top of my head one would think any state would have a tough time going at it alone - not to mention that depending on who is in charge of the country, they may use the US/Federal power against the seceding state vs working in good faith as w/ any other country.
w.r.t. moving to an independent TX - I guess that would be an option just like there are millions of Americans that have exercised the option to live outside the US - if the US became a woke state where conservatives would be targeted and be treated as second-class-citizens then it would def be an option including leaving the US.
I imagine talk of secession has been around for many years in different states and it's never come close - thus I assume it'd be something unlikely and unlikely to be passed by the majority of the state's electorate - seems something often used as political-tactics to rile-up a segment of the electorate.
And it’s no secret that most of the recent exodus has been from blue-areas to red-areas even with all the conservative bashing in the liberal-media – even looking at political maps, rare to see an area/state go from blue to red, but more come to see red-areas go blue or purple; and that is generally not from a change-of-heart of the people living in the particular-state; but from people leaving blue-areas b/c they don’t feel they can live there anymore but yet go to red-areas and w/ time turn-them blue or purple which doesn’t make sense but it is what it is.
New Mexico (Blue state) is the state most dependent on the federal gov - other blue areas like Maine; Vermont; DC; and even Hawaii; make the top 15 - i.e. some areas have stronger economies independent of political leaning
The Constitution explicitly allows for interstate compacts. The Federal Government should be reduced down to doing military defense, foreign border control and little else. The blue states can form a compact to provide other government services and they see fit. If Texas still wants to secede, so be it. The blue states should provide assistance to poorer people who need to flee the red states.
Most of the states that get a lot of funding have national laboratories (like New Mexico) or military bases. California would be fucked without water (like the Colorado River) coming from the east.
All this secession shit is crazy talk borne of people who haven't thought through what's really required.
I don't think that's how making babies works, but your joke on the other thread about getting kicked down a well in the land of Stripperweb was funny.
I don't think I've ever heard a stupider analogy - I guess if a woman needs an abortion then all she has to do is draw some blood; SMH - I assume you're a dedicated MSNBC viewer to think that analogy makes sense.
Texas v White made it illegal. Ie the US is an indestructible union and no state can secede.
Jefferson Davis used the 10th amendment to justify the confederacy. Which led to the Civil war. Guess you support the confederacy now. You can't have a constitutional procedure for something not constitutional
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
So, I reckon there are causes that might impel separation among states once United...
The part about bonds dealt with that they were sold illegally during the confederacy. That yhe US has sole jurisdiction over them and ruled secession illegal. The SCOTUS said a state can't take on federal responsibilities. And it recognized the confederate secession as illegal and that the confederacy had no legal jurisdiction.
Really? Ok question, how do you dissolve a state? Put it in a glass of water like a tab of Alka Seltzer?
BTW, how was your junteenth holiday? I didn't see you online, did you have a good day?
You're supporting the confederacy and you're from Massachusetts 😂😂😭😭😭
THe rape of the South was economic, and that was because by 1873 we were in the first world wide recession. Capitalism was broken and it would never be fixed. The South was then made into an internal Third World. And this is when the Republican Party became the Party of Big Business, instead of racial justice.
Really? Ok question, how do you dissolve a state? Put it in a glass of water like a tab of Alka Seltzer?
BTW, how was your junteenth holiday? I didn't see you online, did you have a good day?
Secession is unconstitutional.